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Chronology :  1861 | 1862 | 1863 | 1864 | After

History Detail Pages


Fort Independence


Camp at Sharpsburg, Aug. 1861

Camp at Sandy Hook

Camp at Darnestown

Detachment at Monocacy, (Company C)

Nine Weeks at Harper's Ferry

Battle of Bolivar Heights, Oct. 16, 1861

Major Gould's appearance at the Joint Committe on the War

 Camp at Williamsport, 1861

Detachment at Hancock

Stonewall Assaults Dam No. 5

Camp at Willamsport, 1862

Advance to Virginia

With Old Crummy to Camp Misery

 A Change in Plans 

To Front Royal & Back

 General Pope Takes Command

General Pope's Retreat

Battle of 2nd Bull Run

New Commanders, New Men, New Hope

The Maryland Campaign & Battle of Antietam

Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

Camp at Sharpsburg, Sept.- Oct.,1862

A Hard March to Fredericksburg, Oct. 26th - Dec. 10th 1862

The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 11th - 15th 1862

The Battle of Fredericksburg, Part 2

The Battle of Fredericksburg, Part 3

End of the Year, 1862, part 1

End of the Year, part 2; Adjutant General's Summary Report, 1862

End of the Year, 1862, part 3


These special pages contain stories that do not fit neatly into the regiment's chronology.

Around Washington, 1862 - 1863; In Hospitals

Around Washington, 1862 - 1863; Camp Convalescent

Around Washington, 1862 - 1863; Good Times with Company B

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Winter Camp, January, 1863

Winter Camp, February, 1863

Winter Camp, March, 1863

 General Hooker in Command - Rebuilding the Army

General Hooker in Command - Chancellorsville Campaign

General Hooker in Command - Back in Camp

A Hard March North - White Oak Church to Guilford Station

The Cavalry Battles at Aldie, Middleburg & Upperville

A Hard March North - Guilford Station to Emmitsburg

Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863

Battle of Gettysburg, July 1st; Ancillary Stories

Gettysburg, July 2, 1863

Gettysburg, July 3, 1863

Gettysburg, Casualties

Aftermath of Battle, July 4 & 5, 1863

Aftermath of Battle, Field Hospitals

Official Reports, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division

Gettysburg; The Fate of the Prisoners

The Pursuit of Lee's Army;  July 4 - 29, 1863

On The Rappahannock; Part 1, Digging In

On The Rappahannock; Part 2, The Conscripts

On the Rappahannock; Part 3, The Consequences of Desertion

Advance to the Rapidan; Part 1;  The Cavalry Clears the Way for the Infantry

Advance to the Rapidan, Part 2;  The Infantry Advances

Advance to the Rapidan, Part 3;  Picketing the River

Advance to the Rapidan, Part 4;  Dr. Lloyd Hixon

The Culpeper-Centreville Express; (Bristoe Campaign)

Fall of 1863, Part 1

Fall of 1863, Part 2;  Return to the Rappahannock River

Mine Run, The Forgotten Campaign, Nov. 26 –– Dec. 3, 1863

Year End, 1863, Part 1; “Send Me A Box”

Year End, 1863, Part 2; Massachusetts Adjutant General's Report

Year End, 1863, Part 3;  Loose Ends

Outpost Duty at Mitchell's Station, January 1864

Winter Camp, Part 2, February 1864

Second Corps Skirmish at Morton's Ford, February 6, 1864

Return to Table of Contents

Soldiers' Letters, & Articles

Letters of Charles Follen Adams, Company A

December 14, 1862, Fredericksburg
December 23, 1862 - "send me a box"
Belle Plain Landing, February 8th, 1863
Belle Plain Landing, March 21st, 1863
Belle Plain Landing, March 27th, 1863
Camp near Belle Plain, April 2nd 1863
Camp near White Oak Church, May 26th, 1863
Reminiscence of his wounding at Gettysburg, Boston Globe; June 29, 1913

Letter of Charles Andrews, Company I

December 17, 1862, "retreat from Fredericksburg at night"
April 14th, 1863, "under marching orders"

Letter of Michael G. Ayers, Company B

Holmesburg, PA, September 9, 1915; (2nd Bull Run)

Letter of Lt. Col. N. Walter Batchelder

Skirmish at Falling Waters, 1861
Report to Massachusetts Governor John Andrew; Gettysburg
Official Report on Gettysburg

Articles by Clarence H. Bell, Company D

"Some Camp Amusements" (Darnestown excerpt)
"Old Corporal"
"Chicken Stew"
"A Hot Time in Winchester" (abridged)
"How We Opened The Rail Road"
Some Camp Amusements
"A Night March"
"Short Rations"
Poem:  On the Rappahannock
"General Custer" (excerpt from "Frills")

Letters of George E. Bigelow, Company C

George's story and letters can be read collectively here
(or click on links below to access letters individually)

October 18, 1862; new to the service
November 23, 1862
Letter from Captain O.C. Livermore re: George's Death
Letter of George's Sister Annie re: George's Death
Brief Memorial Biography of Elliot Chapin (George's Grandson)

Articles by Charles H. Bingham, Company C

Experiences of a Raw Recruit (part 1)
Experiences of a Raw Recruit (part 2)
The Straggler
Roland Morris

Articles by Edwin H. Brigham, Company A

A Reminiscence of Thoroughfare Gap

Diary of Sergeant John Boudwin, Company A

April 1 - 9, 1863
April 10 - 14, 1863
April 15 - 28, 1863
May 8 - 17, 1863
May 18 - 26, 1863
May 27, 1863 (Gen. Reynold's Review)
May 28 - 31
June 1 - 11, 1863
June 12- 24, March North, (throughout page)
June 25-27, 1863
June 28 - 29, 1863
June 30, 1863
July 1, 1863, Battle of Gettysburg
July 2nd, Prisoner
July 3rd, Prisoner
The March to Staunton (Summary)
Life at Belle Isle Prison (Summary)

Letters of Bill Cary, Company D

April 5, 1862; Description of Bull Run Battlefield
September 24, 1862, Antietam
Letter to Colonel Leonard, January 11, 1864

Letters of George S. Cheney, Company E

Cheney was a correspondent to the Roxbury City Gazette using the pen-name AZOF"

Roxbury City Gazette, Letter of George Cheney
Roxbury City Gazette; July 10, 1862
Roxbury City Gazette; August 19, 1862
Roxbury City Gazette; August 25, 1862
Roxbury City Gazette, September 11, 1862,  2nd Bull Run
September 8, 1862, Fairfax Seminary Hospital
September 8, 1862, Fairfax Seminary Hospital (2)
November 8, 1862, Post Hospital, Alexandria
November 19, 1862, Convalescents Camp
November 23, 1862, Convalescents Camp
December 5, 1862, Convalescents Camp
December 22, 1862, Post Hospital
December 25, 1862, Convalescent Camp, Near Fort Bernard
January 13, 1862, Convalescents Camp, Near Fort Bernard
February 6, 1863,  Convalescents Camp, Near Fort Bernard
May 19, 1863, Roxbury, Mass.
May 28, 1863; Roxbury Gazette
Essay:  Who Is Azof?

Correspondence of CLARENCE

Boston Transcript correspondent "CLARENCE" may be Clarence Bell, the writing style is similar, however I cannot confirm his identity.   He faithfully reported on the doings of the regiment in the pages of the Boston Transcript.

Boston Evening Transcript, July 30, 1863; Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Evening Transcript; July 31, 1863; Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Transcript; August 8, 1863; Letter from CLARENCE:  Cavalry Fight
Boston Transcript; August 12, 1863; Letter from CLARENCE:  Rapp Station
Boston Transcript; August 15, 1863;  Letter from CLARENCE:  Affairs in Camp
Boston Transcript; August 22, 1863, Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Transcript; September 7, 1863,  Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Transcript; September 10, 1863, Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Transcript, October 22, 1863, Letter from CLARENCE, (recap of Bristoe Camaign)
Boston Transcript, November 4, 1863, Letter from CLARENCE
Boston Transcript, Nov. 11, 1863, Camp at Licking Run
Mine Run Campaign (start)
(This article has been divided across the page)
Mine Run Continued, (Nov. 27)
Mine Run, Continued (Nov. 28)
Mine Run, Continued (Nov. 30)
(scroll through the section for entire entry)
Mine Run Campaign, (finish)
Boston Transcript, February 29, 1864  Letter, Mitchell's Station

Report of Captain Joseph Colburn, Co. E


Diary of Calvin Conant, Company G

September 15 - 23, 1863, advance into Culpeper County
September 24 - 28, 1863, march toward the Rapidan
October 3 & 4, 1863
October 9, 1863
October 10, 1863, March to Mortons Ford
October 10, March to Stevensburg
October 11, 1863
October 12, 1863
October 13, 1863, March to Bristoe
October 14, 1863, March to Centreville
October 15––17, 1863, Centreville
October 19, 1863, March to Thoroughfare Gap
October 20, 1863, Thoroughfare Gap
October 21––23, 1863 Thoroughfare Gap
October 24––29, 1863, Bristoe Station
October 30 - November 4, 1863, Kettle Run
November 5 & 6, 1863, Catlett's Station
November 7, 1863
November 9, 10, 11 (scroll through the section)
November 12 & 13, 1863
November 14-17 (scroll through this short section)
November 18-19, 1863
Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, 1863
November 27, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 28, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 29, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 30, 1863, (Mine Run)
December 1, 1863, (Mine Run)
December 8 - 17, 1863
December 18 - 19
December 21 - 23
December 24
December 25, Christmas
December 26 - 28
December 29 - 31

Articles by Charles E. Davis, Jr.

A Freak and a Fiend
General Hartsuff and the Baked Beans
God's Blessing
"Shelter Tents"
"The Joint Stock Frying Pan Company"
The 3 Ponies of Company B
From Manassas to Boston
"A Narrow Escape,"  (Corporal Bob Armstrong)
Narrative of the Battle of Fredericksburg
Winter Camp, 1863
Shirks & Heros
Chancellorsville, Opening Moves, April 28 - 30 1863
Chancellorsville - Retreat
"You Have Insulted ze Gener-al"
The Army Really Wanted to Fight
"Old Bowells"
Drafting For Recruits
The Conscripts
A Failed Apology
Advance to Pony Mountain
October 9, 1863, Deficiency of Shovels
October 10, 1863, March to Mortons Ford
October 10, March to Stevensburg
October 11, 1863
November 5; March to Catlett's Station
November 7, 1863,  March to Morrisville
November 8, 1863, Comment on Genl. French & the Service
November 23, 1863
November 25, 1863
Thanksgiving Day, 1863 (Mine Run March)
November 27, 1863, (Mine Run)
(keep scrolling through the entire section for all of the narrative here)
November 28, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 29, 1863,  (Mine Run)
November 30, 1863, Baseball, (Mine Run)
December 1, 1863 (Retreat)
End of Mine Run, December 2, 1863
December 3, 1863 Camp near Kellys Ford
December 24, (short)
December 26,  Mitchells Station
December 28, "The Old Flag"
December 31
January 1, 1864; A New Camp
The Conscritps, Update
We Are Asked To Re-enlist
More About Re-enlistment

Letter of Frank Davis, Company K

April 7, 1862;  New Recruit

Reminiscences of Private Levi L. Dorr, Company B


Thomas J. Downey, Company E

Reminiscence of Gettysburg, Boston Globe, June 29, 1913

Letter of Sergeant Charles A. Drew, Company A


Letter of Prince Dunton, Company H

Antietam, September 24, 1862
Brief notes on his death

Reminiscences of Sergeant John Sawyer Fay, Company F

"The Battles of South Mountain & Antietam"
Camp at Sharpsburg, 1862
March to Fredericksburg
Battle of Fredericksburg
Burnside's Stuck-in-the-Mud March
Review by President Lincoln, April 9th 1863
"Libby Prison" - Memoirs of John S. Fay

Letter of Edwin Field, Company B

May 24th, 1863, Camp near White Oak Church
Biographical Summary

Report of Lieutenant John Foley, Company G


Diary of William Henry Forbush, (3rd US Artillery)

Letter, September 17, 1861, Funeral of John L. Spencer
June 17 - 19, 1863; Battle of Middleburg
June 21, 1863; Battle of Upperville
June 22-27, 1863
The Fight at Smithsburg, July 5, 1863
Diary Entry, July 6, 1863;  Buford hangs a spy.
Diary Entries July 10 - 11, 1863
Diary Entries September 11 - 13, 1863
Diary Entry September 14, 1863
Diary Entries September 15 & 16, 1863
Diary Entry September 17, 1863

Letters of Charles Bernard Fox, Company K

At Harper's Ferry, Virginia, October 6th 1861
October 19th 1861
November 4th 1861
At Williamsport, Maryland
At Front Royal, Virginia
At Cedar Run, Virginia
 2nd Battle of Bull Run
September 21, 1862, Antietam
Lieutenant Fox's list of Casualties at Antietam
October 25, 1862, Sharpsburg, Md.
November 7, 1862, Warrenton, Virginia
November 27, 1862, Camp near Brooks Station

Letters of Warren H. Freeman, Company A

Williamsport, January 4, 1862
Williamsport, January 19, 1862
Williamsport, February 3, 1862
Williamsport, February 23, 1862, Washington's Birthday
Martinsburg, Va., March 3, 1862
March 7, 1862, Advance to Bunker Hill
March 14, 1862, Advance to Winchester
March 17, 1862, Winchester, Reconaissance in Force
March 30, 1862; Winchester to Manassas
April 13, 1862, Picket duty at Manassas
April 20, 1862, Warrenton Jctn.
April 27, 1862, Manassas
May 4, 1862, picket duty at Catlett's Station
May 18, 1862 at Falmouth
May 23, 1862, Opposite Fredericksburg
June 15, Front Royal
June 22, Manassas
July 5, 1862; Warrenton, Va.
July 29, 1862, Warrenton, Va.; Routine of Camp Life
August 25 & 26, 1862; Near Warrenton; Artillery Duel
Hall's Hill, September 4, 1862
Near Sharpsburg, September 21, 1862
Near Sharpsburg, October 3, 1862
Near Warrenton, November 8, 1862
Near Rappahannock Station, November 17, 1862
Near Brooks Station, December 4, 1862
December 25, 1862 - Frederocksburg; suffering from the cold weather
December 30, 1862; Fredericksburg, con'td.
January 16 & 21, 1863
February 16th, 1863, Hospital Camp
February 24th 1863, Return to the Regiment
Review by President Lincoln, April 13th 1863 
Chancellorsville, May 7th 1863
Near FItzhugh Mansion, May 18th 1863 
Near White Oak Church, June 7th, 1863
June 20th, 1863
July 7, 1863, Gettysburg
July 12, 1863, Gettysburg, cont'd
July 17, 1863, Parole Camp
July 26, 1863, Parole Camp
September 13, 1863, Return to the Regiment
October 3, 1863, Executions
October 29, 1863, Re-cap of the Bristoe Campaign Marches
November 5, 1863, from Bristoe Station Camp
November 13, 1863, Warrenton Junction
November 17, 1863, Warrenton Junction
December 7, 1863, Mine Run Campaign
December 18, 1863
January 3, 1864, Mitchell's Station, Building Huts in Cold Weather
January 12, 1864, Mitchell's Station; New Hut & Conscripts Commentary
January 23, 1864, Mitchell's Station; Journalist Visits Camp
February 1, 1864, Mitchell's Station; 13th MA Flags at the Statehouse
February 22-23, 1864; Mitchell's Station; Received Box from Home

Lieutenant Edwin R. Frost

Letter to Governor John Andrew, Nov. 10, 1862
Letter to Father, Sept. 28, 1864

Letters of Major Jacob Parker Gould

Harper's Ferry

Letter Excerpts of Sergeant David Hicks, Company B


Letters of George Henry Hill, Company B

At Darnestown
2nd Bull Run
Battle of Fredericksburg
Belle Plain Landing, January 6th, 1863 - Morale
Belle Plain Landing, March 3rd 1863 - A Box from Home
Belle Plain Landing, March 21st 1863
Chancellorsville, May 5th 1863
May 9th 1863
August 4th 1863, Battle of Gettysburg
August 4th, continued, Prisoner of War
January 17, 1864 (Negative Opinions on Re-enlisting)
Mitchell's Station, February 14, 1864; Supports the Government
Mitchell's Station, February 23, 1864, Heavy Picket Duty

Dr. Lloyed Wells Hixon,  Assistant Surgeon

A Memorial Biography

Lieutenant Charles E. Horne, Company G

November 11;  (Horne has probalby recently returned to the regt. after Gettysburg).
November 18, 1863
December 6, 1863, Camp Near Kellys Ford

Letter of Captain W. H. Jackson, Company C

To Colonel Leonard about Bolivar Heights

Articles by George Edward Jepson, Company A

General Joseph Hooker (excerpt)
Fredericksburg (incidents in the regiment)

Letter of Llewellyn Jones, Company G

September 22, 1861, Darnestown, Getting Used to Army Life

Letter of Captain John Kurtz

Report to Col. Leonard from Frederick City Junction, Sept. 12, 1861

Private George H. Lehman, Co. E

Reminiscence of Gettysburg, Boston Globe, June 29, 1913.

Letters of Charles Leland, Company B

February 27, 1862
December 17, 1862 - Battle of Fredericksburg
December 25th, 1862
January 25th, 1863 - Burnside's Mud March
February 8th, 1863 - Desertions
May, 1863, Chancellorsville
May 9th 1863
June 23, 1863 (summary) & June 29, 1863

From Colonel Leonard's Papers

Letter from John C. Moore, (Priv. Darwin Bartlett is AWOL & wants to return)
Promotions in the Regiment, October 27, 1863 letter to Governor Andrew
November 12, to Asst. Adjutant-General William Rogers, (promotions follow-up)
December 18, List of Names of Men who Re-enlisted
Letter to Governor John Andrew, February  6, 1864 (promotions)
Letter to Adjutant-General William Schouler, February 24, 1864.

Letters of Albert Liscom, Company C

August 23, 1861, Sharpsburg, Md.
September 5, 1861, Detachment at Monocacy
September 29, 1861, Monocacy
July 19, 1862, Waterloo, VA [excerpt]
July 29, 1862, Waterloo, VA
September 7, 1862; Post Camp, VA
September 19, 1862
September 23, 1862; Mount Pleasant Hospital
September 27, 1862
October 3 & 8, 1862, Washington
October 9, 1862 (2)
October 16, 1862; Mount Pleasant Hospital
October 19, 1862; downtown
October 26, 1862, Mount Pleasant Hospital
Visit to the Theatre
October 29, 1862 (back to the theatre)
October 30, 1862; Mount Pleasant Hospital
November 10, Philadelphia
November 23, Philadelphia
December 4, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
December 5, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
December 9, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
December 12, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
December 20, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
January 4, 1863, National Guard Hall Gen'l Hosp'l
January 5, 1863
January, 1863, Last Letter

Reminiscence of Lyman Low, Company B

2nd Bull Run

Letters of James Lowell, Company A

At Hancock
September 10, 1920, about Antietam

Charles Manning, Company B

Letter Excerpt, August 31, 1863
Letter Excerpt, October 12, 1863

Article by Captain Charles F. Morse, Commissary Dept.

Why We Wouldn't Meet Mosby

Letter of William A. Newhall, Company F

July 8, 1863, Gettysburg & Parole Camp

Letters of John B. Noyes, Company B

At Fort Independence
July 2nd 1861
On Board the Connecticut, July 30th 1861
Camp at Sharpsburg, August, 1861
Camp at Sandy Hook, September, 1861
Camp at Darnestown, Md.
Review at Darnestown
At Williamsport, 1861
Thanksgiving, 1861
At Hancock, 1861
Return to Camp, Jan 4, 1862
Williamsport Ladies Grand Concert, February 22, 1862
Advance to Martinsburg, March 2, 1862
Sutlers, May 2,1862
General Hartsuff v. Gen'l. Abercrombie, May 11, 1862
Front Royal, June 13, 1862
Waterloo, Va.; July 31, 1862
Near Warrenton, August 25, 1862
2nd Bull Run, September 6, 1862
Conduct of Officers at 2nd Bull Run; September 26, 1862
September 8th, 1862
September 18, 1862, Near Keedysville, MD
September 21, 1862, Hagerstown, MD
September 30, 1862, Harrisburg, PA, Battle of Antietam
October 13, 1862, Harrisburg, PA, Col. Leonard's Visit
January 16, 1863, Brooklyn, NY
Diary Excerpts, Jan. 20 - 26, 1863
January 21, 1863, Harrisburg, PA
Diary Entries, Jan. 25-26;  & Letter to Mother,  January 27, 1863, Washington, DC
Diary Excerpt, January 27 & Letter to Martha, Washington, DC
Diary Excerpts, Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, 1863, Washington, DC;  Theatre Visit
Belle Plain Landing, Return to Camp, February 15th 1863
Description of his tent-mates, February 19th 1863
A Description of Picket Duty, February 24th 1863
A Walk Through the Muddy Army of the Potomac, March 13th 1863
A View from Headquarters, March 30th 1863
April 5th 1863, Headquarters. Army of the Potomac
April 12th 1863, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac
Diary Excerpts April 28 - May 1, 1863, Washington, DC
Letter, May 1, 1863, Washington, DC (saw John Wilkes Booth in Romeo & Juliet)
May 4th 1863, Chancellorsville, [28th Mass. Vols]
July 17, 1863, [28th Mass.]  Commentary on the Pursuit
September 14, 1863, Supporting the Cavalry Reconnaissance into Culpeper County
October 16, 1863; Battles of Auburn & Bristoe Station (28th MA)
December 18, 1863, Visit to the 13th Regiment

Reminiscence of George F. D. Paine, Company A

How I Left Bull Run Battlefield

Letter Addressed to Captain Moses Palmer

Letter from J. C. Curtis - sending supplies, Dec. 4, 1862.

Reminiscences & Letters of Elliot C. Pierce, Field & Staff

A Midnight Ride
Letter from Elliot to his Sister, September 18, 1861, Darnestown
Letter to Elliot from his Sister & Mother, Sept. 22, 1861
Letter from Elliot to his Sister, Sept. 22, 1861, Life in the Army
First Anniversary of the Regiment
Letter of William Clarke to his friend Elliot Pierce, April, 1863
Letter, January 22nd 1863
Diary Excerpts, 1863 (With the Ambulance Corps)

January 17 – 31, 1864
February 3 – 6, 1864
February 7 - 14, 1864
February 15 – 20, 1864 (long section)
February 21 – 29, 1864 (long section)

Letter of Charles S. Pratt, Company G

July 29, 1863, Bealeton Station, VA

Letters of James Ramsey, Company E

At Fort Independence
July 15, 1861
At Sharpsburg, August, 1861
At Sandy Hook
September 6th, To Darnestown by Canal Boat
At Darnestown, Md., October 9th
The March to Williamsport
In Camp at Williamsport, 1861
At Hancock, Maryland, 1861
Expedition to Bath
Williamsport, January 12, 1862
January 27, 1862, Cooking for the Company
March 13, 1862, The Advance to Winchester
April 11, 1862, Foraging Party
May 22, 1862, Opposite Fredericksburg
June 5, 1862, near Front Royal
June 12, 1862, death of John Brown, 12th Mass. Vol. Inf.
July 7, 1862; Warrenton, Va.
August 20-22; North bank of the Rappahannock
September 9th 1862; 2nd Bull Run
September 25th, 1862; Hospital Care
October 5, 1862 Harewood Hospital
Letter of Recommendation for the Navy

Letters of Edwin Rice, Band

Fort Independence
Darnestown, Maryland
Williamsport, Maryland, 1861
Williamsport, December 2nd
Williamsport, December 15
Williamsport, Christmas Eve
Williamsport, January 7, 1862
Williamsport, January 26, 1862
Williamsport, February 10, 1862
Williamsport, February 28, 1862
Martinsburg, Va., March 4, 1862
Bunker Hill, Va., March 7, 1862
Bunker Hill, March 9, 1862, Cavalry Fight
Winchester, Va., March 12, 1862
April 19, 1862, Schedule of the Band
May 1, 1862, General Hartsuff
Camp at Catlett's Station, May 11, 1862
Falmouth, Va., May 16, 1862
Front Royal, June 7, 1862
Manassas, June 26, 1862
Warrenton, July 16, 1862
Waterloo, July 23, 1862
Camp near Cedar Mountain, August 14, 1862

Letters of Private William H. H. Rideout, Company B

Rideout Letters Notes
February 15, 1863, Washington D.C.
February 22, 1863, Friend Lydia
February 25, 1863, Washington D.C.
February 26, 1863, Feeling a little homesick
March 24, 1863, On the Quartermaster's Wharf all day
March 31, 1863, Mass Meeting at the Capitol
April 14, 1863, Out to Alexandria & some Forts
October 14, 1863, Marriage Plans

Remembrances of Lt. Edward Fay Rollins, Company D

Picket Duty on the Battlefield at Night (Gettysburg, July 3rd 1863).
  Drilling The Recruits; "File Left"
Dr. Stringfellow's Slaves
Lt. Rollins Detail (Mine Run)

Memoirs of Charles H. Roundy, Company F

How I Enlisted
Fort Independence
John Brown
Camp at Williamsport
A Secret for 16 Years
Retrospective & Pope's Retreat

Letters of Private John Shaw, Company A

Hospital Tent, July 1 - 4, 1863
July 11, 1863

Letters of Capt. R. Shriber, Company I

Court Marshall Proceedings and Correspondence
 October 31, 1861; appointed to Gen'l Banks Staff

Reminiscences of David Sloss, Co. B

Gettysburg Letter, July 5, 1863

Letter of George Spaulding, Company D

Letter, August 23, 1863 - flirting with a girl through the mail

Memoirs of Bourne Spooner, Company D

Reminiscence of the Battle of Fredericksburg
After the Battle of Fredericksburg (brief)
Battle of Gettysburg
Gettysburg Prisoner, July 2
Gettysburg Prisoner, July 3
Experiences Directly After Gettysburg

Memoirs of Austin C. Stearns, Company K

Fort Independence
Camp at Sharpsburg, 1861
Harper's Ferry
Scouting Parties at Harper's Ferry
March to Hancock and Back
Who Took Martinsburg?
Company K and the Flag
Death of Patrick Cleary
The Heights of Centreville
A Tree Falls in Camp
Front Royal
"Lets Be Jolly" - Chaplain Gaylord
"Lights Out in K"
"Tour of the Battlefield of Cedar Mountain"
"Old Heath"
  2nd Bull Run
"New Commanders, New Men, New Hope"
The Battle of Antietam
March to Fredericksburg (excerpts)
Battle of Fredericksburg
Commentary on the Battle of Fredericksburg
Back in Old Quarters
Hooker in Command - Games Played by Boys
"Protecting the Citizens"
"Bringing in the Safeguard"  (just before Chancellorsville)
"The Effects of a Shell"
"Death of Stonewall Jackson"
"We Are Veterans,"  June, 1863
Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
Gettysburg, Incidents
Prisoner in the Town of Gettysburg, July 2nd
Prisoner in the Town of Gettysburg, July 3rd
Pursuit of Lee, Battle-cry of Freedom, July 7, 1863
Pursuit of Lee, Fox Gap Remembrance
Commentary on the army's pursuit of Lee
Private Lee at Harmony & Crossing Goose Creek
Lieutenant-Colonel Batchelder
"New Men"
Crossing Kelly's Ford
On the March, October 13, 1863
"On Unlucky Ground"
"Old Heath's Coat"
"There's One in Every Group"
November 25, 1863
Thanksgiving, 1863
November 27, 1863 (Mine Run)
November 28, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 29, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 30, 1863, (Mine Run)
End of Mine Run Campaign
A Visit Home (Furlough)
Return From Furlough To Mitchell's Station
Picket Duty; Mitchell's Station
Scoundrel Walter S. C. Heath
Nat Seaver & Al Sanborn

Reminiscences & Articles of Walter Swan

Hospitals after 2nd Bull Run
George Maynard, Medal of Honor

Letter of Charles J. Taylor

September 5, 1862, Hall's Hill, Virginia
(& Death of at Fredericksburg)

Memoirs of Morton Tower

Report for Company B at the Battle of Fredericksburg
Escape From Libby Prison
Escape From Libby Prison (reprise) February 1864 Page

Letters of John Viles, Band

August 6, 1861, Sharpsburg, Md.
August 11, 1861, Sharpsburg, Md.
August, 15, 1861, Sharpsburg, Md.
October 5, 1861, Darnestown, Md., Officer's Wives in Camp

Journal of Colonel Charles Wainwright, 1st Corps Artillery

July 6, 1863, The Army Marches
July 7, 1863
July 9, 1863, Buford's Fight at Beaver Creek
July 11, 1863; Military Situation
July 13, 1863, Council of War & Unit Strength
July 14, 1863, Strength of Lee's defenses
July 20, 1863, Mosby captures Major Sanderson
July 24, 1863, General Newton is Lazy
August 1 - 2, 1863, Reconnaissance at Rapp Station
Sword Presentation to General Meade, August 29, 1863
Advance Toward the Rapidan, Sept. 24, 1863
A Ride Around the 1st Corps Position, Sept. 27, 1863
A Visit to Headquarters, September 30, 1863
Recruiting from the Volunteer Infantry, October 4, 1863
October 9, 1863, We May Expect Work
October 10, 1863, Mortons Ford
October 10, March to Stevensburg
October 11, 1863
October 14, 1863, March to Centreville
October 19-20,  March to Thoroughfare Gap, & Kilpatrick
October 27, March to, and Camp at Bristoe
November 7, 1863, Meade's Advance
November 8, 1863, Lost Chance
November 29, 1863, Mine Run
December 2, 1863, Mine Run
December 6, 1863, Kellys Ford
December 10, 1863
December 23, 1863, Orders to March
December 27, 1863, A New Camp
January 7, 1864, 1st & 3rd Corps to be Broken Up?
January 21, 1864, Oysters are Available to Purchase
January 28, 1864, Exquisite Weather, Women in Camp

Letters of Dennis G. Walker, Company A

July 31, 1862; Waterloo, Va.
Undated, (between Dec. 17, 1862 & Jan. 20, 1863)
January 25th 1863 - The Mud March

Remembrance of Melvin H. Walker, Company K

President Lincoln
'A Personal Experience', [excerpt] Gettysburg
'A Personal Experience', Gettysburg portion completed
Hospital Experiences
A  Personal Experience, about recruit John Parra

Letters of Oliver H. Walker, Company C

August 2nd & 5th, 1861
August 20th, 1861
December 2nd, 1861

Memoirs of William R. Warner, Company K

Bolivar Heights
Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
July 2, 1863 - Recollections of July 1
Narrative of July 2, 1863
Narrative of July 3, 1863

Diary of Samuel Derrick Webster, Company D

March 12 - 14, 1862; fixing the steam engine at Martinsburg
March 23 - 27, 1862, excerpts; Marches, Reconaissance
April 11, 1862; Quality of Water in Camp
April 24, 1862; Playing Tricks on the Commissary
May 1, 1862; New Brigade Commander Hartsuff
August 29 - 30th, 1862; 2nd Bull Run
August 31st - September 9th 1862
September 11th - 15th, 1862
September 16th - 18th, 1862
September 18th - October 16th, 1862
March to Fredericksburg, Nov. 9th - Dec. 7th, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 12th - 14th, 1862
December 25 - 26, 1862
Belle Plain Landing, January 12th - 20th, 1863
January 25th - 30th, 1863
March 19th & 20th 1863
April 2nd 1863 - Hooker compliments the regiment
April 9th 1863 - Review by President Lincoln
May 2nd - 8th 1863, Chancellorsville Campaign
Excerpts, March North, June 12th - 24th (throughout page)
June 26 - 29, 1863
June 30, 1863
July 1, 1863; Gettysburg
July 2, 1863; Gettysburg
July 4, 1863, Gettysburg
July 7 - 9, 1863
July 12 - 14, 1863
July 16, 1863
July 21, 1863
July 27 - August 5, 1863
August 28, 1863 - Execution of 5 Deserters
September 24 - 27, 1863
October 2, 1863
October 4 1863
October 7 & 9, 1863, Dr. Hixon's classes
October 10, 1863, March to Stevensburg
October 11, 1863
October 12, 1863
October 13, 1863, March to Bristoe
October 14, March to Centreville
October 15, 1863, Centreville
October 19, 1863, March to Hay Market
October 20, 1863, Thoroughfare Gap
October 21––23, Thoroughfare Gap
October 24, 1863, Bristoe
November 5 & 6, 1863, Fire in the Camp of the 16th Maine
November 7, 1863
November 9, 10, 11, 1863 (scroll through this section)
November 14 & 16, 1863 (scroll through short section)
November 19, 1863, Licking Run
November 25, 1863
Thanksgiving, 1863
November 27, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 28, 1863, (Mine Run)
November 30, 1863, Baseball, Henry Eppel, (Mine Run)
December  3 - 8, 1863 (Paoli Mills / Kellys Ford)
December 14, 1863
December 19, 1863
December 21, 1863
December 24, 1863, March to Mitchells Station
December 25, 1863
December 28, 1863
December 31, 1863
Mitchell's Station, January 1 -– 10, 1864
January 14, 1864
February 6 – 8, 1864
February 23 - 28, 1864

Return to Top of Page

Soldiers' Biographical Notes

George A. Atkinson, Company F

Brief Biographical Notes

Algernon Auld, Company C

Very Brief Notes

Major Edward Carey Baird, Adjutant General's Department

Brief Military Service Notes

John Best, Company G

Biographical Notes

William F. Blanchard, Company B

Biographical Notes

Captain John S. Bliss, 67th NY

Brief Military Service  Notes

Edward Boyd, Company A

Brief Biographcial Notes

John M. Brock, Company H

Brief notes on his death

Alfred M. Burton, Company D

Brief Biographical Notes

Captain George N. Bush, Company F

Brief Biographical Notes

Edwin P. Buswell, Company C

Brief Biographical Notes

Walter Callendar, Company C

Biographical Notes

Norman Henry Camp, Sigal Officer

Brief Military Service Notes

Lieutenant Edward Carrington, 143rd NY (Aid to Genl. Newton)

Brief Military Service Notes

Lieutenant Sam Cary, Company F

Biographical Notes

Dr. Cyrus N. Chamberlain, 10th MA

Brief Military Service Notes

Major Thomas Chamberlin, 150th PA

Brief Military Service Notes

John C. Clarke, Company A

Brief Biographical Notes

William Tilton Clarke, Company D

Brief Biographical & Historical Notes (Lincoln Assasination)

Charles A. Clement, Company C

Brief notes on his death.

Charles H. Collins, Company B

Very Brief Biographical Notes

Captain Frank Hull Cowdrey, 95 NY;  (Staff Officer, Genl. Newton)

Brief Military Service Notes

Charles N.W. Cunningham

His Mother Lobbies Governor Andrew for his promotion

John B. Curtis, Company B

Brief Biographical Notes

Horatio A. Cutting, Company K

Very brief notes on his death.

Charles R. Dale, Company G

Brief Biographical Notes

Colonel Edmund L. Dana, 143rd PA

Brief Military Service Notes

William Wallace Davis, Company G

Biographical Notes

John Edson, Company B

Wife says he needs a furlough

Harry C. Egbert, 12th U.S. Regulars

Military Service Notes

Napoleon B. Fellows, Company H

Disabled, Can't get a proper discharge

Edgar A. Fiske, Company E

Brief notes on his death

John S. Fiske, Company C

Newspaper Funeral Notice
Very Brief Biographical Notes

John Flye, Company K

Notes on his death

George Fred Ford, Company A

Brief Biographical Notes

William H. Gage, Company H

Very brief notes on his death

Sanford K. Goldsmith, Company C

Brief Biographical Notes

Frank A. Gould, Company K

Brief notes on his death

His Last Moments Told by Nurse Martha Ehler

Corporal Gilbert Greenwood, Company D

Notes on his Death from his Medical Case History

Major Thomas Hall, 121st PA

Brief Military Service Notes

Henry Harris, Company A

Lobbies for a promotion

Sylvester A. Hayes, Company H

Very brief notes on his death

Surgeon John Theodore Heard

Biographical Notes; Medical Director J. T. Heard

Elias O. Hodge, Company B

Brief Biographical Notes

Charles E. Horne, Company G

Brief Biographical Notes

Rollin T. Horton, Company A

Brief Biographical Notes

Charles F. Hulse, 121st PA

Brief Military Service Notes

Lt. Huntingdon Jackson, SIgnal Corps

Brief Military Service Notes

Sam Jordan Company K

Wife wants him furloughed

Walter H. Judson, Company C


Thomas R. Keenan, Company A


Lt.-Col. Charles Kingsbury, Adjt. Gen'ls Dept.

Brief Military Service Notes

Michael Laughlin, Company K

Notes on his death

Attempt to have his body brought home from Gettysburg

His Mother's Pension File

Lt.-Colonel William A. Leech, 90th PA

Brief Miltiary Service Notes

George F. Leslie, Company D

Notes on his death and burial

Fred D. Locke, Company D

Very brief biographical notes

Albert Lynde, Company B

Very Brief Biographical Notes

George Maynard, Company D

Writes to General Banks for a promotion

Captain Charles McClure, Commissary of Subsistence

Brief Military Service Notes

Henry Metcalf, Company B

Brief Biographical Notes

Surgeon Henry Hedge Mitchell

Brief Military Service Notes

Albert E. Morse

Brief Biographical Notes

Joseph M. Morrill, Company B

Very Brief Notes

Thomas Jefferson Munn, Company A

Biographical Notes

Captain Jedidiah Paine, Signal Corps

Brief Military Service Notes

Biography of Captain Moses Poore Palmer, Company I

Captain Moses P. Palmer

Surgeon Edgar Parker

Biographical Notes

Captain Charles H. Porter, 39th MA

Brief Military Service Notes

Huntington Porter, Company G

Brief Biographical Notes

Edgar C. Reed, Company A

Brief Biographical Notes

Charles N. Richards, Company B

Brief Biographical Notes

1st Lt. Charles Ricketts, 90th PA

Brief Military Service Notes

Corporal John M. Russell, Company I

Biographical Notes

Herschal A. Sanborn, Company G

Brief notes on his death

George E. Sprague, Company K

Brief notes on his death

Biographical Notes

Warren I. Stetson, Company I

Brief Biographical Notes

Charles Stone, Company I

Very brief notes on his death

Charles A. Trask, Company K

Notes on his death and burial

Sergeant Sigourney Wales, Company C

He successfully lobbies for a promotion

Matthew Walsh, Company E

Lobbies for a promotion

John F. Weldon, Company A

Brief notes on his death

Willard Wheeler, Company K

Brief notes on his death

Private Philon C. Whiddon

Medical Case History of his Antietam wound

Lieutenant David Whiston, Company A, B

Brief Biographical Notes

Dr. Gordon Winslow, 5th NY & Sanitary Commission Agent

Brief Biographical Notes

George S. Wise, Company D

Brief notes on his death

Zoheth B. Woodbury, Company I

Brief Biographical Notes

George S. Worcester, Company B

Biographical Notes

James A. Young, Company B

Very Brief Biographical Notes

Letters from Other Regiments

(In Order, Maine, Massachusetts, New York)

Lt. William H. Broughton, 16th Maine

November 24, 1863, Just before Mine Run
December 4, 1863, Just After Mine Run

Albert Church Brown, 16th Maine

(An 1863 recruit of the 16th Maine)

October 23, 1863, Thoroughfare Gap
November 9, 1863, Near Brandy Station, "I can stand the marches alright"

From the 16th Maine History by Abner R. Small

A Rebel Raid
Thanksgiving, 1863
Mine Run, November 29, 1863
Mine Run, November 30, 1863, Gen'l Meade's Son
Parade:  New Year's Eve
Building Huts & A New Bandleader
Camp Doctors & Hospitals

From the 39th MA History by Alfred S. Roe

Bristoe Campaign Summary
March to Thoroughfare Gap
Mine Run Campaign Overview
Thanksgiving, 1863
Mine Run, November 28,1863
Mine Run, November 29, 1863
December 5 - 21 1863, Camp near Kellys Ford
Christmas Eve March to Mitchells Station
December 26 - 27, 1863
Mitchell's Station
Building Huts
Establishing Camp at Mitchell's Station
End of January 1864
Dedication of the Chapel 1864

Correspondent "ALPHA" To The Woburn Townsmen

Letter, January 31, 1864, Mitchell's Station

Charles Barber, 104th New York

October 29, 1863, Bristoe Station
November, 16, 1863, Bealeton Station (Guerillas operating in the area)
December 13, 1863
December 27, 1863
January 16, 1864; Chronicle of the Regiment's Fortunes So Far
January 31. 1864

George A. Hussey, 83rd New York, "9th NY Militia"

December 5 - 16, 1863
Christmas Eve March to Mitchells Station
End of the Year 1863
The Conscripts (drafted men)
End of January 1864, Contraband & Confederate Deserters

James Ross, 83rd New York, "9th NY Militia"

(A Draftee of the "9th NY" ––Very Detailed Letters)
Highly Recommended

November 24, 1863
November 27, 1863, Mine Run (running narrative)
November 28, 1863. Mine Run
November 29, 1863, Mine Run
December 1, 1863, Mine Run
December 7, 1863, Kelly's Ford
December 20, 1863
December 26, 1863
December 29, 1863
December 31, 1863
January 20, 1864, Camp Doctors
January 23, 1864, Camp on Cedar Mountain
January 25, 1864, Comfortable Living & Contraband Coming Into Lines
January 26,  1864, Different Kinds of Food to Send
February 6, 1864, Cedar Mountain Signal Station
February 15, 1864,  Train Ride to Culpeper
February 23, 1864; Corps Review & Comments on Slavery

Return to Top of Page

Newspaper Articles

Barnstable Patriot, November 25th 1862, Thanksgiving Proclamation
Boston Daily Courier, October 22, 1861.
Boston Daily Evening Transcript, August 22, 1861, Sharpsburg
Boston Daily Evening Transcript, Gov. Andrew's Appointments
Boston Evening Transcript, July 11; July 29; Aug. 15, 1863, Wounded at Gettysburg
Boston Journal, October 14, 1861, Camp at Darnestown
Boston Transcript, July 6; Spy Hanged
Boston Evening Transcript, July 6, 1863; The Conscription in Masssachusetts
Boston Transcript, July 7, 1863;  Cavalry Exploits
Boston Evening Transcript, July 8, 1863; Conscripton Commenced
Boston Transcript, July 16, 1863; Retreat of the Rebel Army
Boston Evening Transcript;  July 15, 1863;  Boston Draft Riot
Boston Transcript; The Conscript Camp at Long Island; July 20-22, 27-28, 30, Aug. 5 & 7
Boston Evening Transcript; August 8, 1863:  What's a Soldier's Pay?
Boston Evening Transcript, August 10, 1863;  Conscripts; De Molay Sailed
Boston Transcript; August 20, 1863; Trip of the De Molay
Boston Transcript; August 20, 1863; No. of Casualties [MA] at Gettysburg
Boston Transcript; September 2, 1863, No. of men in 13th MA
Boston Transcript, September 3, 1863; The Ambulance Corps
Boston Transcript, Sept.  2 - 19, 1863, Select newsclips:  Prisoner Exchange Commission
Boston Transcript, Sept. 10, 1863, Remaining No. of Wounded at Gettysburg Hospitals
Boston Transcript; September 12, 1863, Promotions in the 13 MA
Boston Transcript, Sept. 24, 1863, Buford's Reconnaissance (Jack's Shop)
Boston Transcript, Sept. 25, 1863, Col. Leonard on detached duty in Boston
Boston Transcript, Sept. 30, 1863; "A Southern Matron in a Rage"
Boston Transcript, Ocober 15, 1863;  General Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Jeffersonton
Boston Evening Transcript, October 17, 1863, Battle at Bristoe Station
Boston Transcript, October 20, 1863, Re-cap of the Bristoe Campaign
Boston Transcript, November 20, 1863, Gettysburg Address
Boston Evening Transcript, February 5, 1864, Chaplain Gaylord at Campbell Hospital
Boston Transcript, February 18, 1864; Escape From Libby Prison
Boston Transcript, February 25; Quotes from the Richmond Enquirer (regarding escape)
Boston Transcript, February 25, 1864; General Grant appointed Lt.-General
Boston Globe, March 14, 1915; 13th Mass. Band
Boston Herald, July 1, 1861, Arrival of 5 companies at Ft. Independence.
Boston Herald, October 9th 1861, The Camp of the 13th Mass
Boston Herald, Letter of Capt. Joe Cary, Co. B, 2nd Bull Run
Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, September 2, 1861
Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, October 17, 1861.
Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, October 19, 1861.
Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, October 26, 1861.
Buffalo Commercial Advertisor, Letter of Col. Root; Gettysburg
Buffalo Commercial Advertisor, Execution of 5 Deserters, Sept. 4, 1863
Buffalo Courier, mid July, 1863, Letter of Colonel Root, 94th NY
Buffalo Courier, July 8, 1863 Letter of Chaplain P.G. Cook, 94th NY
Cambridge Chronicle, letter from Darnestown.
Cambridge Chronicle, Battle of Cedar Mountain
Cape Ann Light & Gloucester Telegraph; Chancellorsville (Andrew Lloyed, Co. E)
Chambersburg (PA) Valley Spirit, Sept. 23,1862, Emancipation
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, August 31, 1861
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, November 9, 1861.
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, December 7, 1861
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, Gettysburg Nurse
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, July 11, 1863, Death of Leland & Field
Chelsea Telegraph & Pioneer, October 17, 1863, Funeral of John S. Fiske, Co. C.
Christian Mirror, March 15, 1864, Dedication of 16th Maine Chapel
Cincinnati Daily Press, Sept. 19, 1861; Arrests of MD Legislature
Daily Nashville Patriot, Sept. 28, 1861; Arrests of MD Legislature
Dedham Gazette, Nov. 1, 1862; Funeral of Corporal Bigelow
Frank Leslie's; Skirmish at Dam No. 5
Frederick City Examiner, October 2, 1861 - Flag Presentation to Co C.
Gettysburg Star & Sentinel, Sept. 12, 1899, (S.W. Lufkin visits church hospital)
Hagerstown Herald & Torchlight, Nov. 27, 1861; Thanksgiving
Harpers Weekly, February 20, 1864; Constitutional Opposition
Highland Weekly News, Oct. 3, 1861, Arrests of MD Legislature
Lebanon Courier; July 23, 1863; Communications from the 107th PA
Livingston Republican; Letters of Chaplain F.D. Ward, 104th NY, Gettysburg
National Aegis, Worcester, Mass; March 5, 1870; 13th MA at Battle of Fredericksburg
New York Herald, December 5, 1863, Mine Run Campaign & Map
New York Sunday Mercury, Sept. 13, 1863;  Belle Isle Prison Life
New York Times, November 11, 1862, Burnside Takes Command
New York Times, July 21, 1863; Kilpatrick's Cavalry at Monterey Pass
New York Times, July 21, 1863; Kilpatrick at Smithsburg
Philadelphia Inquirer; July 31, 1861
Philadelphia Inquirer; August 1, 1861
Philadelphia Inquirer, September 17, 1861.
Philadelphia Inquier, September 27, 1862, Wounded from Antietam
Philadelphia Inquirer, October 3rd, 1861, John Brown Bell
Philadelphia Inquirer, October 18, 1861; Herr's Mill Burned
Philadelphia Inquier, October 1st 1862, Wounded from Antietam
Philadelphia Press; July 22, 1862 - Visit of Gen'l Banks
Philadelphia Press, September 25, 1862, Emancipation
Philadelphia Press, July 6, 1863, Invalid Corps Organization
Philadelphia Press, July 9, 1863; Execution of a Rebel Spy
Philadelphia Press, July 10, 1863; Operations on the Front
Philidelphia Inquirer, June 8, 1863, Gen'l. Robinson's Division
Philadelphia Inquirer, July 5, 1863, The Great Battle of Gettysburg
Pittsburgh Daily Gazette & Advertiser, Sept. 24, 1862; Emancipation
Randolph Transcript, Sept. 19, 1863; Morton Tower still at Libby Prison
Roxbury City Gazette May 15, 1861.
Roxbury City Gazette, Flag Presentation at Ft. Independence
Roxbury City Gazette, June 18, 1861, Ft. Independence
Roxbury City Gazette, July 5th 1861.
Roxbury City Gazette, Company E's 4th of July Exhibition, 1861.
Roxbury City Gazette, July 25, 1861, Presentation  Sword to Capt. Pratt.
Roxbury City Gazette, August 22, 1861, Arrest of A. Boteler
Roxbury City Gazette, September 19, 1861
Roxbury City Gazette, Expedition to Bath
Roxbury City Gazette, December 16, 1861
Roxbury City Gazette, January 9, 1862
Roxbury City Gazette, January 16, 1862
Roxbury City Gazette; September 11, 1862; Death of Daniel Jackson
Roxbury City Gazette, September 4, 1862; Pope's Va. Campaign
Roxbury City Gazette, September 4, 1862; more on Pope's Campaign
Roxbury City Gazette, April 16, 1863, Chaplain Gaylord
Roxbury City Gazette, June 13, 1863, Major J. P. Gould
Staunton Spectator, (southern) January 8, 1862
Staunton Spectator, (southern) Oct. 7, 1862; Emancipation
UNKNOWN Paper; August 12, 1863;  Letter of F. D. Ward, 104th NY
Washington Star, Battle of Bolivar Heights
Weekly Mariettan, Sept. 9, 1863; Letter of Capt. E.D. Roath, 107 PA
Westboro Transcript, letters from Sandy Hook.
Westboro Transcript, letters from Darnestown.
Westboro Transcript, Skirmish at Bellers Mill
Westboro Transcript, Death of Spencer & September letters
Westboro Transcript, Letter from Chandler Robbins
Westboro Transcript, Letter from Captain Blackmer
Westboro Transcript, October 19, Suicide of Percy Bemis
Westboro Transcript, October 19
Westboro Transcript, Nov. 20, 1861; Letter of Moses Palmer
Westboro Transcript, Nov. 30, 1861; Camp at Williamsport
Westboro Transcript, December 7, 1861; Thanksgiving
Westboro Transcript, December 14, 1861; Death of John S. Burnap
Westboro Transcript, January 25, 1862; March to Hancock
Westboro Transcript, February, 1862; Glee Club
Westboro Transcript, March 22, 1862, Capt. Hovey, Start for Dixie
Westboro Transcript, March 22, 1862; Capt. Hovey; Be proud of Co. K
Westboro Transcript, March 22, 1862; Death of Thom. Rathburn
Westboro Transcript, March 29, 1862; Chaplain Gaylord's Sermon
Westboro Transcript, April 26, 1862; Death of Patrick Cleary (Capt. Hovey)
Westboro Transcript, April 26, 1862; Description of Bull Run Battlefield, (George L. Crosby)
Westboro Transcript, July 5, 1862; Letter of State Senator O.W. Albee
Westboro Transcript, August 2, 1862
Westboro Transcript, Letter from Capt. Hovey; 2nd Bull Run
Westboro Transcript, October 4th, 1862, Antietam
Westboro Transcript, October 22, 1862, A talk from George Crosby
Worcester Spy, December 5, 1863; “150 of the Old Boys Left”

Official Records of the War of the Rebellion

Skirmish at Pritchard's Mill, September 15, 1861.
Battle of Bolivar Heights, October 16, 1861.
Colonel Richard Coulter's Battle Report for Antietam
Battle of Fredericksburg, December 12th - 15th (Regimental) & Casualties
Battle of Fredericksburg, Company Reports, B, E, G.
Battle of Fredericksburg (Taylor's Brigade of Gibbon's Division)
Battle of Fredericksburg; James Hall's 2nd Maine Battery
Letter of President Lincoln to the Army of the Potomac, Dec. 22, 1862
General Hooker's  Message, April 30, 1863.
Major-General John F. Reynolds' Chancellorsville Report.
Brigadier-General John C. Robinson's Chancellorsville Report.
Excerpt from Col. Adrian Root's Report; Pollock's Mill Crossing, 4/30/63.
Orders of Brig.-General Rene Paul; June 22, 1863
Colonel Horace B. Sargent, 1st MA Cavarly - Battle of Aldie
Report of Col. A. N. Duffie, 1st RI Cavalry at Middleburg
Report of Captain Frank Allen, 1st RI Cavalry
Report of William D. Fuller, 3rd US Battery C; at Middleburg & Upperville
Report of Lt.-Col. Charles H. Smith, 1st ME Cavalry at Middleburg
Brigadier-General Alfred Pleasonton's Report, June 20, 1863
Report of Lt.-Col. William E. Doster, 4th PA Cavalry at Upperville, June 21, 1863
Report of Alfred Pleasonton, June 22, 1863, Upperville
General Hooker's Resignation/General Meade's Appointment
General Meade's Communicaton to General Reynolds, July 1, 1863
Brigadier-General John C. Robinson's Report; Gettysburg
Lt.-Col. N. Walter Batchelder's Gettysburg Report to Gov. John Andrew
Lt.-Col. N. Water Batchelder's Official Gettysburg Report
Colonel Richard Coulter's Reports; Gettysburg
Major-General John Newton's Report; Gettysburg
Colonel Gilbert Prey's Report; 104th NY; Gettysburg
Lt.-Col. Augustus Farnham's Report; 16th ME; Gettysburg
Major Samuel A. Moffet's Report; 94th NY; Gettysburg
Reports of the107th PA; Gettysburg
Captain Jacob J. Bierer; 11th PA; Gettysburg
July 14, Exchange between Gen'l's Halleck & Meade
Receipt of Major Gould to Lt.-Col. Batchelder for Conscripts, August, 1863
Correspondence between President Lincoln and General O. O. Howard, July, 1863
Letter from Gen. Meade to Pres. Lincoln Ordering the execution of 5 deserters, Aug. 27, 1863
Report of Col. Edward B. Sawyer, Kilpatrick's 2d Brigade, Sept. 19, 1863
Gen. Alfred Pleasonton's Dispatch to Gen. Meade, Sept. 13, 1863
William D. Fuller's Report (3rd US Art'y Battery C) Sept. 19, 1863
Col. H. E. Davies Report, (Robertson Ford) Sept. 20, 1863
General Alfred Pleasonton to Gen. Gregg, Sept. 15, 1863
Correspondence between Gen. Meade & Gen. Halleck, Sept. 15, 1863
Gen. H. Halleck & Pres. Lincoln to Gen. Meade, Sept. 15, 1863
Gen. Meade Orders a Cavalry Reconnaissance, Sept. 20, 1863
Gen. John Buford's 1st Report, Sept. 21, 1863
Gen. John Buford's 2nd Report, Sept. 23, 1863
General Meade's Letter to his Wife, Sept. 24, 1863 (frustrated with Halleck/Lincoln)
Halleck Orders The 1st Corps to Relieve the 12th Corps
President Lincoln's Reprieve of Daniel Sullivan, 13th MA Vols, Co. E
General Meade's Nov. 30, 1863 list of Deserters Executed
Select Correspondence between Gen. Meade and Gen. Halleck/Pres. Lincoln; October 9-10
Captain Lockwood, 120th New York, Fight at James City, 1863
Report of Captain Taylor, Signal Corps, October 1863
Gen'l John Buford's Fight October 11, 1863
General John Newton's Report of the skirmishes, October 19, 1863
General Meade's Report on the Mine Run Campaign, Dec. 7, 1863
General John C. Robinson, Mine Run
General Meade to General Halleck (regarding furloughs) December 12,1863
General Halleck's Reply, December 17, 1863
Army of the Potomac, Orders to March, February 5, 1864 (Morton's Ford Skirmish)

Other Articles

(In Order of Appearance)

"The John Brown Song" by George Kimball, 12th Mass. Vols
Adventure at Verdiersville, by Heros Von Borcke, (J.E.B. Stuart's Staff)
Surgeon General of Massachusetts Report on the Wounded after 2nd Bull Run
A Biography of General George Lucas Hartsuff
Mannsfield, The Bernard House
Waiting for a Deadman's Shoes (Fredericksburg) from Bivouac, 1885
Behind the Lines at Fredericksburg
A War Dog (about Sallie, 11th PA)
"The President's Review" by correspondent Edwin Forbes
Professor Thaddeus S. C. Lowe & the Balloon Corps
Regimental Casualties at Chancellorsville
Letters of Major-General George G. Meade, Chancellorsville
Memoirs of Henry C. Meyer, 2nd N. Y. Cavarly; Death of Colonel Douty
Letter of Daniel Townsend, 1st US Artillery, Battle of Aldie
"Another Instance of Personal Bravery," 1st MA Cavalry (from Bivouac)
Colonel Heros Von Borcke, (J.E.B. Stuart's Staff) Adventures at Middleburg
Anecdote of the First Maine Cavalry by Samuel H. Merrill
Special Artist A. R. Waud
Emmitsburg Before the Battle of Gettysburg, by John A. Miller
"Color Sergeant Roland B. Morris"
Diary of a Lady of Gettysburg, by Sarah Broadhead, July 1, 1863
Diary of a Lady of Gettysburg, by Sarah Broadhead, July 4 - 11, 1863
104th New York at Gettysburg, by Colonel Gilbert G. Prey
104th New York at Gettysburg, Colonel John R. Strang
The Road To Richmond, [Gettysburg Excerpt] Abner Small, 16th Maine
Mary McAllister - Gettysburg Narrative (excerpt)
Chaplain Horatio Howell
Brigadier-General Gabriel R. Paul
Jennie McCreary Letter - Gettysburg
Dr. Edgar Parker
Captain Charles H. Hovey, Gettysburg Anecdote
Colonel Wheelock & Miss Carrie Sheads
Sergeant William R. Carr, 12th Mass., - Gettysburg
Diary of  Lady of Gettysburg, by Sarah Broadhead, July 2, 1863
Robinson's Division Strengths & Losses at Gettysburg
Colonel Coulter Takes Command of Paul's Brigade, by Abner Small
So, Where exactly, Were They on July Second?
Lost Among the Dead, by G.F. Williams
The Council of War on the Second Day, by John Gibbon
Gettysburg: Robinson's Division on July 3rd
Excerpt of 'Road to Richmond', by Abner Small; (Col. Coulter at Gettysburg).
Pickett's Charge, from the history of the '9th New York'
Condition of the 16th Maine after the battle of Gettysburg
Surgeon John Theodore Heard, 13th Mass
The Christian Commission at Gettysburg
Captain Moses Poore Palmer, Company I
Some Escaped: Col. Wheelock & Others Escape from Rebs after Gettysburg
Gettysburg Prisoners' Train Trip; Staunton to Richmond, VA
Service Records & Biographies of Select Soldiers Captured at Gettysburg
Third U.S. Artillery at the Battle of Hagerstown and Williamsport, July 6, 1863
Buford Hangs a Spy; July 6, 1863
Letters from the 104th NY & 107 PA after Gettysburg
A Brief Biography of U.S. Senator Henry Wilson, of Natick, MA
Notes on the Transport Ships De Molay & Winnipeg
Narciso Lopez Expeditions
History of Convalescent Camp, Virginia, by H.J. Winters; (part 1)
History of Convalescent Camp, Virginia, by H.J. Winters; (part 2)
The Fight at Culpeper Court-House, Part I
The Battle For Culpeper Court-House, Part II
Skirmishes Along The Rapidan, Sept. 14, 1863
Skirmishes Along The Rapidan, Sept. 15, 1863
Colonel H. E. Davies Fight at Robertson Ford, Sept. 15, 1863
Unique Ways to Forage with the 16th Maine
The Death of "Corporal" Joe Kelley, Company D
Buford & Kilpatrick's Cavalry Reconnaissance, September 21-23, 1863
Reverend Thornton Stringfellow & Bel Air Farm
Robert Stringfellow & Retreat Farm
Lizzie Goes on a Date
The Stringfellow Brothers Role in the Kansas Troubles
Skirmish at James City, October 10, 1863
Gen'l D.M. Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Jeffersonton, October 12, 1863
Battle of Auburn, VA; October 14, 1863
Battle of Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863
Essay:  General Meade's Problems with President Lincoln
Essay:  The Drama of the Mine Run Campaign
First National Thanksgiving Proclamation
Getting Promoted in New (1863) Regiments
Carolyn Wiley Prince Lobbies To Get Her Son Promoted
The Last Moments of Frank A. Gould and George E. Sprague (Martha Ehler's Memoir)
The Town of Shrewsbury, Michael Laughlin & The National Cemetery
The Destruction of the Logan Brandt Farm at Cedar Mountain
Officers of the 59th MA, (photo essay)
Desertions From The Confederate Army January 1864
The Courtship of Elliot C. Pierce & Mary Ellen Baker
The First Corps at Raccoon Ford, February 6, 1864

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Photographs of the Thirteenth

Group Shots

Officers of the 13th Mass
Portraits of the original Officers
Colonel S.H. Leonard with Capt. J.G. Hovey & Capt. C.H. Hovey (blurry)
Company C
Company K, Cook House, Williamsport
Thanksgiving in Camp
Thirteenth Mass Band
Thirteenth Mass Glee Club
Surgeons Whitney & Heard
Williamsport, Library in Camp
Williamsport, Close up of Officers [identified] in front of the Library
Williamsport, Stables
Company K Survivors, 1911
Mess 3, Company C, November 21, 1861
1913, 13th MA Veterans at Gettysburg (15 men identified)

Individual Soldiers

Adams, Charles Follen
Appleton, Thomas, Company C
Archibald, Edwin A.
Armstrong, Robert, Corporal
also, Armstrong, Robert
Auld, Algernon
Ayers, Michael G.
Bacon, William, Lt. Co. K
Baker, Frank, Company B
Baker, William Henry, Company H (Recruit KIA after 2 weeks)
Barnes, William, Company I
Batchelder, N. Walter, Lt.-Col.
also, Batchelder, N. Walter
Battles, Henry S., Company F
Baxter, Francis O., Company B
Bean, Samuel A., Company H
Beaumont, Walter
Bennett, John A., Company B
Berry, John F., Company G
Best, John & family, post-war
also, Best, John, (close up)
Bigelow, Frank W., Company G
Bigelow, Loring
Blanchard, William
Bowen, George H., Company B
Bradlee, David, adjutant of 13th Mass.
Brigham, Alfred W.
(also) Brigham, Alfred W., Company B
Brigham, Edwin H., Company A, post-war
Brown, David L., Lt. Co. I
Bryant, Albert H. Company H
Bryant, Walter C, Company A
Bush, George (tightly cropped)
Bush, Captain George N.
Buswell, Edwin P.
Callendar, Walter, Company C
Cary, Annie Louise, sister (famous opera star)
Cary Brothers, Joe, Sam, William
Cary, Captain Joseph
(also) Cary, Captain Joseph
(also) Cary, Captain Joseph
(also) Cary, Captain Joseph
also Cary, Joseph S.
Cary, Lieutenant Sam
Cary William Howard
(also) Cary, William Howard
Clark, William H. (Captain Co. H)
Clark, William L. Garrison
Clarke William Tilton, Company D
Clement, Charles A.,
Cody, James
Coffin, Henry C., Company C
Colburn, Joseph
Colburn, Joseph
(also) Colburn Joseph
Collins, Charles H.
Collins, John, Company K
Comstock, Charles, Co. K
Craig, George E., Quartermaster, 13th Mass
Crane, Silas P.
Cundy, Corporal William H., Company A
(also) Cundy, William H.,
Cunningham, Charles N. W.
Curtis, Albert O.
Curtis, George H., Co. I
Cutting, James H.
Dale, Charles R.
also, Dale, Charles R. (larger image)
Dammers, James, Company A
Damrell, Capt. William S.
Damrell, William, (tightly cropped)
Davis, Charles E. Jr.(post war)
Davis, Charles E. Jr. (war-time)
Davis, William Wallace
Dexter, Elbridge, Company B
Dorr, Levi L.
Downey, Thomas J., Company E
Drew, Charles A.
Driscoll, Cornelius, Company A
Duren, Freeman H.
Dyer, N. Mayo
Emerson, George N.
Estes, Dana, Company A
Fairbanks, Hollis, Company K
Fay, John Sawyer
also, Fay, John Sawyer, post-war
also Fay, & Marlboro, Mass. Post Office
Fiedler, Paul E., Company A
Field, Edwin
also, Field, Edwin
Field, William A., Company B
Felch, Ira H., Co. H
Fiske, Eben
Fiske, Eugene Allen
Flags/Colors of the 13th MA
Foley, John
Forbes, James Lascelle
Forbush, William Henry.
Ford, George Fred
Fox, Charles Bernard.
also, Fox, Charles Bernard
Fox, James Augustus
Fox, James Augustus
also, Fox, Captain James A.
Freeman, Warren H.
Freeman, Warren H. (post war)
Frost,  Lt. Edwin
(also) Frost, Edwin R. with letters
Fuller, John T, Co. B, (drowned at Front Royal)
Fuller, Samuel Ely,
Geary, John White, 28th Pa.
also Geary, John White
Gaylord, Noah, Chaplain
Gibson, James, Co. F
Gill, Austin, Co. F
Gleason James M., Company I
Goldsmith, Sanford K.
Goodnow, Theodore H., Company I
Gould, Francis A., Company K (colorized)
Gould, Jacob Parker.
Gould, Samuel Shelton
Granger, Louis E.
Green, John T. B., Co. E
Greenwood, Abner R., Company K
Hall, Adna P.
Harlow, Augustine, Capt. Co. D
Harris, Henry A., Company A
Heard, Ass't Surgeon John Theodore
Henderson, Robert B.
also, Henderson, Robert B.
Hentz, Albert E., Company A
Hicks, David F., Sergt. Co. B
Hill, George Henry, Company B
(also) Hill, George Henry
(also) Hill, George Henry
Hillman, Edward, Company B
Hilton, William M., Company C
Hixon, Lloyd, Asst. Surgeon
also, Hixon, Lloyd Wells, post-war
Hodge, Elias O.
Holbrook, Silas P.
Holmes, Solon, Company B
Horne, Charles E.,
Horton, Rollin T.
Hovey, Charles H., Captain
Howe, Jacob A. (small)
also, Howe, Jacob A.
Howland, Charles C., Company B
Humphreys, Walter
Hunt, Irving S., Company B
Jackson, Charles F., Company C
Jackson, William H.
(also) Jackson, William H.
also Jackson, William H. (cropped)
Jackson, William P., Company A
Johnson, Hollis L., Company F
Johnson, John N. P., Company F
Johnston, Albert V., Company B
Keenan, Thomas R, Company A
Kellog, Henry J., Company A
Kimball, William B. (tightly cropped)
Kimball, William B.
Kurtz, John, Captain Co. C
Lang, Charles H., Company G
Lehman, George H., Company E
Leland, Charles E., Company B
also, Leland, Charles E.
LeMoyne, George, Company C
Leonard, Andrew W.
Leonard, Colonel Samuel H.
also Leonard, Colonel Samuel H.
and, Leonard, Colonel Samuel H.
also, Leonard, Colonel Samuel H.
also, Leonard, Colonel Samuel H.
also, Leonard, Col. Samuel H. with wife (?)
Little, Thomas J.
Livermore, Oliver C.
Low, Lyman H.
Lowell, James H.
also Lowell, James H.
Lovell, Alden, Company K
Lynde, Albert
MacMahon, John
Manning,  Charles
Marshall, George E.
Maynard, George H.
also, Maynard, George H., Company D
Mayo, Charles H.
McKay, George, Company G
McIntyre, Samuel, Company B
Mecuen, George E.
Merrill, Sewell H., Company F
Moore, John H., Company F
Morrill, Joseph M.
Morris, Roland
Morse, Oscar F. (small)
Morse, Oscar F., Company H
Munn, Thomas Jefferson
Neat, Samuel, Company A
Noyes, John Buttrick, Company B
Nutze, Emanuel,  Company A
Paine, George F. D. Company A
Paine, George F. D.,  alternate portrait
Palmer; Captain Moses
also, Palmer, Moses [original]
Parker, Edgar, Surgeon
also, Parker, Edgar, Artist
Parker, Sylvanus, Company I
Perkins, William F., Company B
Petersen, Peter F., Company B
Pfaff, William
Pfeiffer, Augustus, Company A
Pierce, Elliot Clark
also, Pierce, Elliot Clark
also, Pierce, Elliot Clark, post-war
Pierce, Mary Ellen (Baker); Elliot's Wife
Pierce, Enoch C.
(also) Pierce, Enoch C.
Pollard, Walter
Pomeroy, George, Company B
Pope, Abel H.
Pope, John Franklin
Porter, Huntington
Putnam, Nathaniel M.
Ramsey, James F.
Rathburn, Thomas B., Company G
Raymond, George T., Company I
Reed, Herbert, Company A
Rice, Edwin
Rice, Edwin, (postwar)
Richards, Charles N.
Richardson, Thomas C. Bandleader
Rideout, William H. H.
Robbins, Chandler
(also) Robbins, Chandler
Robinson, Edward 'Cockey'
Rogers, Frederic, Co. D
Rooney, Peter J., Company B
Roundy, Charles H.
Rowe, Edward A., Company C
Russell, Lauriman H.
Sanborn, Harry S.
Sanborn, Herschel A.,
Sanderson, John C.
Sawtelle, Joseph, Company F
Sawyer, Appleton, Drum Major
Shelton, John P., Company A
Shepard, Horace, Company A
Shepard, Warren E., Company A
Sloss, David
also Sloss, David (carried the state flag)
also Sloss, David, postwar
Smith, James Augustus.
Smith, Melvin S., Commissary Sgt.
(also) Smith, Melvin S., Company B
(best image of the 3) Smith, Melvin S.
Smith, Winsor, Company B
Soule, Will
Spooner, Bourne, Sgt., Company D
Stearns, Austin C., Company K
Stetson, Warren I.
Stetson, Warren B., Company B
Stimpson, Frank
Stimpson, Isaac Hall, Company C
Swan Walter
Thurber, James D., Company A
Tower, Morton
Trull, Ezra, Company A
Vorra, Edward A.
Waite, Osgood W., Company D
Wales, Sigourney
Walker, Dennis G., Company A
Walker, Melvin
Warner, William R.
also, Warner, William R., pre-war
aslo, Warner, William R., post-war
Warren, Dan, Company K
Webster, Samuel Derrick
also, Webster, Samuel D., war-time
Whidden, Philo C.
Whitney, Dr. Allston W.
Whitney, Samuel C.
Williams, Fred
(also) Williams, Fred
Wood, Ephraim, Company C
Woodbury, Zoheth, B.
Worcester, George S.
also, Worcester, George
Young, James A.

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Other Photographs & Illustrations

Acquia Creek Landing, Union Supply Base
Alexander, Charles, Surgeon, 16th Maine Vols.
Allen, David, Jr.; Lt.-Col. 12th MA Vols
Andrew, John A., Governor of Massachusetts
Antietam Battlefield, Where the 13th MA Fought, taken 1885.
Antietam Creek, Upper Bridge
Ashby, Turner, Brig. Gen. C.S. by John Paul Strain
Atchison, David, Senator from Missoui
Bacon, Henry; "Battle of Dam No. 5"
Bacon, Henry; 'Reveille on a Winter Morning"
Bacon, Henry; "Ye Two Galorious Fourths"
Barber, Private Charles, 104th NY Vol. Inf.
Bates; James L.; Captain and Colonel of the 12th Mass. Vol. Inf.
Batteries C & G, 3rd US Artillery
Baxter, General Henry
Bellard, Alfred; Surgeons at Work
Belle Island Prison
Belle Island Prison Graveyard
Berkley Springs, WV (Bath)
Berlin, MD Pontoon Bridge
Bernard House, or Mannsfield, Fredericksburg, VA
Berry, Major-General Hiram, (killed at Chancellorsville)
Bliss, John S., Captain, Aid to General Newton
Boonsboro, Maryland
Boyd, Belle, 'Southern Spy'
Brodhead, Colonel Thornton
Broughton, William H. (Lt. 16th Maine)
John Brown
John Brown's Fort
John Brown Bell, close up
John Brown Bell, Marlboro, Mass.
Buck, Lucy & Laura, Southern Diarist,  Front Royal
Buford, John, Brig.-Gen. US Cavalry Corps
Burnside, Major General Ambrose E.
also, Burnside, Major General Ambrose E.
Caldwell, John C., Brigadier-General, 1st Division, 2nd Corps
Camp Tilden, 1864, 16th Maine, Mitchell's Station
Carrington, Lieutenant Edward, Aid to General John Newton
Carroll, Samuel S., Colonel, 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 2nd Corps
Catlett's Station and Cedar Run Bridge by A. E. Waud
Case, Lieutenant, Mathews 1st PA Battery
Castle Thunder, Richmond, VA, civilian prison
Cedar Mountain, Va.
Cedar Mountain Battlefield pictures (various sites)
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Bollman's Rock
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Hancock
Codori Farm, Gettysburg
Colt, Major Henry V., 104th NY
Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Virginia
Copeland, Charles, "Loving Arms"
Copeland, Charles, "On the March to Gettysburg"
Copeland, Charles;"Union Forever"
Copeland, Charles; "Welcome"
Couch, Darious, Major-Generlal, 2nd Corps
Coulter, Colonel Richard; (11th PA Vols)
also Coulter, Richard, (post war)
aslo, Coulter, Brevet Brig-Gen. Richard
Counselman, Lt. Jacob H., 1st U.S. Art'y. Battery K
Cowdrey, Captain Frank Hull, 95th NY (Staff Officer to Genl. Newton)
Culpeper, 1862, by Timothy O'Sullivan (cleaned up detail)
Curtin, Andrew Gregg, Governor of PA
Custer, General George A.
Dam No. 5, C&O Canal
Davies, Colonel Henry Eugene, 1st Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division
Davis, Phineas Stearns, Colonel, 39th MA
Devens, Brig-Gen. Charles
Doten, Frederick B. Captain, 14th Connecticut
Doubleday, Major-General Abner;
Duffie, Colonel Alfred N., 1st Mass. Cavalry
Dunker Church, Antietam Battlefield
Elder, Captain Samuel, Battery B, 1st U.S. Artillery
Elizabeth Ensminger
Emmitsburg Road, Emmitsburg, MD
Emmitsburg, MD, view of the town
Exchange Hotel, Gordonsville, VA
Fitzhugh House, (Sherwood Forest)  Stafford, County, VA
Forbes, Edwin, (portrait)
Forbes, Edwin; A Tough Pull
Forbes, Edwin, Chancellorsville Campaign, (throughout the page)
Forbes, Edwin; Coffee Coolers
Forbes, Edwin; several sketches by;
Forbes, Edwin; many more sketches found on this page
Forbes, Edwin, Sketches of Fremont's pursuit of Jackson
Forbes, Edwin, Battle of Cedar Mountain sketches
Forbes, Edwin; Defending the Battery
Forbes, Edwin; Newspapers in Camp (several images).
Forbes, Edwin; Played Out
Forbes, Edwin, President Lincoln's Review (several sketches)
Forbes, Edwin; Reconaissance in Force
Forbes, Edwin; Route Step
Forbes, Edwin; sketches at the battle of 2nd Bull Run
Forbes, Edwin, (several Cavalry sketches) April, 1863
Forbes, Edwin, "Gettysburg March"
Forbes, Edwin, Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge
Forbes, Edwin, Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge, (color).
Forbes, Edwin, Gettysburg, Culps Hill, (color).
Fort Independence
Franklin's Crossing, Fredericksburg, VA
Franklin, Major-General William B.
Fredericksburg, Contemporary view of the Field where the 13th MA fought
Fredericksburg, Slaughter Pen Farm, several photos by Buddy Secor on this page.
Fremont, General John C;
Front Royal, Va., Pictures of the town
Fuller, William D., Lt. 3rd US Artillery, Battery C
Gallon, Dale, "The Fight On Oak Ridge"
Gallon, Dale, "Time To Fight"
Garnett's Peak, Signal Station, 1864
Gettysburg, 13th Massachusetts Monument
Gettysburg, 104th New York Monument
Gettysburg Cemetery, National Monument
Gettysburg Campaign Map June 30th
Gettysburg - Christ Lutheran Church
Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary
Gettysburg Map, John Bachelder, July 2nd
Gettysburg Maps, John Bachelder, July 3rd
Gettysburg, View from Oak Hill
Gettysburg, Site where Reynolds Fell
Gibbon, John, Brigadier-General
Gibbs, Colonel Alfred (1st Cavalry Division)
Gibson, Horatio, Captain, US Artillery
Gooch, Senator, Daniel W. of Massachusetts
Graves, C.D. 'Pickett's Charge'
Gregg, David McMurtrie, General; (Division Commander, US Cavalry Corps)
Gregg, J. Irvin, Colonel, US Cavalry Corps
Hall, James A. Capt. 2nd Battery Maine Light Artillery
Halleck, Henry, General-in-Chief
Halltown, Harper's Weekly
Hamilton, Major A.G.; 12th KY Cavalry
Hancock, General Winfield Scott (2nd Corps)
Hancock, Maryland
Harlow, Louis K. illustration of camp life
Harlow, Louis K., illustration of a soldier
Harlow, Louis K., 'Defending the Colors'
Harpers Ferry
Harpers Ferry & Bolivar Heights
Harpers Ferry, Shenandoah Street
Hartsuff, General George Lucas
also, Hartsuff, George Lucas
Hartsuff, Headquarters, Petersburg, VA
Hartsuff, General George L., Burial Site
Haupt, Colonel Herman
Hays, Brigadier-General Alexander
also Hays, Alexander
Henderson, Charles Wilson, of Hancock
Henderson, Mrs. Jane Catherine of Hancock
Hodges, Lt.-Col. John, 59th Mass. Vol. Inf.
Homer, Winslow; various scenes of camp life
Homer, Winslow, 'Pitching Quoits'
Homer, Winslow, 'Skirmishing in the Wilderness'
Homer, Winslow, 'Surgeons Call'
Homer, Winslow, 'A Shell is Coming'
Hooker, General Joseph
also, Hooker, Joseph, Maj-Gen.
also, Hooker, Joseph, Maj-Gen
also, Hooker, Joseph, Maj-Gen
also, with staff
Hospitals, Washington, D.C.
Howard, Major-General Oliver O.
Howell, Horatio, Chaplain, 90th PA
Hunt, Henry J., General, Chief of Union Artillery
Iverson, Alfred, Confederate
Jackson, Lieutenant Huntingdon, Signal Corps
Jackson, Confederate General Thomas, Stonewall
Jackson, Stonewall, by N.C. Wyeth
Jackson, Stonewall, by John Adams Elder
Kelly, James Edward, 'Meade's Council of War
Kingsbury, Lt.-Col. Charles, Adjutant Generals Department
Lancaster, James Madison, Lt., 3rd US Artillery, Battery C
Lander, General Frederick West
Lee, Confederate General Robert E.
also, Lee, Robert E.
Libby Prison, Richmond, VA, August, 1863
Lincoln, Abraham
also, Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Abraham, April 17, 1863
Lincoln, Tad, (the president's son)
Lock 33, C & O Canal
Longstreet, James; Confederate General
Long Wharf, Boston Harbor
Lowe, Thaddeus S. C. (Balloon Corps)
Lumley, Arthur, Illustration "Burnside visits Franklin"
Lyle, Peter, Colonel, 90th PA
Lyman, Lt-Col. Theodore, Gen. Meade's Staff
MacThomson, James; Lt-Col. 107th PA
Manson, General M. D., brigade leader, 23rd Corps
Marlborough, Massachusetts; Main Street; 1880's
Marlborough, Mass. Post Office
Martinsburg, by Alfred Waud
Martinsburg, Colonel Leonard's Headquarters
Martland, William J., 12th Mass, Bandleader
Maryland Heights
Massachusetts Monument, Antietam Battlefield
McClellan, General George B.
McClellan, General George B. & Wife
McClure, Captain Charles, Commissary of Subsistence
McDowell, General Irvin
McDowell's HQ at Manassas; July, 1862
McCoy, Colonel Thomas F.
Mead, Lt. James P. (Gen. Robinson's Staff)
Meade, Major-General George Gordon
also, Meade, Major-General George Gordon;
Meinell, Henry C., Lt. 3rd US Artillery, Battery C
Merritt, Wesley; Brig. Gen. 1st Cavalry Division
Monocacy Aquaduct, C&O canal
Moore, Samuel A., Lt.-Col., 14th Connecticut
Morgan, Lt. Samuel M.; Gen. J.C. Robinson's A.A.A.G.
Muzzey, Lt. George, 12th MA
Muzzey, Lt. Loring, 12th MA
Newman, William, Cartoon titled "Lincoln's Dream," Feb. 4, 1863
Newton, John, Major General, First Corps
Ogden, Henry Alexander, General Hooker
Ogden, Henry Alexander, General Lee
Ogden, Henry Alexander; Rebel Cavalry
O'Neal, Colonel Edward A., Confederate
Orange &Alexandria Railroad; various scenes
Ord, General Edward O.C.,
Owen, Joshua T., Brigadier-General, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 2nd Corps
Paine, Captain Jedidiah C., Signal Officer
Parole Camp, West Chester, PA
Patrick, Marsena, General
Paul, Gabriel Rene, Brigade Commander, Gettysburg
also, Paul, Gabriel R., Brigadier-General
also Paul, Gabriel R., Mexican War
also, Paul, G. R., after Gettysburg wound
Pendleton, Alexander, Lieutenant, US Artillery
Perkins, S. C., 12th Mass
Pierce, Francis Edward, Lt.-Col. 108th N.Y.
Pierson, Lt-Col. Charles L., 39th MA
Pleasonton, Alfred, Brig.-Gen. Cavalry Corps
also, Pleasonton, Alfred
Poffenberger Farm (Joseph)
Poffenberger Farm (Samuel)
Pope, John; Major-General
Powers, Charles J., Colonel, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 2nd Corps
Prey, Colonel Gilbert, 104th NY
Pyle, Howard, "The Charge"
Pyle, Howard, Pirate Illustration
Raccoon Ford on the Rapidan River
Ramseur, General Stephen D., Confederate
Rappahannock Station Railroad Bridge by Timothy Sullivan
Redwood, A.C., "Confederates on the March to Gettysburg"
Redwood, A.C., "Route of the 11th Corps"
Redwood, A.C., "Steuart's Brigade at Culp's Hill"
Reed, Charles, "Too Much Applejack"
Reed, Charles, Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
Reeder, Andrew H., 1st Territorial Governor of Kansas
Retreat from Alpine Station, Jan. 4th 1862
Reynolds, John Fulton, Major-General
Review of General McDowell's Corps, May 20,1862; Edwin Forbes
Richardson, Frank; Bandleader 16th Maine
Ricketts, General James
Roath, Emanuel D., Captain, 107th PA
Robinson, Dr. Charles H., 1st Governor of Kansas
Robinson, John C. Brig-Gen'l.
also, Robinson, John C., Division Commander
Rodes, General Robert E., Confederate
Rose, Colonel Thomas E.;  Engineered Tunnel at Libby Prison
Ross, James, 83rd NY Vols. "9th NY Militia"
St. James Episcopal Church, Warrenton, Va.
St. Joseph's College & Chapel, Emmitsburg, Md.
St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md.
St. Mary's Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md.
Sallie the mascot of the 11th PA
Sandy Hook, Maryland
Schouler, William, Adjutant General of Massachusetts
Secor, Buddy, [Ninja Pix] Heading Photograph
Secor, Buddy, [Ninja Pix] Cavalry Photo
Sedgwick, Major-General John
also, Sedgwick, General John (6th Corps)
Shannon, Wilson, 2nd Territorial Governor of Kansas
Sheads House Gettysburg
Sheppard, W. L., 'In the Trenches at Chancellorsville'
Shepherdstown Ford
Shields, General James
Sickles, Major-General Daniel (3rd Corps)
also, Sickles, Daniel
Slocum, Major-General Henry (12th Corps)
Small, Major Abner; 16th Maine
Smalley, George Washburn
Smith, Charles H., Lt.-Col. 1st Maine Cavalry
Smith, Rachel S.; Patriot Daughters of Lancaster County
Stanton, Edwin, Secretary of War
Steamer John Brooks
Steamer Lady Elgin
Steamer Nelly Baker
Stevens, General Isaac Ingalls
Stiles, Colonel John L., (83rd NY; 9th NYSM)
Stoneman's Switch
Strang, Colonel John R., 104th NY
Stringfellow, Robert II
Stringfellow, Lizzie
Stringfellow, Reverend Thornton
Stringfellow, "General" Benjamin Franklin
Stringfellow, Dr. John Henry
Strother, Colonel David H.
Struan, The Robinson Estate at Morton's Ford
Stuart, James Ewell Brown; Confederate General
Summit House, South Mountain
Sykes, Major-General George (5th Corps)
Tabor, Walton; sketch of a Confederate Battery
Tabor, Walton, Into the Cornfield
Taylor, General George W.
Taylor, Brigadier-General Nelson
Trimble, Isaac, General, (Confederate)
Thoroughfare Gap & Chapman's Mill
Thoroughfare Gap, Contemporary View of the Mill Ruins
Thoroughfare Gap, West Side
Thur de Thulstrup, Battle of Antietam
Tilden, Colonel Charles W., 16th Maine
Troiani, Don, "Fight For The Colors"
Troiani, Don, "For God's Sake Forward"
Trego, William T., "Battery of Light Artillery en Route"
Truce Boat; "New York"
Turner, Richard, Jailer of Libby Prison
Battle of Upperville; Several Location Photos by Craig Swain
Battle of Upperville; Several Sketches by A.R. Waud
Vallandigham, Clement L.
Van Lew, Elizabeth
Vincent, Colonel Strong;
Virginius Island, Herr's Mill
Volck, Adelbert John, Emancipation
Von Borcke, Heros
Wainwright, Colonel Charles, Chief of 1st Corps Art'y
Walker, Robert J., 4th Territorial Governor of Kansas
Wallach House, General Meade's HQ, September, 1863
Warrenton, Virginia
Ward, Chaplain F. D.; 104 NY
Warren, 1st-Lt. Horace M., 59th MA Vol. Inf.
Washington, Lawrence, (related to George)
Waterloo Bridge, Virginia
Waud, Alfred R. Special Artist, (portraits)
Waud, Alfred R., Antietam, Flag of Truce
Waud, Alfred R., Sharpsburg Citizens Fleeing Town
Waud; Alfred R. Sketches of the Battle of 2nd Bull Run
Waud, Alfred R., Sketches of the Battle of Antietam
Waud, Alfred, Hookers Headquarters, Spring 1863.
Waud, Alfred, April 28, 1863;
1st Corps Bridges at Fredericksburg
Waud, Alfred, River Crossings, Chancellorsville Campaign
Waud, Alfred, May 2nd, 1863, Route of 11th Corps
Waud, Alfred, General Sykes advance May 1, 1863
Waud, Alfred, Commissary Dept. at Hq., 1863
Waud, Alfred, Fall of General Reynolds
Webster, Colonel Fletcher, (12th Mass Vols)
Westboro, Mass., Old Town Hall
Wheelock, Colonel Charles, 97th NY
also, Wheelock, Colonel Charles, 97th NY
White Oak Church, Va.
Whitman, Walt
Wilson, Henry (U.S. Senator from Natick, Mass.)
also, Wilson, Henry
Winchester, Va., Court House
Winchester, Va., Courthouse graffiti of Hicks & Wait, Co. B
Winchester, Va., Taylor Hotel
Ziegler's Grove, Gettysburg
also, Ziegler's Grove
Zogbaum, Rufus F., "The Bombardment of Fredericksburg"

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Links to Other Sites

Sites Related to the 13th Mass.

Slide Presentation on the John Brown Bell

Roster of the Regiment
Re-enactors of the 13th Mass, Company F

America's Civil War Magazine
The Siege of Petersburg on-line


(Most of these parks have research libraries)

Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield
(I am a battlefield guide here)

Manassas National Battlefield
Antietam National Battlefield
Gettysburg National Battlefield
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Spotsylvania National Battlefields

Civil War Organizations

Monterey Pass Battlefield Association
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
San Gabriel Valley Civil War Roundtable
  American Battlefield Trust Preservation

Educational Sites & Resources

Bluemont, Virginia

Civil War Richmond
Historical Marker Database
Marlborough Historical Society
Marlborough Library
History of Marlboro, Mass.  Website

Pearce Collection, Navarro College
Stoneham Historical Society
Virtual Gettysburg
Warren County Heritage Society, Front Royal, VA
Westborough Library

Other Massachusetts Regiments

15th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers
28th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers

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