Year End, 1863; Part 2

Massachusetts Adjutant General William Schouler's Annual Summary Report, 1863.

Massachusetts Statehouse, Circa 1910

The Massachusetts Statehouse, circa 1910.

Table of Contents

Introduction - What's On This Page

The Massachusetts Adjutant General’s Office [A.G.] printed annual reports at the end of each year of the war.  In addition to State Expenditures which documented all the State’s war-time activities, these reports gave a brief summary of service for each Massachusetts unit in the field.   The annual Regiment summaries included a list of commissioned officers and a summary of service for the year most recently completed.  The final reports for each unit, at the end of its term of service, included the record of non-commissioned officers and enlisted men. For the 13th MA the final reports were generated at the end of 1864 and again in 1865.  They divided service records into categories:  discharged, transferred, died, missing, deserted and dropped.  Muster in dates, and muster out dates were listed for each soldier.   This page attempts to compile the records for each soldier whose end of service date falls within the year 1863.

Many errors permeate the list of names given in the A.G. reports.  I’ve checked any questionable names against the roster in the regimental history, and entries in some of the original regimental books, to determine the correct name.  I gave preference to the original books and the roster.    The original books from the Massachusetts State Archives, are digitized and posted at the Family Search genealogy website.  Having them to reference has been a great help.

I have learned a few things.

First, soldiers’ records in the roster of the regimental history, closely match records recorded in the original regimental books, which were carried in the field.  Historian Charles E. Davis, Jr. had access to these books when he authored the history of the regiment and compiled the roster for the book's printing in 1894.  The entries in the original field books  are in general very complete up through July 1863 and the Battle of Gettysburg, except in times of arduous active campaigning, like the two week period in  the Summer of 1862 during General John Pope's Retreat.  After Gettysburg the entries become a bit more random.  In many instances a soldier’s record is sparse after July 1863.

It also became evident to me, soldiers’ records are fluid.  It can be hard to pin down where a particular soldier may have been at certain times.  Many moved from detached duty somewhere, back to the company, and then were detached again.  Many returned to regular service after long stints doing detached duty, with the wagon train, head-quarters or elsewhere.  Some were permanently detached at hospitals, or in the Quarter-Master Department. Some were away without leave.  It can be tricky trying to determine who was actually in the ranks at any given time.

Third, officers moved around from company to company depending on their assignments.  This is why when non-commissioned officers were appointed 2nd Lieutenants they mustered out of their respective companies, even though they were still serving in the 13th Regiment.  Some officer assignments are recorded in the original books.  I have also seen occasional lists of officer assignments included in the personal papers of Colonel Leonard and Major Elliot Pierce culled from special collections in libraries like the Gilder Lehrman Institute in New York, or the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston.

Whats On This Page

I  have embellished the A.G.’s 1863 summary of service with pictures and maps.  It is preceded by a chart listing the record of officers discharged, and promoted.

If I had available a relevant photo of a soldier I posted it.  In the officers’s section, I only posted images of officer’s still on active service with the regiment at the end of 1863, provided I had one.

Following  the summary of service I posted Soldiers’ records which are listed in a series of charts aggregated the same way the A.G. Office organized its reports in 1864 and 1865.

There are a few special interest items collected from the Massachusetts State Archives posted below the tables.  Some  more in-depth human interest stories are posted on page 3.

This is a long page, but the soldiers' records posted here is more complete than any other such chart posted on this website so far.   This will be the case until I add the new information from the original books to older pages.

Please note, the two sidebars on the left margin in the blue column, represent the brigade organization of the 2nd Division of the 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac.  This was the home of the 13th Regiment. The sidebars are a somewhat different format from the usual Orders of Battle I place in the left margin.  These sidebars show the brigade in which the 13th MA was placed, and the different commanders in charge during the year.  The second sidebar represents the re-organization of the Army under Major General Hooker in May 1863.

Massachusetts Adjutant General William Schouler

Massachusetts Adjutant General William Schouler

According to Wikipedia, and historian Patrick Browne at his blog titled, Historical Digression,* William Schouler [pictured] was born, December 31, 1814 in Kilbarchan, Scotland.  He grew up mostly in West-Cambridge, Mass., where his father had established a silk-print textile business.  His brothers worked with their father in the family business but William went off to begin his career as a newspaperman in 1842.

He edited the Lowell Courier for 6 years, then moved to Boston to become part owner of the Boston Atlas, which became a leading Whig newspaper in New England.  He was politically active through these times and also took an interest in the Massachusetts State Militia where he reached the rank of Colonel.   In 1853,  he moved his family to Cincinnati to edit the Cincinnati Gazette.  Due to his knowlege and experience with state militias, Ohio Governor Salmon P. Chase appointed Schouler, Adjutant General of the State of Ohio in 1855.   In 1858 Schouler returned to Boston.

Governor Nathaniel P. Banks appointed Schouler Adjutant General of Massachusetts in 1860.  Recognizing Schouler’s ability, the next Governor, John A. Andrew, kept him in that office throughout his administration.  Schouler was a natural master politician and model of organizational ability.

A contemporary of Schouler, described his efficiency.  “[Schouler] organized and recruited Massachusetts regiments, consolidating fragmentary bodies in the State camps, and applying immeasurable tact and kindness to reduce the friction so constantly engendered among raw military aspirants and raw enlisted men, and to draw all together into harmony for the common weal.  Besides other high officials and legislators in his own State, he had national military organizers and officials to encounter, and to move smoothly with, in a common task which could not possibly escape asperities on the one hand nor permit of haughty compulsion on the other.”

His compassion for the common soldier was ever present in his actions.

 “He worked for the soldier with all the devotion of a personal friend. While marshaling and directing large numbers of armed men, he did not forget that they were torn from the homes of a lifelong peace to do the unaccustomed work of cruel war. Not a man went to the front from Massachusetts during the whole of that dreary period, without feeling that the friendship and sympathy of the adjutant-general accompanied him. He knew the stuff of which our regiments were made.”

Each year of the Civil War, Adjutant Schouler filed a detailed summary report for each Massachusetts Volunteer Military organization.  After the war he turned these reports into a masterful 2 volume history titled, “History of Massachusetts in the Civil War.”

The information presented on this page is lifted from Schouler’s 1863, 1864, & 1865 annual reports for the 13th Regiment, and cross-checked with other sources.

*Historical Digression post “Gen. William Schouler and Massachusetts Going to War” by Patrick Browne, posted at historical September 23, 2011.  His sources: [Sources: James Schouler, Historical Briefs, (1896), 207-262; Bob Leith, “Lincoln Thanks Mother for Sons’ Sacrifice,” Ironton Tribune, August 28, 2011.]

PICTURE CREDITS:   All images are from the Library of Congress digital images collection, with the following exceptions: Portraits of Capt. George N. Bush, the 2 Hoveys & Col. Leonard, Adjt. Bradlee, Lt._Col. Batchelder, Surgeons Whitney & Hixon, Elliot Clark Pierce, Oliver C. Livermore, Morton Tower, J.A. Howe, Sam C. Whitney, David L. Brown, William Damrell, William Cary, Oscar F. Morse, Sam Cary, Warren E. Shepard, William Pfaff, James D. Thurber, Thos. Appleton, Sigourney Wales, Thos. Little, Edwin Buswell, A.W. Leonard, James Gibson, Frank Bigelow, W.W. Davis, Samuel Bean, Frank Whitney, Charles Leland, George Clement, and George LeMoyne  (author's collection)  come from the Mass. MOLLUS Collection, Army Heritage Education Center, Carlisle, PA;  Augustus Pfafft, Co. A, at Antietam, was taken by regimental historian, Charles E. Davis, Jr. in 1888, (author's collection) courtesy of Stephen Recker; All pictures of Company B men, author's  personal collection, courtesy of Mr. Scott Hann; Portraits of Company A men,  Henry Harris, Wm. Jackson, Horace Shepard, Emanuel Nutze, Henry Kellog, Charles Cunningham, Albert Hentz, R.B. Henderson and Surgeon Heard, author's collection courtesy of Mr. Tim Sewell;  Louis E. Granger was copied from Flickr sight of Ron Coddington, publisher of Military Images Magazine;  J.N.P. Johnson, Company F, from a book, The History of Berlin, Massachusetts;  George Maynard, John Noyes, from the Massachusetts Historical Society, William Forbush, & Hollis Fairbanks, from Westboro Historical Society, Authors Collection, William Barnes Marlboro Historical Society, courtesy Paul Brodeur;  James Smith, from Greg Dowden; John F. Berry from the book, History of Stoneham, MA by Willam B. Stevens & F.L. Whittier, 1891, accessed on the internet archive;  Images of James Ramsey, Melvin Smith, & John S. Fay, were shared with me by descendants; Peter Peterson, William B. Kimball, Michael J. Dagney, Charles E. Horne, Walter Pollard, Charles C. Howland, George Ehler, Abner Greenwood, George Craig, Frank Whitney, and John Collins downloaded from various on-line auction houses (author's collection);  Color Snapshots were taken by the author.  ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN EDITED IN PHOTOSHOP.

Return to Table of Contents

Roster of Officers

Captain George N. Bush, Killed in Action April 30, 1863

Captain George Bush

Four officers of the 13th Regiment are listed as killed in Battle during the span of their 3 year term; George N. Bush, Charles W. Whitcomb, Joseph H. Stuart, and William Cordwell.   Captain George N. Bush is the only one for whom I have a picture.  He was promoted captain in February 1863, and had just shortly returned to the regiment after a leave of absence in Boston to collect his new uniform and equipments when he was killed instantly by a shell April 30, 1863 near Pollock's Mill Landing on the Rappahannock River opposite Fredericksburg.  The same shell killed 2nd-Lt. William Cordwell, the second of the four officers of the 13th Regiment listed killed in battle.  A sergeant of Company K, Cordwell had recently received his commission to 2d-Lieutenant.  The same shell that killed Bush and Cordwell, mangled Corporal John S.  Fay, who would  survive but with the loss of  two limbs.  Surgeon Allston Whitney of the 13th MA performed the operation which saved Fay's life.  According to Fay, the incident occurred while a small group of men had gathered round Captain Bush and newly minted Lieutenant Cordwell, to listen to news from Boston.  The morning had been fairly quiet, but suddenly in mid-afternoon, enemy artillery opened up and began lobbing shells across the lines. One of the first few shots exploded in the midst of the 13th MA.  This one  shot was responsible for killing 2 of the 4 officers who lost their lives while serving in the regiment.

Officers' Records as of the end of the year, 1863.

Officers Present:


Colonel Samuel H. Leonard, July 16, 1861, Boston.  [picture]

Lieutenant-Colonel N. Walter Batchelder, July 16, 1861, Boston.  [picture]

Brigade Surgeon Allston Waldo Whitney, July 16, 1861, Boston.  [picture]

Surgeon J. Theodore Heard, mustered in as Assistant Surgeon, July 16, 1861, Boston. November 10, 1862 assigned as Medical Director of the 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, remaining in that position until the 2nd Division of the 1st Corps was consolidated with the 5th Corps under General G.K. Warren, March 23, 1864. (Heard  was appointed Medical Director of the 4th Corps, Army of the Cumberland,  April 30, 1864.)  [picture]

Assistant Surgeon Lloyd Hixon, March 2, 1863, Lowell.  [picture]


Captain Charles H. Hovey, November 6, 1862, Boston.  (Mustered in as 1st-Lieutenant, July 16, 1861. Captain Nov. 6th 1861, Assigned to Co. K.  Slightly wounded at Antietam Sept. 17th 1862.  Detached as Division Inspector on Gen. Robinson's staff, May 7, 1863. Served in that capacity until battle of Gettysburg. Wounded in leg at Gettysburg, July 1st 1863. Taken prisoner while acting as Division Inspector.  Returned to the regiment in autumn of 1863.)  [picture]

Captain John G. Hovey, January 1, 1862, Boston. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Lieutenant Company B.)  [picture]

Captain Elliot C. Pierce, July 25, 1862, Weymouth. Assigned to Co. H. Detached as Captain of Ambulance Corps, Feb. 2nd 1863, by Special Order No. 25, 1st Army Corps, Jan. 31st 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant-Major.)  [picture]

Captain William H. Cary, December 30, 1862, Boston. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd-Lieutenant Company D. 1st Lieut. Feb. 7th '62 Assigned to Co. K.  June 24th 1862 Transferred to Co. G.  Captain Dec. 30th '62 Assigned to Co. G. )  [picture]

Captain David L. Brown, March 6, 1863, Marlborough.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd-Lieutenant Company I.)  [picture]

Captain Oliver C. Livermore, May 1, 1863.  Boston. Assigned to Co. C.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Sergeant Company A.  Was serving on the staff of Col. McCoy at the end of 1863. Detached as A.A.I.G. June 23d 1863. Special Order 41. 1st Brigade.)  [picture]

Captain Jacob A. Howe, August 4, 1863, Boston.  Detached as A.D.C. 3d Brigade 2nd Div. 1st Army Corps Dec. 14/62. Promoted to 1st Lieut. Jan. 11, '63 and assigned to Co. A. Relieved from duty as A.D.C. at his own request, and assumed command of Co. A.  Commanded the company at the battle of Gettysburg July 1, '63.  Detached as A.D.C. 1st Brig., 2nd Div., 1st A.C. July 2, 1863.  Captain August 4th 1863 Assigned to Co. D. Special Order No. 86.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company A.)  [picture]

Captain William B. Kimball, October 4, 1863, Westborough. 1st Lieut., Feb. 27th 1863, and assigned to Co. I.  Detailed to assume temporary command of Co. A, May 29th 1863.  Ordered to report for Medical Treatment to Genl. Hospital, Special Order No. 197, 1st Army Corps, August 14, 1863.  Returned to duty October 20th and assumed command of Co. I. December 9th, Mustered as Captain and assigned to command of Co. K. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Corporal Company K.)  [picture]


1st-Lieutenant David H. Bradlee, [Adjutant] July 16, 1861, Boston.  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant George E. Craig, [Quartermaster] July 16, 1861, Boston.  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant Melvin S. Smith, November 5, 1862, Boston. Detached in Ordnance Depot Special Order No. 212, Army of Potomac, Aug. 8, 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Commissary- Sergeant.)  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant Oscar F. Morse, February 2, 1863, Natick.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company H.)  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant David Whiston, February 14, 1863, Boston.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Sergeant, Company A.)

1st-Lieutenant Thomas R. Welles, March 6, 1863, Boston. Assigned to Co. I.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Quartermaster Sergeant.)  Assumed command of Co. F, June 12th 1863,  Sent to U.S.A. Gen'l. Hospital for medical treatment, Sept. 9th 1863.  Returned to duty October 19th 1863.

1st-Lieutenant Henry N. Washburn, March 22, 1863, Boston.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company D.)

1st-Lieutenant Charles W. Whitcomb, March 30, 1863, Brookline, N.H.  Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company I.)

1st-Lieutenant Samuel C. Whitney, May 1, 1863, Stoneham.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Sergeant, Company G.)  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant Robert B. Henderson, August 4, 1863, Boston. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company A, Acting Adjutant of the Regiment from April, '63 to March 1864, when he was ordered, on account of wounds, to report at draft rendezvous in Boston Harbor, serving there as asst.-quartermaster until mustered out.)  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant Michael J. Dagney, October 4, 1863, Boston. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company E.)  [picture]

1st-Lieutenant Samuel E. Cary, October 3, 1863, Boston.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company B.)  [picture]


2nd-Lieutenant Alpheus Montgomery, January 1, 1863, Dedham. Roster says declined promotion.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant Company E.  Promoted Quarter-Master Sergeant, December 1, 1862.)

 2nd-Lieutenant William Damrell, March 6, 1863, Dedham. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Corporal, Company D.)  [picture]

2nd-Lieutenant Joseph H. Stuart, March 22, 1863, Natick. Assigned to Company D.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Corporal, Company H.  A.G. Report lists him as Josiah Stewart.)

2nd-Lieutenant Charles E. Horne, May 1, 1863, Stoneham.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 4th-Sergeant, Company G.)  [picture]

2nd-Lieutenant William R. Warner, May 1, 1863, Westborough.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 4th-Sergeant, Company K.)  [picture]

2nd-Lieutenant Edwin F. Rollins, May 29, 1863, Boston. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Corporal, Company D.)



  Major Jacob Parker Gould, July 16, 1861, Stoneham. Gould was still on the books but was doing detached duty in Boston at Long Island since July 26, 1863. In September Special Order 413 War Dept. ordered him to take commmand of a Veteran Regt.  He remained detached at Long Island until he resigned his commission as Major, in the 13th MA, April 24, 1864, and received a Colonel's commission, in command of the 59th M.V.I.

Captain Moses P. Palmer, August 15, 1862, Marlborough.  (Mustered in as 1st-Lieutenant July 1, 1861.)  (Absent wounded, recovering from his Gettysburg wound.)

Captain Morton F. Tower, October 23, 1863. Randolph. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant, Company B.  Captain Tower was in Libby Prison following his capture at Gettysburg.  He was part of the great escape of February 1864, when he successfully broke out and made it safely back to Union lines.)

Officers Discharged:

Assistant-Surgeon William W. Claflin, April 29, 1862, Marlborough, Discharged December 1, 1862.

Assistant-Surgeon James L. Harrison, July 31, 1862, Marlborough, Discharged January 30, 1863.

Assistant-Surgeon Edgar Parker, March 13, 1863, Bridgewater, Discharged September 18, 1863 from wounds received at Gettysburg.  [Parker was wounded on the steps of Christ Church on Chambersburg Street in Gettysburg, about the same time that Chaplain Horatio Howell of the 90th PA was killed.]

Chaplain Noah M. Gaylord, July 17, 1861, Boston, Discharged March 12, 1863, to take charge of Campbell Hospital in Washington, D.C.  Assigned Post Chaplain. Died, April 1873.

Captain Joseph H. Cary, July 16, 1861, Boston, Discharged February 26, 1863. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Captain, Company B.)

Captain Augustine Harlow, July 16, 1861, Boston, August 3, 1863. Honorably discharged the service for disability Aug. 3d 1863, Special Order No. 355 A.G.O. (Mustered in, July 16, 1861 as Captain, Company D.)

Captain William H. Jackson, September 25, 1861, Boston, Discharged March 5, 1863.  (Mustered in as 1st-Lieutenant Company C.)

Captain Samuel Neat, June 28, 1862, Boston, Assigned to Co. A.  Honorably Discharged February 1, 1863.   (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Lieutenant Company A.)

Captain Joseph Colburn, February 3, 1863, Roxbury, Commissioned Major, 59th M.V.I., October 23, 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Lieutenant Company E.)

Captain Abel H. Pope, November 27, 1862, Marlborough, Discharged October 3, 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 1st-Lieutenant Company F.  Capt. Nov. 29, 1863 Assigned to Co. F.  Honorably discharged the Service on Surgeons Certificate of Disability, Oct. 3d 1863.)

1st-Lieutenant Loring S. Richardson, July 16, 1861,  Stoneham, January 9, 1863.  Appointed 1st-Lieutenant Heavy Artillery, April 11, 1863.

1st-Lieutenant Charles F. Morse, July 23, 1862, Marlborough, Discharged February 2, 1863. [Morse record in the roster contadicts this entry so I offer it here in full. ]  “Mustered in as 2d lieut., Co. F, July 16, '61; mustered out as capt.. May 10, '65; promoted to capt. and commissary of subsistence, Aug. 30, '62; served with the Army of the Potomac until April, '64; then at Chicago, as depot commissary of subsistence until March, '65, when returned to Army of Potomac as inspector of the commissary department of all the armies operating against Richmond.”

1st-Lieutenant John H. Foley, July 26, 1862, Stoneham, Discharged March 29, 1863.  Afterwards in 2nd MA Heavy Artillery.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd Lieutenant, Company G.)

1st-Lieutenant Charles B. Fox, August 16, 1862, Boston, Discharged February 13, 1863.  Commissioned December 1, 1862, 1st Lieutenant and Reg'l Com'y, 2d Mass. Cavalry. Commissioned June 1, 1863 Major 55th M.V.I.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd-Lieutenant Company K.)

1st-Lieutenant Thomas J. Little, November 29, 1862, Boston, Discharged March 21, 1863.  Wounded, 2nd Bull Run, August 30 1862. Promoted while absent sick to 1st Lieut., and discharged for disability occasioned by his wounds. March 21st 1863.   Mustered out March 21, 1863 for disability.  Appointed 2d lieut., 5th Unattached H.A., March 29, '63; (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Sergeant-Major, Company C.)


2nd-Lieutenant William Alley, March 30, 1863, Marlborough. Assigned to Company C.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Private, Company I. 2nd Lieut. March 30, '63, assigned to Co. C, July 1st 1863.  Wounded at Gettysburg. Returned to Regt. Sept. 11th 1863. Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, Special Order 243, 1st Corps,  October 12, 1863.)

2nd Lieutenant James Gibson, April 1, 1863, Assigned to Co. H.  Detailed to go after conscripts July 26th 1863, Special Order 167, 1st Corps.  Resigned November 9, 1863, for promotion to 1st-Lt. 59th M.V.I., Special Order 497, War Dept. (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as Color Sergeant, Company F.)

2nd-Lieutenant Sigourney Wales, declined promotion to 1st-Lieutenant in the 13th MA to accept a captain's commission in the 55th Massachusetts Regiment.  Resigned, May 28, 1863.


Captain George Bush, February 27, 1863. Boston.  Killed in Battle April 30, 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd-Lieutenant Company A.) [picture]

2nd-Lieutenant William Cordwell, February 14, 1863, Westborough, Killed in Battle April 30, 1863.  (Mustered in July 16, 1861 as 2nd Sergeant, Company K.)

Return to Table of Contents

Photo Gallery of Officers

Colonel Leonard and the Two Hoveys

Colonel Leonard flanked by John G. and Charles H. Hovey

Left to right, Captain John G. Hovey, Colonel Samuel H. Leonard, Captain Charles H. Hovey. John G. would resign shortly in January, 1864.  Charles would be promoted Lt.-Colonel and go home with the regiment at the end of service.  Col. Leonard was never promoted to Brigadier-General, and was the senior colonel in the Army of the Potomac when the regiment went home in July 1864.  It was probably his weak health in the field  that prevented advancement.  He was a brave and true military man.  A letter of Colonel Leonard's, on file in the Governor's Correspondence Collection of papers at the MA State Archives, states he wished to re-organize the 13th MA for another 3 years, like many veteran regiments were doing in late 1863.  That never happened.  I can only speculate why, and think it may have come down to his poor health, and his relationship with Maj.-Generals Samuel Crawford and G.K. Warren during the Spring campaigns of 1864.

David Bradlee, AdjutantGeorge Craig QuartermasterLieutenant Colonel N. Walter Batchelder

Pictured left to right, Adjutant David Bradlee, Quartermaster George Craig, Lieutenant-Colonel N. Walter Batchelder.  Charles E. Davis, Jr. wrote of Adjutant Bradlee in December, 1895, "The record of Adjutant Bradlee, as it appears in the published roster, seems meagre in comparison with the service he performed.  Most of his service was in the capacity of A.A.A.G. on the staffs of brigade and division commanders.  He left among his papers no record of these details, hence the difficulty of making his record complete.  Lt.-Col. Batchelder frequently commanded the regiment, when Col Leonard had command of the brigade, or was absent.  He would resign his commission after 3 years hard service, before the Spring Campaigns began in 1864.

Lieutenant Melvin S. Smith, Quartermaster DepartmentMichael J. Dagney

Lieutenant Melvin Smith and Lieutenant Michael J. Dagney.  Original Officer, Lieutenant Melvin S. Smith, worked closely with George Craig in the Quartermaster Department.  Subsequently, like Craig, he was detached from the regiment.  Next to Smith is a low-resolution image of 1st-Lieutenant Michael J. Dagney.  The image was cropped out of a group photo of the 13th MA Glee Club, from the early days of the regiment when it was camped in Williamsport, Maryland.  Dagney began service as a corporal and rose through the ranks to 1st-Lieutenant, promoted February 2nd 1863.

Surgeon J. Theodore HeardSurgeon Allston W. WhitneyDr. Lloyd Wells Hixon

 Surgeon J. Theodore Heard, Surgeon Allston W. Whitney, and Assistant Surgeon Lloyd Hixon.  No medical officer advanced through the ranks as quickly as J. Theodore Heard.  He mustered into the 13th Mass. as Assistant Surgeon, on July 16, 1861.  On May 1st, 1862 he was promoted Brigade Surgeon.  On October 28th, 1863 he was promoted Division Surgeon. Twelve days later on November 10, he was appointed Medical Director of the First Army Corps. He continued in that capacity til the end of the war, assigned Medical Director of the Fourth Corps, Army of the Cumberland, after the First Corps was broken up in March, 1864.  Before the war, Heard did two tours in Europe studying medicine after graduationg from Harvard Medical School in 1859.  He studied medical tactics in the Crimean War.  He was from a wealthy Boston family, that made money as brewers, and was considered a gentleman of the highest sort.  Even Colonel Wainwright liked him, which makes him a most rare bird.

Surgeon Whitney was also a worthy doctor.  His father was also a surgeon and before the war they practiced together.  Whitney was also promoted Brigade Surgeon.  He was captured June 15, 1863 at the Fitzhugh House Hospital opposite Fredericksburg (of which he had charge) when the wagons necessary to evacuate his most severe cases failed to show up.  Whitney refused to abandon the hospital's wounded in the face of the enemy's advance.  For this he spent nearly five months in captivity at Richmond's Libby Prison.  Whitney, a stout man was released and reached Washington somewhat thinner, November 26, 1863.  He re-joined the army as brigade surgeon during the winter encampment at Culpeper.  I currently don't have specific dates for his return to the field. A letter of Sergeant Warren Freeman says Dr. Whitney returned April 16, 1864, after nearly 6 months captivity.  His record in the Regimental Roster says, “was detailed as surgeon-in-chief of brigade or division during most of his service.” A Westboro Chronotype Newspaper article, dated January 10, 1863 says, “Dr. A. W. Whitney of Framingham, Surgeon of the 13th Regt. Mass. Vols., has been appointed Chief Medical Officer of the 2d Division-1st Army Corps, and attached to Gen. Gibbons Staff.”

Assistant Surgeon Lloyd Hixon, was an educator at heart.  He ran a school for camp-followers during his service with the regiment and encouraged many of the soldiers to consider getting an advanced education when their volunteer service ended.  He ran his own school for boys in Newburyport, MA after the war. An in-depth tribute to Dr. Hixon is posted elsewhere on this website.

Elliot C. PierceOliver C. Livermore

Captain Elliot C. Pierce, left, and Captain Oliver C. Livermore. Captain Pierce would soon be Major Pierce of the 13th, replacing Jacob Parker Gould who resigned to take charge of the 59th M.V.I.  Pierce was appointed Major, April 22, 1864.  He was a friend of Colonel Leonard and quickly rose through the ranks faster than any other officer in the regiment.  I cannot but think the Colonel promised him an officer's commission as soon as it was possible, when he mustered in as Sergeant-Major in July 1861.  In January 1862, he jumped the line of ten men and was promoted 1st-Lieutenant, assigned to Company H.  Six months later in July 1862 he was promoted captain.  He ended his service with the rank of major, 3rd in command.  Pierce was a good soldier and was the last man of the regiment to leave the front lines before Petersburg the day they were relieved of duty and ordered to the rear.   He was on duty as Officer of the Day.  Captain Livermore, was often acting adjutant of the regiment.  In December 1863, Livermore was on Colonel T. F. McCoy's Brigade Staff.

Morton TowerJacob A. Howe

Captain Morton Tower, left, and  Captain Jacob A. Howe.  1st-Lieutenant Morton Tower was captured at Gettysburg and marched off to Libby Prison in Richmond.  He participated in a dramatic escape with over 100 others February 9, 1864, through a secret tunnel the officers dug from the prison basement.   He received his captain's commission July 16, 1863, during confinement.  1st-Lieutenant Jacob A. Howe saved the National Colors from capture at the battle of Gettysburg.  He was promoted captain a month later.   Both Tower and Howe began their service in the regiment as non-commissioned officers.

Samuel C. WhitneyRobert Bruce HendersonDavid L. Brown

Pictured left to right are Samuel C. Whitney,  Robert B. Henderson, and  David L. Brown.  All three would soon leave the regiment.  Whitney started service as first-sergeant of Company G. He was appointed 1st-Lieutenant in May,  1863.  He resigned his commission April 4, 1864 and was replaced by Edwin F. Rollins. Henderson started out as a sergeant of Company A, and made his way up through the ranks to 1st-Lieutenant, August 4, 1863.  He was acting adjutant of the regiment at this time, but left in March 1864, due to disability from his Antietam related wounds.  He finished service as Assistant-Quartermaster at the Draft Rendezvous in Boston Harbor, (probably at Long Island, MA).  David L. Brown helped organize Company I in the Spring of 1861.  He was bumped down to 2nd-Lieutenant when notorious Captain Shriber was appointed by Governor Andrew to command the company.  Brown would resign his commission March 13, 1864 the day he was promoted captain. David Whiston was promoted to take his place.

William DamrellWilliam B. KimballWilliam Cary

Pictured left to right are William S. Damrell, William B. Kimball, and William Cary.  Damrell started out as Corporal in Company D.  He had the misfortune to be captured at Spotsylvania and sent to Rebel Prisons in the South.  He was not released until well after the regiment mustered out.  He was promoted Captain while in prison, like Morton Tower.  William B. Kimball also rose through  the ranks, beginning his service as Corporal of Company K in July 1861.  William Cary was the oldest of the 3 Cary brothers, [William, Joseph, and Sam]  to muster into the regiment in 1861.  He and his younger brother Joseph was the original captain of Company B, while youngest brother Sam entered service as a sergeant.  Joseph resigned February 28, 1863..  Both William and Sam were promoted and served to the end of the regiment's 3 year term.

Oscar F. MorseCharles HorneSamuel E. Cary

Picture left to right are, Oscar F. Morse, Charles E. Horne, and  Samuel E. Cary.  Morse began service as a sergeant in Company H.  He would soon be promoted to the rank of captain on January 4, 1864.  He mustered out of service July 8, 1864, shortly before the rest of the regiment left the front lines.  Horne began service as 4th Sergeant, Company G. After Gettysburg, where he was wounded he was promoted 2nd-Lieutenant.  He was promoted again in March, 1864. At Spotsylvania he would be wounded a second time in which he would lose an arm. He was also captured and sent to prison and was not mustered out of service until September 1864 two months after his term of service had expired.  Sam Cary as mentioned above, mustered into service in the 13th MA with two older brothers.  He was the youngest of the 3 and began as a sergeant in Company B, of which his brother Joseph was then captain.  Sam mustered out of the regiment as 1st-Lieutenant.

 I have no identified pictures of 2nd Lieutenants Whiston, Welles, Washburn, and Whitcomb. There must be something about the W.   2nd-Lieutenant William R. Warner's image is posted below on this page.  I would also like to find pictures of Lt. Edwin Rollins and Josiah "Joe" Stuart if anybody reading this can help.

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1863 Summary Report of Service

Presented here is Massachusetts Adjutant General William Schouler's 1863 Summary Report for the 13th Regiment, Volunteer Infantry.  Pictures are inserted between the entries, which makes it seem less like a report. I have also added titles to the campaigns.


The nucleus of the Thirteenth Regiment, was the Fourth Battalion of Rifles, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, which was recruited to a full regiment, while in camp at Fort Independence, Boston harbor, and was ordered to Washington, July 30, 1861.

Fort Independence, Boston 

Fort Independence

From the time it left Massachusetts until the spring of 1862, it was on patrol and outpost duty, on the Upper Potomac, in Maryland.  Previous to the 1st of January, 1863, the Thirteenth was engaged in the battles of Bull Run (second,) Antietam, and Fredericksburg.  The following is its history from December 19, 1862, up to December 31, 1863.

December 19, 1862.  Broke camp and marched to Fletcher’s Chapel, a distance of about twelve miles, and went into camp.  From December 19, 1862, to January 20, 1863, remained in camp, usual drills with bayonet exercises occupying the time.

Illustration from Harpers Weekly, Winter Camp, 1863

Winter Huts, January 17, 1863, Harper's Weekly

[Mud March, January 20 - 23.]

January 20, 1863.  Broke camp and marched to Stoneman’s Switch, a distance of nine miles, and bivouacked for the night.  21st, moved at 7, A.M., towards the Rappahannock, halting on the left of the road leading to United States Ford, distance four miles.   Very heavy rain and the roads impassable for artillery and trains.  22d.  In the mud.

A.R. Waud engraving, Artillery in mud

Harper' Weekly engraving of an Alfred Waud sketch drawn during the "Mud March."

  23d.  Marched back to our old camp near Fletcher’s Chapel; distance marched, thirteen miles.  We remained in this camp attending to the usual duties until April 28.

Graphic from Harpers Weekly, President Lincoln Reviews Troops

“Review by the President of the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac –– General Buford's Division of Regulars.”  Drawn by A.R. Waud.  The review took place April 9, 1863.  The picture was published in Harpers Weekly, May 2nd 1863.

[Chancellorsville Campaign, April 28 - May 6.]

April 28.  Broke camp and marched towards the Rappahannock, halting in rear of the “Fitz Hugh House,” formed line of battle and bivouacked.

29th.  Moved down near the river, on the interval in front of the “Fitz Hugh House” and reformed line.  Remained in this position until the afternoon of the 30th, when the enemy opens his artillery upon us, and we moved to the rear for shelter, which we found in the ditch by the roadside.  During the shelling, Captain George Bush, and Lieutenant William Cordwell, both of Company F, were killed, and Sergeant J. S. Fay, of the same company, lost his right leg and arm.

Fitzhugh HouseFitzhugh House Grounds

The Henry Fitzhugh house and grounds photographed by John Cummings in 2011.  The house was used as a field hospital. 13th MA Surgeon Allston W. Whitney had charge of the hospital.  John S. Fay was operated on at this house after his severe wounding at Fitzhugh Crossing, April 30, 1863.  The house is derelect today, the grounds developed.

Chancellorsville Map showing 1st Corps PositionMay 1. Laid in line of battle.

2d.  Were ordered to march, proceeded up the river to United States Ford, where we crossed, halted and made preparations to remain over night. At 8, P.M., we advanced to the front and took possession on the right of Chancellorsville, distance marched, eighteen miles.  Here we threw up earthworks, using, instead of picks and shovels, bayonets and tin plates.*

3d.  Laid in our intrenchments.

4th.  In connection with the Twelfth Massachusetts, and one section of the Second Maine Battery, made a reconnoissance, the object being to discover the position of the enemy on our right.  We soon came upon his pickets, who fired upon our skirmishers, wounding seven men.  The object of the advance being accomplished, we returned to our intrenchments.

*General Hooker didn't utilize General John Reynold's 1st Corps troops at the Battle of Chancellorsville.  They were in an excellent position to make a flank attack upon the enemy.  Such a manouevre was strongly advised to the commander, but he refused to act upon it.

6th.  Moved at 3, A.M., and recrossed the Rappahannock, at United States Ford, marched to Falmouth, a distance of fourteen miles.  

Edwin Forbes sketch of U.S. Ford

Artists Edwin Forbus Sketched U.S. Ford during the Chancellorsville Campaign.  Few pictures exist of the ford and it is difficult to access today, except perhaps by water, canoeing along the river.

7th.  Marched to White Oak Church , six miles, and went into camp.   18th Moved camp half a mile.  20th.  This regiment was transferred to First Brigade.  21st.  Changed camp and remained until June 12th.

White Oak ChurchWhite Oak Church, 2017

White Oak Church, Stafford County, Virginia, during the war, and a contemporary view.

[Gettysburg Campaign, June 12 - July 14.]

Charles Reed illustration of soldier in heavy marching order.

June 12.  Broke camp at 5 o’clock, A.M., and marched to Deep Run, arriving at 7 o’clock, P.M.,  a distance of about twenty-two miles.

13th.  Marched at 7, A.M., reaching Bealton Station at 6, P.M., a march of twelve miles.  A very hot day –– the men suffering severely.

14th.  Marched at 8, A.M.;  passed through Warrenton Junction and Catlett’s Station, reaching Kettle Run at 9, P.M.  Halted to cook coffee at half-past 10 o’clock.  Marched for Manassas JunctIon, arriving at half-past 3, A.M. of the 15th–-a march of eighteen miles.

15th.  Marched at 8, A.M.; and on reaching Bull Run, the First Corps was drawn up in line of battle, left resting on the creek, and the right extending towards Centreville.  Remained in position one hour, and then took up our line of march for Centreville, and bivouacked at 3, P.M., on the heights.

16th.  Rested.

17th.  Line formed, and marched at half-past 5, A.M., and reached Herndon Station at 3, P.M.; distance sixteen miles; a very warm day.  18th.  Remained in camp.

19th.  Marched to Guilford Station, four miles, and went into camp.  At 8, P.M., ordered to pack up, (in a heavy rain-storm;) after remaining under arms two hours, marching orders were countermanded and nearly the whole regiment was sent out on picket.

25th.  At 9 o’clock, broke camp, and crossed the Potomac at half-past 1, P.M., near Edward’s Ferry; marched through Poolesville to Barnesville, arriving at 9, P.M., when the regiment was sent half a mile out on the road for picket duty.  The day’s march was eighteen miles.

Illustration of a buglar.

26th.  Marched at half-past 4, A.M., crossed the Monocacy at Greenfield, passed though Adamstown, and halted at Jeffersonville at 3 P.M., –– a sixteen-miles march.  Rain for two days.

27th.  Marched at 8, A.M., passed through Middleton, camping a mile from town at 1, P.M.

28th.  Marched at half-past 3, A.M., crossed the mountain by the old road, and reached Frederick City at 8, P.M.; distance, nine miles;  the men unusually cheerful, enlivening the march by songs and cheers.

29th.  Marched at 5, A.M., passing through Emmetsburg at half-past 5, P.M., camping near the town. The distance marched was twenty-six miles, (it raining all day,) and the greater part of the distance over mud roads in very bad condition.

30th.  Marched at 8, A.M.; and, after proceeding about six miles, crossing the Pennsylvania line, halted and formed line of battle, owing to the First Division, (which was in the advance,) encountering the pickets of the enemy.

July 1.  Marched at 6, A.M.  After proceeding about four miles, heard cannonading in front, our cavalry and flying artillery having engaged the advance of the enemy.  The First and Third Divisions being ahead of us, advanced, and we followed rapidly.  Before proceeding far, the news came to the rear of the death of General Reynolds.  We rapidly neared the firing, which grew more rapid and severe as we approached.

View of the Seminary from Gen. Reynolds Position

General Robinson's 2nd Division of the First Corps, paused briefly in front of  the seminary, seen in the background with the cupola, and built earthworks before moving into action north of the town.  A first Corps Monument to the 3rd Division stands in the foreground.

Soon the First Division was engaged and General Paul notified the commanders that they were immediately going into an engagement.  We left the road, and moved out to the front of Gettysburg, and soon came under the fire of the enemy.

Dale Gallon Painting, Fight on Oak Ridge

The enemy so much out numbering us, our brigade was sent into action by regiments and with so great intervals between them, as not to be able to properly support each other.  The enemy pressed hard on our flanks, but our regiment ––commanded by Colonel Leonard, until he was wounded and retired, and afterwards by Lieutenant-Colonel Batchelder ––held its ground for upwards of an hour, when, being seriously annoyed by a regiment of the enemy lying behind the banks of Chambersburg Pike Road, a charge was ordered, which resulted in the capture of 132 of the enemy, 7 of whom were commissioned officers. They were safely carried to the rear.  A division of the Eleventh Corps, on our right, giving way before a charge of the enemy, with very slight resistance, left our flank exposed, and no support coming up, a retreat was ordered, and we fell back through the town to the heights in the rear, where the command was reorganized.  About 100 were taken prisoners in passing through the town.  Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, in the day’s battle, was 189.  We took into action 260 muskets.**

**NOTE:  The 11th Corps over-extended its line and did not have enough men to hold the advancing enemy.  Capt Hubert Dilgers 1st Ohio battery and skirmishers from the 45h NY Infantry greatly assisted the 13th MA on the right of the 1st Corps line in repelling the first attack of Colonel Edward A. O'Neal's Confederate Brigade. The Official Report of Lt.-Col. Dobke, of the 45th NY; dated August 21, 1863, says:

“At about 1.30 p.m. a long line of the enemy moved on the extreme right of the First Corps, passing the left of the Forty-fifth, and offering the flank to the Forty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers, the left wing of our regiment at once gave fire at very short distance (50 or 100 yards) with such terrible effect that, in result with the combination of the fire from the extreme right of the First Corps, the whole of the enemy’s line halted, gradually disappeared on the same spot where they stood, and the remainder, finding they could not retrace their steps, surrendered, partly to the First Corps and a great number to the Forty-fifth Regiment, which prisoners were at once sent to the rear, but in the heat of the battle no account could be taken.”

Slope of Oak RIdge to the 13th MA Position, Gettysburg

This photo shows the slope of Oak Ridge, with Baxter's Brigade on the top of the ridge facing east, and the 13th MA on the reverse slope facing north (left).

July 2.  Supported batteries on Cemetery Hill until nearly dark, when we were ordered to the left, and ran the gauntlet of a very heavy artillery fire, reaching the point of attack as the enemy were driven back.  Returned to our position on the right, and about 9, P.M., were moved over the hill in front of the batteries and near the town, where we were much annoyed by the sharpshooters firing from the windows of the houses.

July 3.  Soon after daylight were ordered to the rear of the batteries.  As we rose from the stone wall and moved off, received a volley from the pickets of the enemy, which fortunately did no damage.  Held a position in support of batteries until the enemy, making a desperate attack on the centre, our division was sent to reinforce the Second Corps. Reached the point of attack just as the enemy fell back, broken and defeated.  Relieved the Second Corps, built earthworks in the edge of the woods, and, after sending out a strong picket, bivouacked.

July 4.  Our pickets skirmished with the enemy all day; casualties very few.  Heavy rain nearly all day.

5th. At daylight discovered that the enemy had retreated.  At 9, A.M., moved to the left, occupying part of the ground held by the Third Corps.  Made out report of the action and list of casualties, and forwarded them.

6th.  Formed line at 6, A.M., move towards Emmettsburg.  After marching six miles, were halted and marched back two miles where we halted in a piece of woods until afternoon. We again formed, and marched to within two miles of Emmettsburg, and went into camp.

View east from South Mountain

View from South Mountain looking east, toward the Cactoctin Mountains.  The 13th Mass. crossed this ridge from Emmistburg to get near Middleton, and from there to the west slope of South Mountain Gap.

July 7.  Marched by a very rough mountain road to Belleville, a distance of twenty miles, reaching camp about 8, P.M.  Before tents could be pitched, the rain began to fall in torrents, and continued all night.

View west from South Mountain

View west from the top of South Mountain looking towards the Antietam Battlefield.

8th.  Rainy day; marched through Belleville, and Middleton, halting for about four hours near the latter place; passed through South Mountain gap, and threw up earthworks on the west side of the ridge. The distance marched fourteen miles.

9th.  Remained in position.

Map July 13, 1863, Williamsport, MD      July 10.  Marched early in the morning, passed through Boonsboro’ to Beaver Creek, and built more earthworks.  After completing the works, were ordered to change front to rear, and built another line of works.

11th.  Late in the afternoon went on picket.

12th.  Withdrawn from picket early A.M.;  marched to Funkstown, on the Hagerstown Road.  Formed line of battle on the left of the road, and intrenched.

July 13.  Remained in our works; were reinforced by a brigade composed of the Eighth, Thirty-Ninth, Forty-Third, and Forty-Sixth Massachusetts Volunteers.

14th.  It became evident that the enemy had again fallen back. Marched at 2, P.M., and reached Williamsport before night;  went into camp.  A hard rain during the night.

15th.  Marched early, and after a very hard march encamped near Crampton’s Gap.

The map shows the positions of the opposing armies July 13, 1863.  Click here to view the map a little bit larger.

Crampton's Gap

Crampton's Gap

View East at Crampton's Gap, showing the prominant War Correspondents' Monument, errected through the efforts of Correspondent George Alfred Townsend who settled in the area years after the war.

July 16.  Marched through Crampton’s Gap, and Burkittsville, and encamped near Berlin.  17th.  Remained in camp.

River Crossing at Berlin, Maryland

The Potomac River Crossing at Berlin, Maryland.

18th. Crossed the Potomac on pontoons, marched through Lovettsville, and encamped near Waterford.  

Map of the march south

19th. Marched east 7. A.M., and reached Hamilton about 10, A.M.

July 20.  Marched at 4, A. M., and reached Middleburg at 6, P.M., and encamped.  21st. Remained in camp.

July 22.  Marched in the evening as rear-guard to the corps.  Were on the road till 3, A.M., of the 23d, when we halted, one mile from White Plain.  A night attack on the train by guerrillas was expected, and we were disposed accordingly.

July 23.  Marched at 10, A.M., and reached Warrenton at 4, P.M., and went into camp, the teams coming up with tents and baggage.  24th. Remained in camp.

25th.  Were aroused at 3 o’clock, A.M., and ordered to prepare to march immediately.  Started at 5, A.M., and arrived at Warrenton Junction at noon.  At 8, P.M., resumed march towards Bealton Station, arriving at half-past ten, P.M., the most of the distance being marched in a very heavy thunder storm.  The day’s march was twelve miles. 

26th.  Changed position in order to camp on better ground; the most of the regiment sent out on picket towards night.

27th.  Marched to Rappahannock Station, taking position in rear of the old fortifications above the bridge.  28th Remained in camp. Heavy thunder storm. 

29th.  Remained in camp.  A very hot day.

30th.  Remained in camp.  Very warm.

31st. Remained in camp.  [Click here to view map larger.]

Sketch of Rappahannock Station

Edwin Forbes sketch of Rappahannock Station, August, 1862

Edwin Forbes sketch of Rappahannock Station in August, 1862.  The two hills numbered "3" are on the south side of the river.   General George Lucas Hartsuff's Brigade lay on one of them during the fight at Rapp Station, August 23, 1862.

August 1.  Moved at daylight into the entrenchments to cover the crossing of our cavalry, (General Buford’s division.)  The enemy’s pickets fell back without firing a shot, and after the cavalry had all crossed on a hastily-constructed pontoon, our brigade crossed, moving to the left, to the heights on which stands the “White House,” and encircled the height with rifle pits.  2d.  Remained in same position until the 8th.

Map of 13th MA positions August 1 - 15, 1863.

This map is conjecture as to the positions of the 13th MA, at Rapp Station, July 27 - August 15, 1863.  I believe the "White House" referenced is the "Payne" house indicated on this map.

8th.  Were relieved by fresh troops and recrossed the river, encamping a short distance above the railroad bridge.

10th. Remained in camp.  Resumed the regular routine of camp duties.

16th.  Broke camp at daylight and marched at 7 o’clock, A.M., towards Culpeper. The First Division in the advance, the artillery next, Second Division in the centre, the Third Division in the rear.  Arrived in camp near Culpeper at 3, P.M.

17th.  Ordered to resume regular camp duties. Remained in camp until September 24th.

East Pony Mountain where the regiment camped

View of Pony Mountain, from the east, where the regiment camped.  The village of  Culpeper, VA is just north-west of the mountain.

September 24th. Marched to Raccoon Ford; went into camp in a piece of woods one mile from the Rapidan.

27th.  Changed camp two miles up the river, where we remained until October 10th.

View of Clarks Mountain across the Rapidan near Raccoon Ford

View of Clarks Mountain  from the north side of the Rapidan River (looking south) near Raccoon Ford.  The regiment did picket duty here along the river in the Fall of 1863.  The Rapidan follows the heavy tree line in the middle ground of the picture.

[Bristoe Campaign; October 10 - 19.]

Map of the first part of the march October 13, 1863

October 10.  Ordered to be in line ready to march at 1, A.M., moved at 3, A.M., towards Morton’s Ford. After a cavalry reconnoissance at the ford, the enemy being discovered making a flank movement, we were marched at 6, P.M. to the rear, towards Stevensburg, going into camp to the left of the town.

11th.  “General” sounded at 3, A.M.  Troops marched soon after daylight, passing through Stevensburg, reaching Kelly’s Ford about 3, P.M., fording the river, water leg deep, went into camp on the heights. 

12th.  At daylight were ordered to move down into the rifle-pits on the banks of the river, and remained in that position the rest of the day.

13th.  At one o’clock, A.M., ordered to prepare to march.  Marched at 2, A.M., passing through Warrenton Junction, Catlett’s Station, and bivouacking at Bristol Station at 9, P.M.  Anticipating  flank attack at Warrenton Junction, the First Corps was drawn up in line of battle a few hours, while the trains were being moved to the rear.

14th.  Marched at daylight, passing through Manassas, crossing Bull Run, and reaching Centerville at one, P.M.  Heavy cannonading in the rear all day; were soon ordered to pack up ad move out on the Warrenton Pike.  Thirteenth Massachusetts deployed as skirmishers and advanced to Stone Bridge on Bull Run, threw out strong pickets and  bivouacked.

[Map shows the first leg of the long march on October 13th, from Kelly's Ford to Warrenton Junction along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad.  They continued to march north the next day to Centreville.]

Stone Bridge over Bull Run

The Stone Bridge over Bull Run Creek.

 15th.  Moved back across Cub Run to the hill in front of Centerville Heights, where we remained until October 19.

19th.  Marched at at 8 o’clock to Haymarket, cavalry of the enemy offering slight resistance.

Map of march from Centreville to Thoroughfare Gap, October 19, 1863.

Map of the march through much fought over ground, from Centreville to Haymarket on October 19th.  Thoroughfare Gap is a short distance west of Haymarket.  The Bristoe Campaign ended with the skirmishing on the 19th.

20th.  Enemy disappeared during the night.  At 3, P.M., marched through Thoroughfare Gap, and camped on the heights at 9 o’clock, P.M.  Colonel Leonard returned from Long Island, [Massachusetts] and assumed command of brigade.

24th. Marched at 7, A.M., through the Gap, Haymarket, Gainesville, forded Broad Run, and encamped on the battle-ground near Bristol Station at 5, P.M., weather very cold and rain fell nearly all day.

31st. Moved camp one mile to the westward, in a thick grove of pines.

Thoroughfare Gap, Frank Leslies illustration

Thoroughfare Gap illustrated in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly.

November 5.  Struck tents at 4, P.M., moved to Catlett’s Station and bivouacked.

6th.  Went into camp on high ground east of the station.

7th.  Marched at daylight, passed through Warrenton Junction, and bivouacked at Morristown at 4, P.M.; drew and issued ammunition.

Alfred Waud Sketch, the Battle of Kelly's Ford, November 7, 1863

Battle of Kelly's Ford, November 7, 1863.  Captain J. Henry Sleeper's 10th Massachusetts Battery opens on Confederate Pickets from a ridge overlooking Kellys Ford.  Troops of the Major-General William French's 3rd Corps drove away Rebel pickets and secured the crossing for the Army of the Potomac.  The 13th MA with the 1st Corps lay in support of the 3rd Corps, some distance away at Morristown.

8th. Moved at daylight, crossed Kelly’s Ford and advanced, acting as a reserve, to near Brandy Station.

9th.  Marched at 4, P.M., recrossed river at Rappahannock Station, and marched to Licking Run, going into camp at one o’clock, A.M., November 10, a very cold night, snowing, with a strong north-west wind.

23d.  Marched at daylight for Rappahannock.

[Mine Run Campaign; November 26 - December 3rd.]

26th.  Thanksgiving Day.  Marched across the Rappahannock, and Culpepper Ford on the Rapidan, and camped on the heights south of the river.

27th.  Marched down Fredericksburg Plank Road a few miles, and crossed over to the Orange Court house road, moved out into the Wilderness, joining in to the left of the Second Corps, and picketed through the night.

Map of the regiment's march in the Mine Run Campaign

Map of the marches of the various Union Army Corps, November 26 & 27, 1863, during the Mine Run Campaign.  Click here to view map larger.

28th. Moved forward into line of battle early in the morning;  after a little artillery fire the regiment was sent out on the left flank as skirmishers; were relieved by the Third Army Corps that night.

29th.  Laid in line of battle.

30th.  Moved to the right about a mile and massed on the left of the Fifth Army Corps, to make an assault on the works. The intention to storm the works was finally abandoned by General Meade on account of the great risks involved.

December 1.  Moved back before daylight to our old position.  Late in the afternoon were ordered to march to Germania Ford, on the Rapidan, and cover the crossing of the rest of the army.

Alfred Waud sketch of Meade's Army crossing Germanna Ford, December 1, 1863

Artist Correspondent A.R. Waud sketched General Meade's army recrossing the Rapidan River at Germanna Ford December 2nd 1863.  The campaing was like a dry run for General U.S. Grant's Spring Campaign in May, 1864.

2d. The whole army being safely withdrawn, we crossed the river and marched to Stevensburg, where we camped for the night.

3d.  Marched to near Kelly’s Ford, went into camp, and resumed camp duties.

  Edwin Forbes sketch of Kellys Ford, April 1863, from Holly Hill

Edwin Forbes' sketch of Kelly's Ford in April, 1863, gives a good idea of the location, showing Kelly's Mill on the Culpeper (south) side of the Rappahannock River.  There was a battle fought here in November, but  Forbes' sketch was made at the start of General George Stoneman's failed cavalry raid, which was part of General Joseph Hooker's Chancellorsville campaign.  The 13th MA spent most of December, 1863 camped between here and Paoli Mills to the west, on Mountain Run, in huts built by Southern soldiers.

[December] 24th.  Broke camp at daylight and marched seventeen miles and bivouacked.

25th.  Christmas.  Laid in line.

27th.  Marched to Mitchell’s Station, a distance of three miles, and camped.

31st.  Changed camp to higher ground.

Mitchell's Station

Picture of Mitchell's Station, Virginia; photo by Brett V. Johnson.

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Adjutant General's Report: Methodology & Sources


The following lists were compiled from the Massachusetts Adjutant General’s Reports for  the 13th Regiment in 1864 and 1865. Any soldier whose record ended in the year 1863, was culled from those reports and aggregated here. There were many incorrect names on the A.G. Report.  When there was a question about a name or record I consulted the roster printed in Charles E. Davis, Jr’s regimental history, “Three Years in the Army” Estes & Lauriat, 1894.   I also consulted the 13th Regiment Association Circulars.  Davis addressed the errors found in his roster by printing corrections in the Circulars beginning with #8 in December, 1895, #9 in December 1896, and finally in #10, December 1897.  Considering the wide circulation this pamphlet had among veterans of the regiment, it was an economically wise method used to make the corrections.  But, if today, you are unaware of the 13th MA Association Circulars, you are stuck with the errors contained in the history’s roster.   The third source used to check up on a soldier’s record were the entries in the original Regimental and Company Books carried in the field when the 13th MA was in service.  These books were turned over to the Massachusetts State Archives and have recently been digitized and posted on-line by the genealogy site "Family Search."   I found two descriptive books from this source.  The first which I have termed the "Regt. Descriptive List" organizes soldiers' names alphabetically with short notes and comments on service.  Many of these notations were added and dated years after the war.  The othere record I found from this source I have called, "Regt. Descriptive Book."  This record is organized by Company with more space allowed for notes.  The notes for each company are written in a different hand, and follow a slightly different style or pattern depending on who filled in the comments. In this book, for each soldier's record, the list of "battles engaged in" were added all at one time in a different handwriting from the original comments.   It is a great boon to have these documents available to consult.  In most cases,  Davis’s roster reflects the entries in the original books.  Although it is great to have these records it makes proof reading tedious and time consuming.  Other sources I used to clarify records included pension index-card files and town histories when available.   Where there were discrepancies, preference was given to the roster and original books over the A.G. Reports.

Differences between the Adjutant General Report, and the Regimental Roster are noted.  “Regt. says” refers to a soldier's record in the regimental history.  “AG says,” refers to information in the Adjutant General's Report.   “Regt. Descriptive List,” and “Regt. Descriptive Book,” were two different compilations within the original books. Between the two main sources, small differences in a soldier's age were recorded.  I tended to ignore them.  Greater differences are noted.  I have sometimes used the notation m/o for "mustered out."   I've tried to be as careful as possible but handling this many records there are probably some errors. I found a few while proofreading.  Readers may contact me if they are uncertain about a particular soldier's record as it is listed, and I will be glad to  re-check my files.B.F.

List of Absent Men (1863 Only)

Photo Gallery

Peter Petersen, Company B

Peter F. Petersen, Company B.

Absent Men

These are only men reported absent in the 1864 Adjutant General's Report for the year 1863.  Men listed absent since 1862 are not included here, (perhaps with a couple of exceptions) nor are men who would be absent in 1864 included here. The first comments in the  "NOTES" column are the A.G.'s.  Different sources are quoted after that in brackets or parenthesis.

NOTE:  Whoever filled out some of the battle entries in the Regimental Books consistently  dated the battle of Gettysburg July 3rd, and the battle of  Fredericksburg  November 15th.  The correct dates for the regiment's primary engagements at those fights were July 1st and December 12th & 13th.

Sergeant William B. Pearson, age 24.

Absent––wounded, no date.  (Roster says transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps  January, 1864.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged July 15, 1864.  Corporal Sept. 1, 1862, Sergeant March 1, 1863, wounded July 3, 1863.  (The July 3, 1863 date for Gettysburg, seems to be a constant error in the Roster.  Correct date is likely July 1, 1863, when the 1st Corps was engaged. ––B.F.)] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private. Promoted to Sergt. April 5th 1863, warrant dating March 1st '63 vice Pfaff discharged.  Wounded at Battle of Gettysburg, July 1st 1863.  Battles, Thoroughfare Gap, 2d Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)

William A. Gridley, age 18. A Absent ––sick in Washington, D. C. no date. (Roster says Deserted April 11, 1863, residence Boston, Mass.)  [Regt. Descriptive List matches roster.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says Private. Absent since June 1st 1862, at Alexandria,Va.)
John S. Lockwood, age 22. A Absent in Washington, D. C., no date.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 8, 1864, Washington; detailed as clerk at various headquarters from October 26, 1862, resident, Boston, Mass.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private. Absent sick since October 31, '62. Detailed as Clerk in Old Captital Prison April 10th 1863, Special Order 76.  Head Qrs. Military District of Washington, D.C.   Detailed in Office of Comissary of Muster, Washington.  Battles of So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Robert J. Walker, age 25. A Absent ––sick in Washington, D.C., no date.  (Roster says mustered out August 1864, residence Washington, D.C.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Absent Sick, Mustered Out July 15, 1864.  War Dept. Sept. 24, '69.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Sent to Hospital sick April 16, 1863.)
Peter F. Peterson, age 19. [picture]
B Absent ––sick since December 2, 1863.  (Roster says mustered out, August 1, 1864.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick since Aug. 30, 1862.  Detached in Invalid Corps by Order Gen'l Martindale, April 13, 1863. Returned to duty September 18, 1863.)
Walter Callendar, age 26. C Quarter Master Department, Washington, D.C. (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, August 30, 1862.  Exchanged and returned to duty. Detached at Quarter Master Dept. Washington, January 29, 1863;  Special Order 47, Sec. 9.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, Aug. 30th 1862.  Exchanged and returned to duty.  Detached in Q.M. Dept. Washington, Jan. 29, 1863, Special Order 47 Sec. 9.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Charles Collis, age 20. C Detached at Provost-Marshal's Office since March 8, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached at Provost Marshal's Office, Army of Potomac, March 6, 1863.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5.)
Joseph H. Fairbanks, age 18. [A.G. says James, which is in-correct.] C Absent ––sick in Philadelphia, Pa., no date.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says: "War Dept. Sept. 27, '69, Discharge to date August 1, 1864."] (Regt. Descriptive Book says Sent to Hospital, Washington, from Berlin, October 30, 1862.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly.)
*Samuel D. Thurston, age 20. C Absent ––sick since October 23, 1863.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Reported missing in action July 1, 1863. Reported Deserted Feb. 1, 1864.) (*Thurston filed for a pension.)
David S. Walker, age 22. C Absent ––sick since July 1, 1863.  (Roster says, Mustered out, August 1, 1864; was then detailed as chief ward-master, South Street Hospital, Philadelphia, until July, 1864; residence, 29 Washington Street, Charlestown, Mass.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th 1862 & exchanged and returned to duty. Absent sick since July 1, 1863. In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5.)
Alphonso Baker, age 26. D Absent ––sick, no date.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 7, 1862 Absent sick.  In action –Cedar Mountain –Rappahanncok, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Samuel A. Hildreth, age 31. D Absent ––wounded, no date.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Absent wounded. Muster Out, 1864.  Letter War Dept. March 7, 1895.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in action Aug. 30, 1862.  Dropped from rolls Oct. 10, '63.  Returned to Duty Nov. 2d 1863. In action Falling Waters, Rappahannock, Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Elmer Parker, age 29. D Clerk in Washington, D.C., no date.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864. (Listed as deceased in 1894 when the regimental history was published.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent Sick, Nov. 2, 1862. Detached in Hospital, Washington, General Orders War Dept. No. 69 March 20, 1863.)
George Lehman, age 19. [picture] E Absent sick, since July 1, 1863 ––wounded.  (Roster says transferred to V.R.C., no date.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Wounded July 1, 1863.  Transferred to V.R.C., December 1863. Discharged July 15, 1864.  Letter War Dept.  Nov. 22, 1899.  Also sited Letter, War Dept. August 12, 1912.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Gettysburg Pa. July 1, 1863.  In hospital at Boston.  In action –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
James McCarron, age 28. F Absent ––sick in Washington, D. C.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, July 1st '63 Missing in Action at Gettysburg Pa.  Aug. 16th /63 Present for duty from Parole Camp at West Chester.  Battles –Cedar Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Nathaniel Berry, age 30. H In hospital, Boston, Mass.  Roster says wounded, July 1, 1863,  Mustered out, August 1, 1864.)  [Regt. Descriptive List matches roster; references War Dept. Letter, April 12, 1870.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at the battles of Antietam, Sept. 17th '62 and Gettysburg July 1st 1863.)
Minot M. Kittredge, age 24. H Absent ––wounded since July 1, 1863.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.)  [Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles, South Mountain, Sept. 14, '62, Antietam, Sept. 17, '62, Fredericksburg, Nov. 15, '62, [Dec. 12 & 13–B.F.] Chancellorsville, May 1862, Was wounded in Action at Gettysburg July 1st 1863.)
Francis A. Morse, age 30. [Regt. Descriptive Book says, age 28.] H Absent ––sick.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in battle of Fredericksburg Nov. 15th 1862.)
Robert Choate, age 33. I Absent ––sick since April 1863. (Roster says Mustered out, April 17, 1863, deceased.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Absent Sick. Discharged March 5, 1864.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mt., Antietam, Wounded at Antietam, Absent sick since April 17, 1863.)
John Lackey, age 20. (roster says 25.) K Absent sick at Alexandria.  (Roster says Mustered out, August 1, 1864.  Served as teamster, Q.M. Dept.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Absent Sick. Served as Teamster of the Army of the Potomac, August 1, 1864, Experation of Service.  Muster Out date August 1, 1864, War Dept. Letter November 19, 1895.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, In Q.M. Dept. on Special Duty since entering service.  Never done duty with Company.)

Of Special Interest

Presented here, just as one example of tracking a particular soldier's record, I thought the following document transcription might be of interest.  Considering the vagueness of Robert J. Walker's record above,  the following communication found in a book of Regimental Orders, July 17, 1861 to April 30, 1864, would have been some help in defining his record.  This is but one helpful document of many found, in one of serveral books carried by the regiment in the field.  But the Company Order books and Regimental Orders books were probably  unavailable, and too obscure of a reference to be consulted when the original  rosters were compiled. [Source: Document downloaded from Family Search.]

R. J. Walker, Company A, Detached at Campbell Hospital, Washington D.C.

Campbell Hospital                     
Washington D.C. July 14 / 63


                R. J. Walker of your company has drawn pay to the amount of $26.00 for the months of May and June.  Clothing $6.69

To the Comdg officer Co “A” 13th Regt Mass. Vols.

Surgeon U.S. Volunteers      
In Charge.

War Department                        
Adjutant General Office             
Washington D.C.     
February 13, 1864


39.  Private Robert J. Walker Co “A” 13th Mass. Vols. now at Campbell Hospital, Washington D.C. is hereby detailed for duty in the Adjutant General’s Office and will report in person without delay accordingly.

By order of Secretary of War
Signed E. D. Townsend
Ass’t Adj’t Gen’l

Return to Table of Contents

List of Discharged Men (1863), Company A;

Photo Gallery - Discharged Men, Company A

Sergeant Warren E. Shepard, Company AWalter F. Pollard, Company AWilliam Pfaff, Company A

Pictured left to right, Sergeant Warren E. Shepard, Private Walter F. Pollard, & Sergeant William Pfaff, Company A.  Shepard and Pfaff were original sergeants with the company.  Sgt. Shepard was discharged for disability March 14th 1863 at U.S. General Hospital, Baltimore.  Warren Shepard attended the 1904 re-union dinner in Boston.  Pfaff was dicharged for disabilty in Boston, January 28, 1863. Pollard was a recruit of '62.  He was wounded at the Battle of Antietam and thereafter absent from the regiment in hospitals for a year.  He managed to get a positon as hospital steward and was discharged September 21, 1863.

Henry A. Harris, Company AWilliam P. Jackson, Company AEmanuel Nutze, Company A

Private Henry A. Harris, Private William P. Jackson, & Private Emanuel Nutze, all of Company A.  Harris lobbied the governor's office for promotion and gained a commission, March 7, 1863 in Col. Daniel Ullman's  brigade [Corps D'Afrique] of Colored troops.   He rose through the officer ranks in the Colored units and made captain in in the 82nd U.S. Colored troops, August 1864.  He mustered out of service on September 7, 1866. Private Jackson was discharged on a surgeon's certificate of  disability at Boston, January 22, 1863.  Emanuel Nutze was wounded at the Battle of Antietam, and Dischared March 19, 1863 at Reading, Pa. by order of Major-General Shurz on account of disability.

Horace Shepard, Company AHenry J. Kellog, Jr., Company ACharles Newton Wiley Cunningham, Co. A

Pictured  left to right, Private Horace Shepard, Private Henry J. Kellog, Jr., and Charles N.W. Cunningham.  Shepard was absent sick since October 25, 1862 after the battle of Antietam. He was dropped from the rolls August 1st 1863, and discharged in December that year.  Kellog went through the battles of Thoroughfare Gap and 2nd Bull Run.  He was detailed at Brigade Headquarters August 1st 1862.  He was discharged April 25, 1863 in Boston by order of Lt. Collins, Captain 4th Infantry, on account of disability.  Both men were active in the Thirteenth Regiment Association Re-union dinners.  Shepard attended most of the re-unions between the years 1889 and1906.  Kellog attended many times between the years 1901 and 1918.  Cunningham's mother and guardian undertook a focused letter writing campaign on behalf of her son Charles, to help him in his military careers.  Charles always aspired to join the regular army and sought advancement in the volunteer ranks.  It took time but he eventually succeeded in his goal. The letters are posted on the next page of this website.

James DammersJames D. Thurber, Company A

Pictured are Private James Dammers and Private James D. Thurber.  Both men mustered into the 13th MA as August 1862 recruits.   Dammers was severely wounded at Antietam and spent time in the same Harrisburg, PA hospital as prolific letter writer Private John B. Noyes.  Noyes wrote Dammers could project his voice like a ventriloquist, and used it to play tricks on some of the hospital stewards, and to entertain the boys recovering from their wounds.  Dammers received his discharge August 1, 1863 and was dropped from the rolls. He attended several of the post-war regimental re-union dinners in Boston.   Private James D. Thurber was wounded at the Battle of Antietam while serving in the 13th.  He mustered out of the 13th MA where he was a clerk at Headquarters to accept an officer's commission in the 55th Mass., June 15, 1863.  He ended his military career with the rank of Captain.

Albert E. Hentz, Company AAugustus Pfeiffer, Company A

Private Albert E. Hentz, and Private Augustus Pfeiffer, Company A.  Hentz was severely wounded at 2nd Bull Run and discharged March 4th, 1863 at Washington, D.C. by order of General Martindale on account of disability.  Pfeiffer was discharged on a surgeons certificate of disabilty, also on March 4th, 1863. The photo of Pfeiffer is cropped from a post war image of several members of the 13th MA posing in front of Dunker Church at Antietam Battlefield, circa 1888.  Charles E. Davis took the picture.  Lt.-Col. Charles Hovey and Colonel Leonard were also along on the tour.  They travelled together to several of the places they had been during the war after attending the dedication of their monument at Gettysburg.

Discharged, Company A

Levi E. Dudley, age 19. A For Promotion, January 3, 1863.  (Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says promoted to Hospital Steward in the Regular Army.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged January 3rd 1863 at Alexandria, VA on Special Order 4, Sec'y. War.)
Henry P. Dorman, age 21. (A.G.  says Donnan.) A Disability, Jan. 8, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Dorman, Discharged Jan. 28th 1863 on Surgeon's Certificate:  disability.)
Isaac A. Lord, age 22. A Disability, Jan. 2, 1863.  (Roster says wounded.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged January 2, 1863. Wounded.  See Co. A. '62 Regt.––]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private. Absent Sick October 31 '62.  Discharged January 2, 1863 at Providence R.I. on Surgeon's Certificate disability.  Battles of So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Algernon S. Potter, age 21.  (Roster says Angelow but Algernon is correct.) A Disability, Jan. 3, 1863.  (never made it to the regiment –– recruit).  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Absent sick in hospital Oct. 31, '62.  Discharged Jan. 3d '63 at Providence, R.I. Surgeon's Certificate disabliity.)
William P. Jackson, age 21.  [picture] A Disability, January 22, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged January 22d 1863 at Boston Mass. on Surgeon's Certificate Disability.)
David Chenery, Jr.,  age 23. A On account of wounds, January 27, 1863.  (Roster says wounded at the Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, while carrying the colors.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Battle of Antietam Sept 17th 1862.  Carried the State Colors.  Discharged January 27, '63 at Boston, Mass. on Surgeon's Certificate of disability.  Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Sergeant William Pfaff, age 22.  [picture] A Disability, January 28, 1863.  (Roster says died, December 2, 1886.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, 1st Sergeant.  Discharged on account of disability, January 28, 1863 at Boston, MA)
George J. Morse, age 20. A Promoted in 59th Mass., Feb.  23, 1863.  (Killed May 12, 1864 at Spotsylvania with 59th MA.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged Feb. 23d 1863 at New York, by Special Order 87 War Dept. to receive promotion.  Wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Sergeant Warren E. Shepard, age 32. [picture] A Disability, March 7, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says 1st Sergeant.  Discharged on account of disability March 14th '63 at U. S. General Hospital, Baltimore Md. by order Surg. [E. U. Jones,?] Surgeon U.S.A.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap.)
Robert D. Evans, age 18. A On account of wounds, February 11, 1863. (Roster says wounded Aug. 30, 1862. (2nd Bull Run.)) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged February 11th 1863, at Camp Convalescent Alexandria, VA by order of Lieut-Col. Samuel [McNulty?] Battles Thoroughfare Gap & Bull Run where he was wounded.
Henry A. Harris, age, 22. [picture] A Promoted in Colored Troops, March 22, 1863.  (Roster says March 7, 1863, commissioned 2d Lt., 82d U.S. Colored Troops; 1st Lt., Jan. 29, 1864; Capt., August, 1864.  Final Muster Out, September 7, 1866.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Discharged March 22, '63, at New York by Special Order 77 War Department to receive promotion in Gen'l Ulman's Brigade.  Battles, Thoroughfare Gap, 2nd Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg.)
William Jenkins, age 28. A Disabilty, February 14, 1863.  (Roster says, Died, March 22, 1892.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged February 14th 1863 at Boston Mass by order Col. H. [Hannibal] Day, 6th Infantry, on account of disability.)
George A. Tainter, age 21.
A On account of wounds, February 14, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged Feb. 14th '63 at Boston Mass. by order of H. [Hannibal] Day, Col. 6th Infantry on account of disability.  Wounded severely at Bull Run Aug. 30/62.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Louis E. Granger, age 20. A Promotion, March 22, 1863.  (Circular #8, Dec. 1895,  says, commissioned captain and brevet major, U.S Cavalry.  Circular #10, Dec. 1, 1897 says, he advanced in rank to Brigadier-General, Staff to General Grant. )  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged March 25th 1863 at New York to receive promotion in Gen'l. Ulmans Brigade.) *See Note.
Albert E. Hentz, age 20. (AG report says Henry, which is in-correct.)  [picture] A Disability, March 4, 1863. (Roster says wounded, Aug. 30, 1862, (2nd Bull Run.))  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Discharged March 4th '63 at Washington D.C. by order Gen. Martindale on account of disability.  Severely wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30/62.)
Emanuel Nutze, age 34.  [picture] A On account of wounds, March 19, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Wounded at Antietam Sept. 17th '62. Discharged March 19th 1863 at Reading, PA by order Major Genl. Schurz on account of disability.  Battles, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Sergeant John A. Nye, age 22. A Promoted in Colored Troops, March 12, 1863. Roster says wounded at Antietam.  (Commissioned 79th U.S. Cavalry).  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal, promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1st 1862.  Discharged New York to receive promotion in Gen'l Ulman's Brigade.  Battles, Thoroughfare Gap, 2nd Bull Run, South Mountain & Antietam.)
Augustus Pfeiffer, age 23. [picture] A Disability, March 4, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Discharged March 4th '63 at Portsmouth Grove,  R I. on  Surgeon's Certificate of disability.)
Winthrop Tower, age 26. A Disability, February 17, 1863. (Roster says Feb. 19.) (Regt. Desc. Book says, Private, Discharged Feb'y 17th at Camp Convalescent, Alexandria Va. on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability.)
Sergeant Robert B. Henderson, age 26. [picture]
A Promoted 2d Lieutenant, Jan. 10, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, 5th Sergeant.  Severely wounded at Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17th '62.  Discharged in Virginia Jan. 10, '63 to receive promotion [2d Lt.] in 13th Mass. Vols.  Assigned to Co. A, Spcl. Order 24, Reg. Hq.  Started as Act. adjutant May 25th '63.  Spcl. Order 56. Reg. Hq.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, On recruiting Service in Boston, Dec. 10, 1863.)
Henry J. Kellog, Jr. age 19. [picture] A Disability, April 23, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Detailed at Brigade Hd. Qrs. August 1st 1862, by Spcl. Order 162 Sec. II Reg. Hd. Qrs.  Discharged April 25th 1863 in Boston, Mass., by order M. Collins, Capt. 4th Inf. on account of disability.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
John S. Stodder, age 22. A Disability, March 12, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Absent Sick for a long time.  Discharged May 12th '63 at Alexandria, Va. on Surgeon's Certificate of disability.)
James D. Thurber, age 23.  [picture] A Promoted in 55th Mass., June 15, 1863.  (Roster says mustered out as capt. in the 55th Mass.; promoted to 2d Lt. 55th Mass., June 15, '63; 1st Lt., June 29, '63; Captain, Dec. 1, '63.  He mustered out as Captain, 55th MA, August 29, 1865.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Detailed in Asst. Adj. Genls Office May 8, 1863, Spcl. Order.  Hd Qrs. 3rd Brig, 2nd Div.  Discharged at Guilford Station, Va. to receive promotion in 55th Mass. Vols.  Battles, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.)
Joel H. LeMoyne, age 18. A Disability, August 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Priv. Absent sick since June 9th 1862.  Dropped from the Rolls August 1863.)
James Dammers, age 32.  [picture] A On account of wounds, August 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Severely wounded at Antietam Sept. 17th 1862.  Dropped from Rolls August 1863.  Discharged Aug. 1, 1863.  Battles of So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Horace S. Shepard, age 29.  [picture] A Disability, December 7, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Absent sick since October 25th 1862.  Dropped from Rolls August 1st 1863.  Battles, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Walter S. Fowler, age 19. A Disability, September 15, 1863. (Roster says wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862; appointed 2d Lt., Co. F, 5th Mass. Reg't.;  detailed from 5th to command garrison at Fort Canal, Md.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in Action at Antietam, Sept. 17th 1862.  Sent to Hospital Harrisburg, Pa. for treatment.  Returned for duty Dec. 8th '62. Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa ., July 1, 1863. Discharged Sept. 20 '63 for disability.  Battles of So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Walter F. Pollard, age 18.  [picture] A Promoted in U.S. Army, September 21, 1863.  (Roster says, to accept appointment as hospital steward, U.S. Army.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17th 1862.  Absent in hospital since Sept. 17th, 1862. Discharged September 21, 1863.  Battles, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
John H. Shaw, age 19. A Private Promoted in 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, October 10, 1863. (Roster says, mustered out Oct. 10, '63;  2d Lt., 3d H.A.; wounded.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, 2d Lieutenant 3d H.A. Oct. 10, '63. wounded July 1, '63.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Missing in Action at Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62.  Returned for duty, January 26, '63.  Wounded at Gettysburg Pa., July 1st 1863.  Discharged to receive promotion Oct. 10th, 1863.  Battles, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
George B. Sawyer, age 24. A On account of wounds, October 31, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Wounded at Antietam Sept. 17th '62.  Absent in hospital until Dec. 8th 1862.  Sent to Windmill Point Hospital April 16/63.  Discharged the Service Oct. 21, '63.  Battles ––So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Charles W. Shelton, age 19. A General service, December 1, 1863.  (Roster says mustered out, Dec. 2, '63, to enter U.S. general service.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Wounded at Antietam Sept. 17th '62.  Detailed in Adjutant Genl's Office,  Washington D.C. Dec. 10th '62.  Spcl. Order War Dept. Adj. Office.  Discharged Dec. 1, 1863.  S.O. 532 War Dept.  Battles –So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Thomas Fox, age 24. A Disability, November 27, 1863. (Roster says mustered in as Private, Co. A, July 28, '63; mustered out, Nov. 27, '63.)
Sergeant C. N. W. Cunningham, age 18.  [picture] A Promoted in Wild's Brigade, October 5, 1863.  (Roster says commissioned in the regular army, and became a captain by promotion; died in Texas, March 9, 1893.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Promoted to Corporal Nov. 1st 1862.  Detailed on Color Guard, February 21, 1863.  Promoted to Sergeant, May 10, 1863. Spec. Order No. 52[?] Regt. Hd' Qrs.  Detached Oct. 10, by Special Order No. 445, War Department.  Battles Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)

*Note:  Louis E. Granger

Comrade Granger (pictured below) seemed to have gone to some trouble to get his complete record recorded in the roster of the 13th MA Vols.  One correction was placed in Circular #8, December 1895.  Two years later in Circular #10, December 1897, Charles Davis printed the following.

Louis E. Granger

Thirteenth Regiment Association Circular #10, December 1897, printed this correction to the roster:  “The following addition is made to the record of Comrade Granger:

Louis Edwin Granger, Private, Company A, Fourth Battalion Rifles;  Private Company A, Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers; Second-Lieutenant, Third United States Volunteers;  First Lieutenant, Eighth Corps d’Afrique;  Captain Eightieth United States Colored Infantry;  Brevet Major, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, United States Volunteers; Aide-de-Camp, Staff Brigadier-General John F. Appleton;  Aide-de_camp and AAA General, Staff Brevet, Major-General Daniel Ullman;  Assistant Provost Marshal General, Staff Major-General E.R.S. Cunby, Department of the Gulf;  Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Western Department of Louisiana in charge of all surrendered property;  General Kirby Smith’s Army, Transportation Mississippi Department; Second Lieutenant Fortieth Infantry United States Army;  Adjutant, Fortieth Infantry United States Army;  Brevet Captain, United States Army;  AAA General, Staff General Nelson A. Miles, Department, North Carolina;  Assistant Commander, Freedman's Bureau, Beaufort, North Carolina;  Brigadier-General and Assistant Adjutant-General, State of Louisiana;  Colonel and Aide-de-Camp, State of California; Brigadier-General and Aide-de-Camp, Staff General Grant.”

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List of Discharged Men (1863), Company B;

Photo Gallery - Discharged Men, Company B

George H. Bowen, Company BWilliam F. Perkins, Company BSilas B. Crane

Private George H. Bowen, Private William F. Perkins, & Private Silas B. Crane.  Bowen and Crane were wounded at 2nd Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862 and eventually discharged because of it.  Perkins went missing that very day, absent sick. He was also discharged for disability, so perhaps he checked himself into a hospital following the battle.  The record is ambiguous.  Many of the 13th MA men discharged in early 1863 were casualties of 2nd Bull Run, where the regiment lost about 189 wounded.

Walter P. BeaumontCharles E. Davis, Jr., Company BWilliam L. G. Clark, Company B

Sergeant Walter P. Beaumont, Private Charles E. Davis, Jr., &  Private William L. G. Clark, Company B.  Beaumont and Davis were tent-mates in 1862.  Davis wrote “Beaumont was badly wounded August 30, 1862, at Manassas.  He recovered after some months and was commissioned a lieutenant in the Heavy Artillery and became the provost marshal of Washington.”  Davis himself was very badly wounded at the Battle of 2nd Bull Run and lay on the battlefield for a week before any help arrived.  He went on to write the Regimental History. His story titled "From Manassas to Boston" is posted on this website.  Clark was described by messmate John B. Noyes as such:  “We have a Wm. L. Garrison Clarke who is a serious pure abolitionist of the no bible belief stamp; but he does’nt talk abolitionism much though one of the ablest in the mess at an argument, overthrowing his antagonist as often by ironical thrusts so concealed as often to discomfort completely his man when on the point of claiming victory, as by soberer reasons.”

David Hicks, Company BSamuel E. Cary, Company BGeorge Worcester, Company B

 Sergeant David Hicks, 1st Sergeant Samuel E. Cary & Sergeant George S. Worcester, of Company B, were all discharged for promotion.  Cary stayed with the 13th Regiment til the end of his service.

Albert V. Johnston, Company BFrank J. Baxter, Company BJohn A. Bennett, Company B

Private Albert V. Johnston, Private Frank J.  Baxter, and Private John A. Bennett, Company B.  I have few details on these men, outside the comments included here.  In 2022 a gentleman began sharing a cache of John Bennett's war-time letters with me, but the on-going exchange is not yet completed and I haven't taken a close look at them yet.

Peter J. Rooney, Company BJohn B. Noyes, Company B

 Private Peter J. Rooney, & Private John B. Noyes, Company B.  Rooney transferred to the U.S. Cavalry at the end of 1862. In the early months of 1864 he quickly rose through the officer's ranks  from 2d-Lieut. in January, to be commissioned Captain in March. Harvard educated John B. Noyes military career is well documented through his letter transcriptions posted on this website. He transferred into the 28th MA as 2nd Lt. in April, 1863 and served with that fighting unit until his discharge in December 1864.  He rose to the rank of brevet Lt.-Colonel.

Charles C. Howland

Private Charles C. Howland, presented here a bit larger than the other portraits because it is a full body pose. I also have a post-war, head-shot image of Howland via the Massachusetts Historical Society.  Howland also had influential letters of endorsement sent to the Governor's office in Massachusetts, in hopes of gaining an offiers's commission.

Discharged Men, Company B

William H. H. Rice, age 20. B Disability, January 13, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick in Washington since Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged the service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, Jan. 19, 1863.)
Charles C. Howland, age 27. [picture]
B 2d Lieutenant, 38th Mass., January 7, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Left the Regiment at Washington, 1st Sept. 1862.  Dropped from rolls Jan. 7, 1863, he having been commissioned in the 38th Regt. Mass. Vols.   In action -– Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Oliver M. Foster, age 41. B Disability, January 24, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged January 24, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached duty General Hospital, Frederick, Md. Feb. 17, 1862.  Reported for duty April 28, 1862.  On recruiting service, Special Order 159,  June 20, 1862.  Discharged the service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, January 24, 1863, at Boston Mass. by order of Col. Day.)
Joseph Chandler, age 32. B Disability, January 17, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Taken prisoner near Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged the service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability January 17, 1863.) [Private John B. Noyes frequently mentions Chandler in his letters.–B.F.]
George H. Bowen, age 25. [picture] B Disability, January 23, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged from Hospital, Jan. 23d 1863, On Surgeon's Certificate of disability.  Actions, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Corporal George N. Emerson, age 18.  [A.G. had Emerson's record under "deserted."  The notes correct the record so I have moved it here, to "discharged." ––B.F.] B January 1, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out as corporal, March 4, '63.) [Regt. Descriptive List, says, Deserted as Corporal January 1, 1863.  Discharged to date March 4, 1863.  Letter, War Dept. March 17, 1891, ––charge desertion removed.] Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says, Emerson was wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal, April 1st 1862 at Camp near Warrenton Junction, wounded in action at battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862.  Reported deserter and dropped from Rolls, Jan. 1, 1863.  In action Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Josiah R. Howe, age 18. B Disability, February 9, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick Jan. 19, 1863, Sent to Hospital, Washington.  Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, Feb. 9, 1863.)
William F. Perkins, age 28.  [picture] B Disability, February 2, 1863.  (Roster adds, deceased.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick since Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of disability at U.S. Hospital, Washington, Feb. 2, 1863.)
Silas P. Crane, age 27.  [picture]
B Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 23, '63; wounded Aug. 30, 1862. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged the Service by order of Col. Day at Boston, Mass., Jan. 23d, 1863.  In action –– Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Rappahannock, Bull Run.)
Albert V. Johnston, age 19.  [picture] B Disability, February 3, 1863.  (Roster says, Feb. 4, '63; wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in action at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862, reported discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of disability at Washington, Feb. 3, 1863.  In action at Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Charles E. Davis, age 19. [picture] B Disability, February 19, 1863.  (Roster written by Davis, says, wounded and taken prisoner, Aug. 30, 1862 at Manassas.) [Transported to Carver Hospital, Washington, D.C. one week after the battle.  13th Regiment Circular, #25, December 1912.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in action at battle of Bull Run.  Discharged the Service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability at Boston, Mass, by Order of Col. Day, Feb. 19, 1863. In action ––Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
William A. Peabody, age 28. B Disability, February 19, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Left at or near Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862, Absent Sick.  Discharged the service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability at Boston, Mass. Feb. 1, 1863.)
William L. G. Clark, age 24. (A.G. says S. G. Clark, which is in-correct.) [picture] B Disability, March 25, 1863.  (Roster adds, deceased.) [As of 1894.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in Action at Bull Run Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged the Service on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, at Boston, Mass, by order of Col. Day, March 25, 1863.  In action ––Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Sergeant David F. Hicks, age 24.  [picture] B Commissioned in Ullman's Brigade, March 22, 1863.  (Roster says, promoted to 1st Lt., 2d U.S. Colored Troops, March 7, '63;  resigned, Jan. 22, '64.) Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says, Hicks was wounded at Antietam. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Sergeant October 18, 1862, at Sharpsburg, Md.  Since discharged the service March 22, 1863, by Order of War Dept. to accept promotion in Ullman's Brigade, Special Order No. 79.  In action ––Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg.)
1st Sergeant Samuel E. Cary, age 21.  [picture] B Promoted 2d Lieutenant, April 1, 1863.  (Roster says promoted to Co. F, 2d Lieut., Feb. 27, '63; promoted to 1st Lieut., Oct. 23, '63.)  [Listed with officers above.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to 2d Lieut. and assigned to Co. "K" April 1st, 1863, at Camp near Fletcher's Chapel, Va.  In action at Fredericksburg.)
Sergeant George S. Worcester, age 22.  [picture] B Commissioned in 7th Unattached Heavy Artillery, April 10, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out as Major, 3d Mass. H. A.; promoted to Sergt., April 1, '62; 2d Lieut., 3d Mass. H. A., April 18, '63;  Capt., Aug. 14, '63, 7th Company, Massachusetts H.A.; and Major, Oct. 13, '64, 3d MA H.A.; wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62; taken prisoner, by Wade Hampton, at Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 10, '62.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Sergt., April 1st 1862.  Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862 and taken prisoner.  (Circular #8 says, Taken prisoner by Wade Hampton, October 10, 1862 at Chambersburg, Pa., while wounded in  hospital.)  Paroled at U.S. Hospital, Chambersburg, Pa. (by Surgeon in charge) afterwards on detached service Q.M. Dept., Washington D.C.  Since discharged the service by order of Maj. Genl. Reynolds, April 10, 1863, to accept commission in Unattached Co. Heavy Artillery, Now Capt. 7th Company.  In action at Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap.) *See Note.
John B. Noyes, age 23.  [picture] B Promoted 2d Lieutenant in 28th Mass., April 11, 1863. (Roster says, appointed 2d Lieut., 28th Mass., Vols., April 6, '63; 1st Lieut.; May 12, '63; Capt., May 6, '64; brevet Maj., Lieut.-Col.; wounded, Aug. 30, '62, and Sept. 17, '62 with 13th MA.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in action at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1863.  Detached in Provost Marshals Office Army of Potomac, Special Order 70, March 11th 1863.  Discharged the service by Order of Major Genl. J.F. Reynolds April 11, 1863, to receive promotion.  In action ––Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, So. Mountain.)
Sergeant Walter P. Beaumont, age 32.  [picture] B Ord. Captain Collins, U.S.A., April 24, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out as sergt., April 24, '63; appointed 1st Lieut., 8th Unattached Co., H. A., Aug. 11, '63; Capt., Co. G, 3d Regt. H. A., Jan. 17, '65; wounded, Aug. 30, '62, at Manassas; also wounded at Battle of Washington; deceased.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Sergt. Sept. 1, 1862. Wounded in Action at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged in Boston by order Capt. Collins, U.S.A., April 24th 1863, since promoted 1st Lieut. 6th Unattached Co. Heavy Artillery, Mass. Vols.  In action Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Joseph W. White, age 23. B Hospital Steward, U.S.A., May 12, 1863. (Roster says, Mustered out, Aug. 1, '64;  taken prisoner, Aug. 30, '62; exchanged, April 14, '63; enlisted as hospital steward, U.S.A., Dec. 3, '64; mustered out, July 22, '66.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Extra duty in Regt. Q.M. Dept.  Absent sick March 1, 1863.  Discharged the service to accept appointment of Hosp. Steward U.S. Service, May 12, '63, by Order War Dept.)
Frank J. Baxter, age 30.  [picture] B Dropped from rolls, July 1, 1863 –– sick.  (Roster says, mustered out, Dec. 9, '62;  died, 1892.)   [It was not uncommon for several months to pass before the company rolls were updated. ––B.F.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick from Sept. 7, 1862 to July 1st 1863 –– when he was dropped from the Rolls by order Lt. Col. Batchelder.)
John A. Bennett, age 27.  [picture] B Dropped from rolls, July 1, 1863 –– sick.  (Roster says, mustered out, March 20, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick at U.S. Hospital, Washington from Oct. 31st 1862 to July 1st 1863, when he was dropped from Rolls by Order of Lt. Col. Batchelder.  In action at Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Chantilly.)
Peter J. Rooney, age 23.  [picture] B Sergeant, 2d U.S. Cavalry July 1, 1863.  (Roster says, transferred to U.S. Cavalry, Dec. 1, '62; promoted to sergt., 1st U.S. Cavalry, Dec. 20, '62;  Q.M. sergt., Jan., '64; 2d Lieut., 5th Mass. Cavalry, Jan., '64; 1st Lieut., Feb., '64; Captain, March, '64; final muster out, Nov., '65.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in Action at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.  Dropped from rolls by order of Lt. Col. Batchelder, July 1, 1863 he having joined the 2d U.S. Cavalry.)
George H. Kimball, age 19.  [I am adding Kimball's Record, it was missing from the A.G. Report. –B.F.] B (Roster says, mustered out as private, January 31, 1863, to receive commission in a native Louisiana regiment; residence, Los Angeles, Cal.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Sworn Copy Discharge says, Honorably Discharged December 23, ’63 at New Orleans, Louisiana,  1st-Lieutenant and Adjutant 4th Infantry Corps d’Afrique (76th U.S.C.T.) on resignation.  Filed, Letter War Department March 14, 1913. Book 52. ( Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached service Genl. Banks dept. Nov. 22, 1862.  Discharged by Order Genl. Banks January 31, 1863 to accept Commission in 4th Louisiana Native Guards, Special Order No. 31.)

*Note: George Worcester's Record as corrected in Thirteenth Regiment Association Circular #8, Dec. 1895, goes into great detail. 

Of Special Interest

Sample endorsements from the Executive Correspondence Collection at the Massachusetts State Archives will show that many of the privates in the 13th Mass., were eager to obtain an officer's commission.  New regiments were being organized back home, and to these educated and intelligent men, the field experience they had gained, even at this early stage in the war, was an asset toward obtaining that goal.  Letters of endorsement poured into the Governor's office from prominent citizens, mothers, fathers, uncles, persons of influence and field officers.  Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrew gave more weight to the military endorsements. A few examples are posted on this page.  Some were successful in their efforts to gain a commission and some, like Private Edward Perkins were not, even though he had the confidence of the senior officer of his regiment.    More about Governor Andrew's efforts is posted on the next page of this website.

Endorsement for Private William F. Perkins

Hancock Md  Dec 2st 1861

                To whom it may concern

Private William F. Perkins of my Company is desirous of obtaining a Lieutenancy in the Vol. Army.  I cheerfully recommend him as competent to fill such an office,

Jos L. Cary
                            Capt Co. B. 13th Rgt Mass Vols

                Lt. David H. Bradlee
                                                Adjt 13th M. V.

            Lt. John G. Hovey,
                                                1st Lt Co B 13th Reg Mass Vol

                                    S.H. Leonard Col 13th Mass Vol.

A recommendation like the one below could be on file at the Governor's Office, or the Adjutant General's office for months even years before anything might come of it.  In this case Private Charles C. Howland, pictured above was successful in getting a 2nd Lieutenant's commission in another regiment fairly quick.  He left the 13th MA in September, 1862 to accept it.  This letter is dated early March, so sixth months passed before something came of it.  Thats actually not bad timing.

Endorsement for Private Charles C. Howland

To General William Schouler

Dear Sir,

Mr Charles C. Howland now of Boston, formerly of Westport in this county is a private in the 13 Reg. of Mass. Vols.  Company B.

Capt Cary, who commands the Company and the Col. and Lt. Col. of the Regiment have joined in a recommendation for his promotion to a Second Lieutenancy.

I strongly hope that the effort will be successful.

Mr. Howland has been a faithful soldier and his character and talents are a pledge for the future in whatever situation he may be placed.

I consider him in every respect worthy of a commission and you may be assured that if he receives he will never disgrace it

With high Regards
                    Samuel D Congdon

New Bedford
        March 4, 1862.

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List of Discharged Men (1863), Company C;

Photo Gallery, Company C

Thomas Appleton, Company CSigourney WalesThomas J. Little, Company C

Private Thomas L. Appleton, Sergeant Sigourney Wales & Sergeant-Major Thomas J. Little, Company C.  In the early months of 1863, Appleton, Wales, and Little were successful in obtaining officer's commissions in new regiments being organized in Massachusetts.

Edwin P. Buswell, Company C

Private Edwin Buswell, a recruit of August, '62 was wounded at Gettysburg, which is about all that I know about him.  Gettysburg and Antietam casualties seem to have more images floating around on the internet than other men whose portraits might exist in some collection somewhere.

Discharged Men, Company C.

Thomas L. Appleton, age 19.  [picture] C Commissioned in 54th Mass., February 21, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out as Captain, Aug. 21, 1865, commissioned in 54th Mass. Vols., Feb. 19, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged.  Promoted to Lieut. 54th Mass. Regt. (Colored) Feb. 21st '63.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain, Antietam, wounded.)
Charles H. Allen, age 29. C Disability, July 6, 1863––wounded.  (Roster says mustered out, Feb. 6, '63; wounded, Sept. 17, '62.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Wounded Sept 17, 62  Discharged Disability July 6, '63.  {Then underneath it says} Discharged February 6, 1863.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Disability at Harrisburg, Pa. Wounded at battle of Antietam Md. Sept. 17th '62.  In action, Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Chanitlly, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Edwin P. Buswell, age 24.  [picture] C Disability, October 7, 1863. (Roster says, wounded July, 1, 1863.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Wounded at Gettysburg Pa., July 1, 1863.  Discharged at Philadelphia October 7, 1863.  In action Rappahannock, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Charles H. Brigham, age 23. C Order War Department, October 1, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached in A.G. Office, Washington, June 22d 1863, Special Order 275 Ex. II.  Discharged October 1, 1863 by Special Order War Dept. October 1st 1863.  In action, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain, Antietam where he was wounded.)
David Crowther, age 24. C A.G. says, Disability, February 19, 1863 ––wounded.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, wounded Aug 30, '62.  Discharged Disability January 19, '63.]  (Roster says, January 19, 1863;  wounded, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Philadelphia, Pa., January 19th, 1863.  Wounded at Bull Run August 30th '62.  In action, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Joseph Church, age 25. C Roster says, mustered out, April 16, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut., 6th Rhode Island––no date.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, 1st Lieut. 6 R.I. Vols No Date. [Written over that} No Such Organization.  See 59 Mass. Infantry, Company I.  Discharged for Promotion April 16, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged.  Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 6th R.I. Regiment, April 16, 1863. In action at Fredericksburg.)
Henry Chase, age 25. C Disability October 29, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says Chase mustered in July 25, 1863 as a substitute, and was Discharged for Disability, October 29, 1863.]
Henry E. Gordon, age, 23. C Disability, February 17, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered in as priv., Co. C, Aug. 6, '62; mustered out, Feb. 17, '63; residence, 3 Tremont street, Charlestown, Mass.)   [Regt. Descriptive List says Discharged Disabilty, Feb. 17, 1864.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability at Harrisburg, Pa. Feb. 17, 1863.  In action Rappahannock Station.)
J. Edwin Hunt, age 22.  (A.G. says Edward J. Hunt which is in-correct.) C Disability, January 14, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 19, '63; detailed as clerk at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability at Convalescent Camp, Va., Jan. 14, 1863.)
Joseph J. Halstrick, age 19. C Disability, March 23, 1863––wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Philadelphia, Pa.  March 23, 1863. Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30th 1862.  In action, Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
John L. Huntoon, age 25. C Disability, March 25, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability at Germantown Hospital, Pa.,  March 25, 1863.)
Seth W. Johnson, age 20. C Disability, February 11, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Dicharged for Disability at Fletcher's Chapel, Va. February 11th, 1863.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5.)
Daniel E. Knox, age 22. C Disability, February 17, 1863 ––wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va., February 17, 1863.  Wounded at Bull Run, August 30 '62.  Battles ––Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Sergeant Thomas  J. Little, age 24.  [picture] C Commissioned in Heavy Artillery, –– no date.  (Roster adds, promotions: 2d Lieut., March 16, '62; 1st Lieut. Nov. 29, '62; wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62; appointed 2d Lieut., 5th Unattached H.A., March 29, '63; Captain, June 4, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant.  Promoted to Sergeant-Major.)
Albert M. Liscom, age 23. C Disability, June 30, 1863.  (Roster repeats June 30, date.  Actual date of discharge is January 30, 1863.  Albert's letters are well represented on this website. ––B.F.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Washington D.C. October 11th, 1862.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5. Cedar Mountain.  Died Sept. 24, 1889.)
John Pease, age 26. C Wounded May 4, 1863.  Discharged Disability, August 8, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 4th 1863.  Discharged for Disability at Boston, Mass., August 8, 1863.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5. Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.)
Henry H. Richards, age 21. C Disability, ––no date.  [Regimental Descriptive List says, Discharged October 6, 1863;  Disability Paper.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Taken prisoner at Bull Run, Aug. 30th 1862.  Exchanged for duty.  Taken prisoner at Gettysburg, Pa. July 1, 1863.  Exchanged and discharged for disability Oct. 6, 1863, by Maj. F. A. Clarke Military Commander of Boston, Mass.)
George B. Searles, age 22. C Disability, March 27, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Providence, R. I., March 27th 1863.  Battles Boliver Heights, Dam 5.)
George Sawyer, age 22. C Disability, January 29, 1863 – wounded.  [Regt Descriptive List says, Woudned Aug. 30, '62.  Discharged Disability January 29, 1863. See E  5 Rgt (3 mos.)]  (Roster adds, wounded, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Philadelphia, Pa., January 29, '63.  Wounded at Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  In action Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Sigourney Wales, age 25. [picture]
C Commissioned in 55th Mass., February 3, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, 2d Lieut. February 3, 1863.  Captain 55 M.V. May 28, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, 3rd Sergeant.  Promoted to 1st Sergeant Nov. 1, 1862.)
Edward K. Willoughby, age 36. C Disability, February 19, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability at Boston, Mass., February 19th 1863.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Antietam.)
Charles C. Ward, age 24. C Order War Department, July 31, 1863.  (Roster adds, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62, and appointed clerk in U.S. Treasury Department.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged, Special Order No. 340, War Dept. July 31, 1863. In action Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Slightly wounded at Bull Run.)

Of special Interest

I found the following interesting letter among the Executive Correspondence Collection scrapbooks pertaining to the 13th Regiment, at the MA State Archives in Boston.

Joseph Halstrick, Company C

Philadelphia, February 27, 1863               

H. Ware, Assistant Military Secretary

                                                    Dear Sir
                                                                        Yours of the 30th received.  I called to see Joseph Halstrick 13th Regiment today at the Hospital 16th & Tilbert Street, and found him on duty there.

I spoke to Dr. Breed Surgeon in charge about granting Halstrick a furlough to go home for a few days, but find that no officer in this City has power to grant Army furloughs.

I do not know when he will return to his Regiment, but think he may remain for some time on duty at the Hospital.

Yours very truly

            Robert Carson
State Military Agent.

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List of Discharged Men (1863), Company D;

Photo Gallery, Company D

George MaynardA. W. Leonard, Company D

 Private George Maynard, & Private Andrew H. Leonard.  Both Maynard and Leonard received promotions in other regiments.  Maynard  received the Medal of Honor for his actions with the 13th Regt. at Fredericksburg. Andrew Leonard was part of the detail detached from the regiment to help bring the 1863 Concripts from Boston to Rappahannock Station in July.

Discharged Men, Company D

Corporal William M. Buckman, age 21. D For Promotion, March 6, 1863.  (Roster adds, Mustered out March 6, '63 as corporal, promoted  to Capt. in 80th U.S. Colored Troops; died at New Orleans, La., Sept. 27, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 17, 1861 Detached service.  Sept 7, 1861 present for duty.  Nov. 27, 1861 detached service. Dec. 9, 1861 present for duty.  October 25, 1862 from absent sick to present sick. Nov. 28, '62 Detached at Hd. Qrs. Left Grand Division, Special Order 49.  Feb. 13, 1863 from detached duty to absent without leave.  Feb. 20, '63 present for duty.  March 6, 1863 Discharged for promotion.)
Bartlett M. Bramhall, age 22. D Order Secretary of War, February 16, 1863.  (Roster adds, detailed for duty at War Dept. Nov. 20, 1863.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 5, 1861 from present to Detached.  Sept. 7, '62 for duty.  Jan 24, 1863 wounded in hand during absence without leave for three days.  April 17, 1863 from present sick to absent sick.  Nov. 25th 1863, Detached at A.G.O. Washington Special Order 516.)
Alonzo P. Bacon, age 22. D For Promotion, February 26, 1863.  (Roster adds, detailed as clerk at headquarters, June, '62; appointed Captain, Ullman's Brigade, Colored Troops, March 9, 1863; resigned, July '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Special Order War Dept. No. 93 Feb. 26, 1863 for promotion.)
Daniel K. Batchelder, age 48.  (A.G. says Bachelder which is in-correct.) D Disability January 29, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, Jan. 20, '63; detached on recruiting service in Boston; died, May 26, '91, at Reading, Mass.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Convalescent Camp Alexandria, January 17, 1863.)
Samuel A. Coombs, age 23. D Disability, April 24, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 5th '61 Detached.  Sept 7, 1861 for duty.  Nov. 27, 1861 Detached. Dec. 9, 1861 for duty.  Discharged for disability April 23rd 1863.  In action Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Chantilly, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Corporal William R. Champney, age 27.  [A.G. says, Champion, which is incorrect.] D Disability, April 7, 1863.  (Roster adds, Mustered out as Corp., May 7, '63, on account of wounds received at Antietam; residence Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal Sept. 1st 1862.  Detached Nov. 27 1861, Reported for duty Dec. 10, 1861.  Wounded in action at Fredericksburg Dec. 14 1862. Discharged for disability April 7, 1863. In action –Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chantilly.)  (13th Regt. Circular #8, Dec. 1895,  says, William R. Champney was wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburg.)
Sergeant William S. Damrell, age 24.  [picture] D For Promotion, March 6, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out as captain; promotions:  Sergeant, August 30, '62;  2d Lieut., March 6, '63; taken prisoner at Spottsylvania, and remained so till after regiment was mustered out.  Died at Springfield, Mass.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Corporal July 16, '61.  Appointed Sergt. Aug. 30th, 1862.  Detached Jan. 1863, in charge of guard at Corps Head Quarters.  Promoted to 2nd Lieut. March 6th 1863.  Assigned to Co. B.  In action, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Sergeant Charles O. Demerritt, age 23. D Disability, March 23, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, March 25, '63; wounded, Aug. 30, '62 at Manassas; deceased.) [Deceased as of 1894, date of publication of Regimental History.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant, July 16, 1861.  Wounded at Bull Run and discharged for disability, March 23d 1863, by order Col. Day. In action – Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Corporal James H. Everett, age 22. D Disability, February 17, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, July 21, 1861 from absent sick to present for duty.  July 26, '61 from present sick to absent sick.  Aug. 15, '61 present for duty.  March 2d '62 to absent sick at Williamsport.  April 12, 1862 present for duty.  Aug. 5, 1862 absent sick (sent to Warrenton) Feb. 17, 1863 discharged S.O. 79.)
James H. Dorsey, age 23. (A.G. says Dorcey; Roster says Dorey but “Dorsey” is correct.) [Source, 13th Regiment Circular #8, December 1, 1895;  p. 9.] D Disability January 31, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 3, 1863.  In action, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.) Circular #8 says, born, New York City; printer.
James L. Fadin, age 22. D Disability, January 24, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability January 24, '63.  Pension 20931.]  [Fadin joined the reg't. in Aug. '62.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 24, 1863.  In action, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
Aaron H. [Hobart] Greenwood, age 21. D Disability, February 14, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, on account of wounds received at Antietam.)  [Information from a genealogy site says Aaron died soon after his discharge in 1863 at Alexandria. ––B.F.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 17th 1862 wounded in action, March 28, 1863 discharged.  In action, Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Chantilly.)
William A. Hanscom, age 29. D For Promotion, February 7, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, 1st Lt. 79 U.S.C.T. Discharged for Promotion March 7,1863.] (Roster adds, promoted to 1st Lieut. in 79th U.S. Colored Troops; died while in the service.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Oct. 15th 1862 from absent sick to present sick.  Feb. 17, 1863 Discharged by Order of War Department, for promotion.  In action, Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
William L. Howarth, age 21. D For Promotion, May 23, 1863. (Roster adds, entered U.S. Navy, April 29, '63, as master's mate;  promoted to ensign, Sept. 17, '64; to master, Oct. 27, '64; was taken prisoner at blowing up the "Albermarle," and paroled Feb. 24, '65; commissioned as master in the regular service, March 12, '68; resigned April 2, '69; received prized money, $35,887.50.)
Andrew W. Leonard, age 20.  [picture] D For Promotion, October 16, 1863. (Roster adds, promoted, 2d Lieut., 54th Mass., Aug. 18, '63; 1st Lieut., Jan., '64; captain, 103d U.S. Col. Troops, May '65.  Died in Illinois.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, July 25, 1863 detached to bring out Conscripts.  Discharged to receive promotion Oct. 16, 1863.  In action ––Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain.)
George F.  Leslie, age 21. D On account of wounds, March 17, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, March, '63 at Newark, NJ;  wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862; deceased.) [Deceased as of 1894, date of publication of Regimental History.]  [Regt. Descriptive List says Discharged for wounds, March 17, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Discharged at Newark, N.J. by Order of Gen. Henry Brown, March 7, 1863. In action–– Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Chantilly, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.)  [NOTE:  An entry at Findagrave website, claims Leslie died in July  1863, shortly after his discharge and is buried at the Gettysburg National Cemetery under the wrong name.]
 Corporal George A. Lyford, age 24. D On account of wounds, January 6, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out as corporal, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, Washington, January '63; promoted to corporal, July '61; residence Rouseville, Pa.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, July 22d, '61.  Absent with leave, July 23, 1861 present for duty, Aug. 17, '61 Detached service.  Sept. 7, 1861 present for duty.  Nov. 27, 1861 Detached Service.  Dec. 9, 1861 present for duty.  Feb. 12, 1862 Detached witness Court Martial.  Feb. 13, '62 present for duty.  Dec. 11th, 1862 Wounded in action and absent sick. [Sam Webster's diary says Lyford got a ball in the foot Dec. 13 '62, not Dec. 11th––B.F.]  January 1863 Discharged at Washington.  In action –– Cedar Mountain, Falling Waters, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, So. Mountain, Antietam.)
  George H. Maynard, age 26.  [picture] D For Promotion, February 17, 1863.  (Roster adds, promoted to Captain, and Major in U.S. Colored Troops; residence, Waltham, Mass.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Medal of Honor.  Disharged fro Promotion February 17, '63.  Promoted 1st Lt. U.S.C.T. discharged as Captain September 9, 1866. (From Discharge paper.)]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detailed to attend to wounded in Field Hospital, Frederick Md., and to accompany them to Alexandria, Dec. 14, 1862.  Returned to duty March 2d, 1863.  Discharged for promotion in Genl. Ullman's Brigade Feb. 17, 1863, Special Order 93 War Dept.  In action ––Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg.)
David Neil, age 33. D Disability, September 22, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List, says, Discharged Sept. 23, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, July 17, 1861 Detached Quarter Master Dept. March 21, '62 Detached at Winchester, Va., taken prisoner and exchanged, Discharged for disability Sept. 22, 1863.  In action Falling Waters, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Hezekiah Prince, [Jr.] age 23. D Disability, August 27, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged August 27, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Sept. 4th 1863, Boston, Mass., for disability.   Wounded at Chancellorsville.  In action ––Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.)
Sergeant James L. Thompson, age 31. D For Promotion, February 27, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, 1st Sergeant.  Discharged for Promotion February 17, '63.  1st Lt 82 U.S.C.T. Capt. 80 U.S.C.T. April 20, 64.  Register.]  (Roster adds, promoted to captain in Ullman's Brigade, U.S. Colored Troops; died, May 2, 1892;  buried in Greenwood Cemetery, New Orleans, La.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, 1st Sergeant July 16, 1861, absent sick from June 10th to Aug. 2d '62.  Absent sick from Aug. 20th to Sept. 26th.  Discharged Feb. 17, 1863 by order War Dept. for promotion Genl. Ullman's Brigade.  In action at Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Fredericksburg.)
Sergeant Edward F. Rollins, age 34. D For Promotion, July 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, promoted Sergeant, Dec. 13, '62; 1st Sergeant, March 25, '63; 2d Lieut. July 1, '63; 1st Lieut. May 1, '64.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Sergt. December 13, 1862.  1st Sergt. March 25, 1863.  2d Lt. May 29, '63.  1st Lt. April 6, '64.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Corporal July 16, '61.  Appointed Sergeant Dec. 13th 1862 on the field of Fredericksburg. Appointed 1st Sergeant March 25th 1863.  Promoted to 2nd Lieut. July 1st 1863.  In –– Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Frank B. Ripley, age 21. D On account of wounds, August 28, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged for wounds August 28, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in Action at Gettysburg July 1st 1863.  Discharged in Boston Sept. 5th 1863 for disability.  In action, Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg.  Note adds, Living in Weston, MA, 1880, 1890.)
  John H. Towne. age 24. D Disability, January 10, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Jan. 10, '63.]   (Roster adds, Mustered out, Jan. 10, '63; wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick, Oct. 13th 1862.  Wounded in Action at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862.  Discharged Jan. 10, 1863.  In action, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Samuel K. Whittemore, age 24. D February 17, 1863.  (Roster adds, Mustered out Feb. 17, '63; afterwards clerk in medical department at Washington.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged to date Oct. 11, 1863.  Discharge to date October 13/63.  See Genl Service U.S.A. Special Order 480 October 27, /63. (page 4 of Vol 4.))  (Regt. Descriptive Book says Detached as clerk in Medical Dept. Banks Head Quarters.  Discharged Feb. 17, 1863.)

Of Special Interest Re: William Hanscom

The following is another of many letters in the Executive Correspondence Collection pertaining to the 13th Regiment, on file at the MA State Archives.

To His Excellency Governor Andrew
                    Respected & Dear Sir:

The bearer Mrs. Frances H. Hanscom anxious to see your Excellency, requested that I would introduce her and I thus take that liberty.

She seeks for her husband, who is now and has been, since the commencement of the war, a member of the 13th Regiment Mass Volunteers, and testimonials in whose favor from the officers of his regiment, are now on file with the Adjutant General ––a commission in one of the new regiments.

Mrs. Hanscom is the daughter of one of your most influential and respected American Citizens at the north End.  Mr. James Monroe; her husband who was a dry goods dealer on Hanover Street, before the war commenced is also an American Citizen; a native of Maine; and a very intelligent and worthy young man.

Have hope that your Excellency will have it in your power to grant the boon which Mrs. Hansom seeks –– and will excuse the liberty I thus use in addressing you

I have the Honor to be
        very respectfully truly
           Your obedient Servant
            Chaunce O’Connell

338 & 339 Hanover St.
        Boston 29 July 1862.

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List of Discharged Men (1863), Company E;

Picture Gallery, Company E

James F. Ramsey, postwarGeorgre Lehman, Company E

Private James F. Ramsey and Private George Lehman of Company E.  The letters of James Ramsey are well represented on this website.  George Lehman's record states he was wounded at Gettysburg and transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps in December 1863.  He was discharged in 1864.  He is on the list of absent men above, but I have so few pictures of Company E soldiers, that I thought I would place him here.

Dishcharged Men, Company E

1st Sergeant Charles C. Pratt, age 31. E January 25, 1863, ––order Col. Day. [Regt. Descriptive List says, subsequent service as Charles Pratt, Co. E, P.H.B. Md Vols.  See Maryland Vol 1 Page 588.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Went to Hospital sick July 30, 1862.  Discharged for disability Jan. 25, 1863.
Sergeant Michael J. Dagney, age 19. [picture]
E February 20, 1863, ––Commission as 2d Lieutenant.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to 2d Lieut. Feb. 2, 1863 to 1st Lt. Dec. 8, 1863.  Battles –Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam, So. Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.) [He is pictured with the Officers at the top of this page.]
Corporal Charles W. Cook, age 24. E May 2, 1863, — order J. W. Collins.  [Roster adds, mustered out May 29, '63.  Was sent from Front Royal, Va., with typhoid fever to Carver hospital, from which place he was furloughed to Boston, where he was discharged.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged May 21, 1863 for Disability.)
Corporal Charles A. McLaughlin, age 22. E October 5, 1863, — order Surgeon Hays.  (Roster adds, wounded at Gettysburg.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Corporal.  Discharged Disability October 5, 1863.  Wounded July 3, 1863.  (July 1 is correct.)]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal.  Discharged the service for disability Oct. 28, 1863.  Battles ––Cedar Mt., Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
George E. Orrick, age 20. E January 14, 1863, — order Colonel Day.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 14, 1863 for disability.  Battles ––Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Alex C. McAlpine, age 20. E January 14, 1863, — Sentence Court Martial.  (Roster adds, mustered out dishonorably, Jan. 14, '65.  But '63 is correct, based on the fact that the listing appears in the 1864 A.G. Report.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached at hospital, Sept. 30, 1861.  Discharged.)
Charles H. Tyler, age 19.  (A.G. mangles this name as Aifler.) E   Discharged April 30, 1863, ––Colonel Day.  (A.G. says, January 23, 1863, — order Colonel Day.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged April 30, '63 Order Col. Day.  See also V.R.C.  Deserted at Portland, Maine aug. 28, '65 as a private Co. K, 13 V.R.C., Letter War Dept. Feb. 7, 1894.  Enlisted Feb. 4, 1865.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in action at Bull Run Aug. 31, 1862.  Discharged for disability April 3, 1863.  Battles ––Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
John Baker, age 21. E January 23, 1863, — order Colonel Day.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.  Discharged Jan. 23, 1862.  Battles –– Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam.)
John W. Carroll, age 21. E February 12, 1863, — order General Reynolds.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Feb. 12, 1863 for disability.)
Thomas Ryan, age 18. E March 14, 1863, ––order Colonel Day. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in action at Bull Run.  Discharged for disability March 14, 1863. Battles ––Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Joseph S. Glazier, age 19.   (A.G. printed Hazier.) E February 12, 1863, — order Col. Day.  [Regt. Descriptive List adds, Pension 14,807.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged Feb. 12, 1863.  Battles ––Cedar Mt. Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
  George S. Hutchins, age 26. (A.G. says George L which is in-correct.) E February 28, 1863, ––order Col. Day.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, Feb. 23, 1862.  Battles ––Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
James F. Ramsey, age 18.  [picture] E March 27, 1863, ––order Col. Day.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run.  Discharged for disability March 27, 1863.  Battles ––Cedar Mt., Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
  George Gering, age 34.  (A.G. says George Gerrying which is in-correct.) E March 14, 1863, — order Colonel Day.  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 15, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing at Bull Run.  Discharged March 14, 1863.  Battles––Cedar Mt.)
  John W. Green, age 23. (A.G. says John M. which is in-correct.) E March 14, 1863, ––order Colonel Day.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Mrch 14, 1863, order Col. Day.  Disability.  See Co. C, 59th.)
Elijah J. Curtis, age 20. E   April 24, 1863, — order Colonel Day. [Roster says April 31, which date does not exist.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged April 31, [30?] 1863 for disability.)
George L. Cheney, age 35. E May 25, 1863, ––order J. W. Collins.  (Roster adds, wounded at Sir Johns Run, Md.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Sir John's Run, Nov. 30, 1861.  Discharged for disability  May 25, 1863.)
Herman Voight, age 26. (A.G. says, Herman Vivoot, which is in-correct.) E April 18, 1863 ––Colonel Day.[Regt. Descriptive List says,  Discharged April 18, '63. Order Col Day, Disability.  See Company D, 3d Mass. H.A.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability April 18, 1863.  Battles ––Cedar Mt. Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
Matthew R. Walsh, age 28.
E March 10, 1863 ––order Colonel Day. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, January 13, 1863, order Col. Day.]  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 13, '63. Residence, 4 Dabney Place, Roxbury, MA.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in Action, Aug. 30, 1862.  Discharged March 10, 1863.  Battles, Cedar Mt.)
Samuel J. Martin, age 21.  (A.G.  says Sumner.  Descriptive Book says, S. J. Martin.) E No official notice received.  (Roster says, Samuel J. Martin, mustered out, March 2, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Sumner J. Martin, Discharged March 2, 1863.  War Dept. Sept. 25, '69.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Recruit ––Joined Aug. 18, 1862.  Taken Prisoner at Fredericksburg.  Discharged for disability.  Battles ––So. Mt. Antietam, Fredericksburg.)
Stillman B. Woodman, age 26. E   March 5, 1863, ––order Col. Day.  Circular #8, Dec. 1895, adds, he was born in Buxton, Maine, not Brixtine, as printed in the roster. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Recruit.  Joined Co.  Aug. 18, 1862.  Went home on furlough and was discharged for disability March 6, 1863.)
William H. Lord, age 20. E August 18, 1863 ––order Col. Day.  (Roster says mustered out, Sept. 10, '63; died '93.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, August 18, 1863 order Col. Day.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Sept. 6th 1863 in Boston for disability.  Missing in action July 1, 1863.  Battles, Cedar Mountain, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Charles E. Howe, age 18. E No official notice received. (Roster says,  transferred to Co. I, 19th V.R.C., Dec. 13, '63; mustered out, April 1, '64.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862.  Battles –Cedar Mountain.  Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)

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List of Discharged Men (1863), Company F;

Photo Gallery, Company F

James Gibson, Company FJohn S. Fay, Company FJ.N.P. Johnson, Company F

Sergeant James Gibson, Corporal John S. Fay, & Private John N.P. Johnson, Company F.  Sergeant Gibson was the first Standard Bearer in the regiment. He left the 13th and became an officer in the 59th MA.  He was discharged in February 1864.  Hard service took its toll on Johnson, who was quite older than the average soldier, although there were a few others of his age in the regiment.  He served with the 13th MA up until the winter of 1862 -63 before he took ill.  He worked for a time at a Washington D.C. Hospital before he was discharged in February 1863.  At home his health declined and he died a year later in May, 1864.  Corporal Fay was struck by a shell during  the Chancellorsville Campaign.  He was seated on the ground, at Fitzhugh's Crossing, opposite Fredericksburg April 30, 1863. The same shell that struck him, killed two officers standing nearby.  Dr. Allston W. Whitney amputated Fay's right hand and right leg to save his life. The boys in the regiment took up a collection for him. His story is well documented on this website.  When he returned home to Marlboro, a collection was raised by the town citizens to pay his tuition so he could attend a Business School in Worcester, MA.

John S. Fay and friends at Gettysburg postwar

Post war picture of John S. Fay, on the left, visiting the Gettysburg battlefield. It looks like Captain Moses Palmer and perhaps Sam Webster standing behind him left to right but thats an educated guess. The seated man on the far right is Lt.-Colonel Charles Hovey.  The picture was given to me the by the late Mr. Peter Boland of Connecticut, one of many descendants of Fay.

Discharged Men, Company F

Charles Badger, age 27. F Order General Martindale, August 17, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged August 17, 1863 order Gen. Martindale.  Disability.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Absent sick at Davids Island, Aug. 31st '62.  Convalescent Camp,  Discharged Sept. 11th 1863 for disability.)
George H. Bailey, age 19. F Order Lieut. Col. McElvey, April 22, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability April 22, 1863.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, April 28th '62 Detailed Extra duty at Brigade Hd. Qrs. Gen'l Hartsuff, Special Regt. Order No 88.  April 22, '63 Discharged on Surgeon Certificate disability by order Samuel McKelvey, Lt. Col. commanding Convalescent Camp.)
Edward Barnard, age 23. F Discharged Disability, February 6, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List has orig. entry crossed out with a corretion, Discharged a Private, February 6, '63 on Surgeon's Certivicate of Disability.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Sept. 18th '62 at Parole Camp Columbus Ohio, having been missing in action at Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Dropped from the Rolls Oct. 10 '62 General Order No. 62.  Reg. Order No. 10.  Was in the battles of Bull Run, Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap.)  [Berlin Town  History (1895) says, Edward Barnard, son of Edward and Margaret, born in Boston.  Enlisted June, 1861, Co. F, 13th Regt.  Discharged by surgeon’s certificate Feb. 6th, 1863.  Died in Berlin July 16th, 1889, at Francis Babcock’s, and was buried in our cemetery by Post 54.]  Note: Because he was dropped in 1862, his record did not appear in the A.G. with an 1863 muster-out date, although that is the correct date of his muster out. –B.F.
Sergeant James H. Belser, age 28. (A.G. says Belso which is in-correct.) F Order War Department, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out for promotion, March 7, 1863; promoted to 2d Lieut. 9th Regt. Colored Troops, March 7, '63.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, See Letter War Dept. Oct. 23, 1895.  Mustered Out March 7, '63 to accept commission.  Discharged by reason of resignation Feb. 18, '64 from 81st U.S.C.T. as 2nd Lieutenant.  Discharged Special Order War Dept. #79.] (No Comments in Regt. Descriptive Book.)
Daniel R. Bigelow, age 24. [Bigelow is listed in A.G. Report with Dropped & Deserted men.  I have moved him here to Discharged because of his corrected record. ––B.F.] F Dropped, January, 1863.  (Roster says mustered out, Jan. 2, '63.) [Note in Regt. Descriptive List says:  See Letter, War Dept. December 9, 1868; Discharged January 2, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Missing in Action, Aug. 30, '62.  Sept. 18, '62 at Parole camp, Columbus, Ohio.  dropped from the Rolls January 1863.  Battles, Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam, So. Mountain, Fredericksburg.)
Sergeant George N. Bridgewater, age 27. F Promoted in Colored Troops, November 16, 1863.  (Roster adds, Nov. 16, '63, promoted to 1st-Lieut. U.S. Colored Troops.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant.  Missing in Action at battle of Gettysburg Pa., July 1st 1863.  August 7th '63 at Parole Camp West Chester, Pa. Detached since at Newberne, N.C.  Per Order War Dept. Oct. 27, 1863.  Battles – Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Francis H. Brown, age 19. F   January 16, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 20th '62 Absent without leave.  Oct. 1st, '62 Absent without leave to Absent sick.  January 16, '63 Discharged.  Battles–Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam.
Walter H. Burgess, age 23. F March 19, 1863.  [Regiment Descriptive List says Discharged due to plurisssy.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, January 19th '63 Absent sick.  U.S. Gen. Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.,  March 19, '63 Discharged.)
Luke Collins, age 44. F   January 11, 1863.  (Roster says, died, June 1, 1888.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, June 25, '61 Detailed Extra duty in Q. M. Dept. Special Regt. order No. 29.  May 26, '62, returned to duty regt order R. 27? July 11, '62, Detailed in Brigade Q.M. Dept. spcl. regt. order No. 147.  Nov. 20th '62 detached duty to present sick. ––January 11, '63 Discharged.
George F. Duley, age 16.  (A.G. says Dudley, which is in-correct.) F Disability, Feb. 7, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged February 7, 1863.  See Co. "B" 2 Mass. Cav.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30th '62 wounded in Action "Bull Run."  Feb. 7, '63 Discharged for disability.  Battles –Cedar Mountain, Bull Run.)
Corporal Thomas M. Exley, age 25. F Disability, September 7, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Sept. 6, '63 wounded at Manassas, Aug, 30, '62.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30th '62 Wounded in Action "Bull Run"  June 2d '63 from Absent sick to detached duty on Invalid Corps June 25th '63  Reduced to private not on account of any misdemeanor, but in consequence of prolonged absence and detail in Invalid Corps July 21 '63 from detached service to transfer to Invalid Corps, Genl order No. 221 War Department.)
Sergeant John S. Fay, age 21.  [picture] F Disability, September 7, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out as sergeant, Sept. 9, '63;  lost right arm and right leg, April 30, '63;  taken prisoner, June 15, '63, and sent to Libby prison, July 1, '63; released, July 17, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, April 30th '63, wounded in Action loss of leg and arm, taken prisoner in hospital June 16, '63.  Aug. - 1863 at Parole Camp Annapolis, Md.  Discharged Sept 16th 1863 for disability.  Battles –Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, 2d Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.)
Sergeant James Gibson, age 24. [picture] F For Promotion, March 30, 1863.  (Roster adds, promoted 2nd-Lieutenant, April 1, 1863.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, 2nd Lieut. April 1863. 1t Lieut 59 M.V.V. Nov. 9, 1863. See Co. A, 59th Inf. & Co. H, 57 Inf.  Transf. to 57 Inf.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached, Regiment Color Sergeant.  March 30th '63 Promoted to 2nd Lieut. and assigned to Company H, 13th Regt. Mass. Vols.  Battles, Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, 2d Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Augustus Harper, age 23. F January 7, 1863. (Roster says mustered out, January 16, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30, '62 Absent sick.  January 7th '63 Discharged.)  [From the town of Berlin History:  Augustus Harper, son of James and Judith, born in Roxbury.  Enlisted July 16th, 1861, in Co. F, 13th Regt.  Discharged by surgeon’s certificate January 7th, 1863.]
Charles A. Howe, age 28. (Roster says age 24.) F Disability, July 7, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 10, '63; wounded at Antietam.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 17th '62 Wounded in Action and Absent Sick.  Feb. 7th '63 Discharged on Surgeon Certificate Disability.  Battles –Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run 2d, So. Mountain, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville.)  [Berlin Town History says: Charles A. Howe, born in Leominster.  Enlisted June, 1862, in Co. F, 13th Regt.  Discharged by surgeon’s certificate July 7th, 1863.  Residence, Hudson.]  Note.*
William P. Howe, age 19. F Disability, March 13, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, March 14, '63; wounded at Antietam.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 17, '62  Wounded in Action and Absent Sick March 13th '63 discharged Surgeon's Certificate disability.  Battles ––Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.) Note.*
Corporal Samuel M. Haynes, age 28. F Order Gen. Montgomery, January 6, 1863.  (Roster says, enlisted in the 59th Mass., Dec. '63; wounded Sept. 30, '64.) (No entry in Regt. Descriptive Book.)  [Berlin Town History (1895) says, Samuel M. Haynes, son of Emory and Anna, born in Wayland.  Enlisted July 16, 1861, in Co. F, 13th Regt., on quota of Bolton.  Discharged June 6th, 1863.  Re-enlisted December, 1863, in Co. B, 59th Regt.  Wounded in side at Poplar Grove September 30th, 1864; same day in left leg, which was amputated below the knee.  Discharged July, 1865, at Dale Hospital, Worcester.  Residence, Hudson.]
John N. P. Johnson, age 42. [picture] F  January 30, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept 26, '62 absent sick.  Nov. 27th '62, from absent sick to detached duty U.S. Gen'l Hospital Fredericksburg, Md. Special order 527 Hd. Qrs. Army Potomac, January 30th '63 discharged.) [Berlin Town History (1895) says,  J. P. N. Johnson, more familiarly known as Pillsbury Johnson, son of Edward and Annie Johnson, was born in Berlin 1824.  He enlisted in Co. F, 13th Regt., Mass. Vols., and was in much of its service till the winter of 1862 - 3.  After some service at Columbia Hospital, Georgetown, D.C. he was discharged from the army February 3d, 1863, on account of ill health.  Returning home he declined gradually, and died May 24th 1864, age forty years.]
Frank Jones, age 30. F   January 31, 1863.  (Roster says, Jan. 25, '63.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged January 31, 1863, Disability.  See Co. C, 59 Regt.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, July 14th 1862. Absent Sick, January 31, '63 Discharged.)
George H. Mason, age 26. F Order War Department, November 16, 1863.  (Roster says, transferred to Misissippi flotilla, Feb. 17, '62.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, February 16th '62  Detailed on Western Flotilla Special regt. order No. 48.  Nov. 6 1863 Discharged by Order of War Dept.)
Frederick Morse, age 26. F March 20, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, March 26, '63; clerk in commissary department.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, February 24th '62  Detailed Commissary Department Hagerstown, Md. Special regt. order No. 119. March 20th '63 Discharged.)
John A. Parsons, age 44. F Disability, March 27, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, December 1st '62 Absent sick at Trinity[?] hospital Washington D.C. October '62 Joined from recruiting depot March 27, '63 Discharged Surgeon Certificate disability.)
Elliot A. Rich, age 20. F January 9, 1863.  (Roster says, January 16, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, January 9, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 1 '62 Absent sick ––January 7, '63 Discharged.)  [Elliot's brother, Edwin A. Rich also served in Co. F, 13th MA.  Edwin was wounded in the leg at 2nd B.R. and in the wrist at Gettysburg. ––B.F.]
Nathan R. Wheeler, age 24. F Disability, June 20, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 20, '63; wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept 17th '62 Wounded in Action Antietam.  January 20th '63 Discharged disability.  Battles Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)

*Note: Obviously Charles A. Howe & Wm P. Howe could not have been at the last three battles listed, (Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, having already been wounded, and since left the service.  The battle asignations were added to the record at a later date.  These two records are listed next to each other in the Descriptive Book, and have the same error.––B.F.

Of Special Interest

Private Walter Burgess of Company F, listed above, tried to get a furlough home from the hospital where he was sick with pleurisy [enflamed thin layer of  tissue between lungs.]  But it was often difficult to obtain a pass, as in this case, where the doctor refused.  Governor Andrew of Massachusetts deployed State Agents to different cities to look after the needs of soldiers from the state.  William Robinson is one such agent, reporting from Baltimore.

William Robinson to Governor John Andrew

Office Massachusetts State Agent,
No. 119 Camden Street.

Baltimore, February 4, 1863

Executive Department
                            Dear Sir–

Yours of the 30th was received respecting the situation of Walter H. Burgess of Mass 13th Regt;  I visited McKim Hospital again yesterday and found him improving but his attack of Plurrisy was very severe;  but Doct Quick I could not see, he being absent at that time, but shall see him soon, and try and have him discharged or furloughed;  and hear What he says, and write you again.

Yours Respectfully
Wm Robinson,
Mass Milt State Agent

[Written over the body of the letter]:   Letter of W. H. McIntosh, Roxbury, about Burgess, returned to him, showing endorsement of Dr. Small, refusing discharge.  J.V.B.  A.M.S.

Office Massachusetts State Agent,
No. 119 Camden Street.

Baltimore, February 9, 1863

John A Andrew
                            Governor of Mass


                                      Within I have enveloped the letter in the case of Walter H. Burgess of Mass 13 Regt who has had much attention given by Mr. Wheelright of this city, to have him discharged;  with myself, but Doct. Quick and Doct W. G. Small who has charge of him has declined;  and I requested to give a written statement, which you will find from Doct Small stating his situation is such, it can not be done at this time

I expect on Wednesday next to send on the body of Capt Gilert E. Butrom  to the care Cyrus D. Madrick[?]  Grafton Mass.

Shall forward a Monthly statement tomorrow of those in our Hospital and have  enclosed this little statement of Charles M. Spark, when he passes  through this city

Yours Respectfully
William Robinson
Mass Milty State Agent.

Return to Table of Contents

List of Discharged Men (1863), Company G;

Photo Gallery, Company G

John F. Berry, Company GWilliam Wallace Davis, Company GFrank W. Bigelow, Company G

Corporal John F. Berry, Private William Wallace Davis & Sergeant Frank W. Bigelow, Company G.  Corporal Berry was written up in the town history of Stoneham, MA which included this portrait. He was with the regiment until taken sick on May 24, 1862.  He remained in the hospital until January, 1863.  He went home on a furlough and was discharged in February for disability. Thirteenth Regiment Circular #8, December 1895 adds, that he was commissioned 2nd-Lieutenant in the Eighty-first U.S. Cavalry troops.  Berry went back to his old job in a shoe factory when his service ended.  In 1872 he opened a retail store for men's clothing which was very successful in the town of Stoneham. He continued to serve in the peace-time militia, post-war.   Private Davis was wounded at Gettysburg.  He was dishcharged from the 13th MA and later re-enlisted in the 59th MA.  He would lose an arm with this unit at Petersburg.  [See Biography Below.]   Frank Bigelow served on detached duty in the Commissary Dept. from May 1862 until his discharge in January 1863.  He left the regiment to accept an officer's commission in the 4th N.Y. Cavalry.

Dishcharged Men, Company G

Sergeant Benjamin F. Richardson, Jr., age 19. G Disability, ––No date. Wounded.  (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 7, '63; wounded, Aug. 30, '62). (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Sergt. July 16, '61.  Battles –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, where he was wounded.  Discharged Jan. 26, '63.)
Sergeant Frank W. Bigelow, age 28.  [picture] G For Promotion, January 26, 1863. (Roster adds, mustered out for promotion, Jan. 29, '63, as captain in the 4th N.Y. Cavalry.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Sergeant July 16, '61.  Discharged Jan. 26, '63 to enable him to accept Captaincy in 4th N.Y. Cavalry, (corrected by Bigelow from 6th NY Cavalry on Aug. 28, 1886.)  Detached in Commissary Dept. from May '62 to time of Discharge.)
Sergeant Charles E. Horne, age 22. G For Promotion, June 30, 1863. (Roster adds, promoted 2d-Lieutenant, July 1, '63; wounded at Gettysburg, July 1. '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, 2nd Lt. May 1, 1863, 1st Lt. March 8, 1864. Wounded July 3, '63. (July 1 correct.)] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Sergeant, July 16, 1861.  Promoted to 1st Sergeant Jan. 1, '63.  Promoted to 2d Lieut. June 30, '63 and assigned to Co. I. Battles ––Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Corporal William L. Crowe, age 31. G Disability, May 7, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Corpl. July 16, '62.  Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg.  Discharged May 1, '63.  Disability.)
  Corporal John F. Berry, age 21. [picture]
G Disability, February 26, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Feb. 26, '63, Disability.)
Corporal Solon A. Bryant, age 22. (A.G. writes Salan, which is in-correct.) G Disability, January 24, 1863 ––wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62; appointed 3d asst. engineer, U.S. Navy, Aug. 17, '63; mustered out, Dec. 3, '65.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, January 24, 1863. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862.  See Engineer U.S. Navy Officers Book.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 24, '63, disability, Battles –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam (wounded.)
Corporal George E. Bates, age 19. G Disability, February 16, 1863.  [Regt. Descriptive List says Discharged, Disability, February 17, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –So. Mountain, Antietam.  Discharged Feb. 17, '63.)  See Notes.*
Hugh C. Campbell, age 22. G Disability, February 28, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says Discharged Feb. 28, '63 (disability.))
John Callahan, age 18. G Disability, February 19, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. Sept. 1, 1863. charge desertion removed.  Discharged from I Co. 2nd Battalon V.R.C. June 12, '65 War Dept. Letter of May 10, 1886.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability Feb. 29, '63.)
Charles L. Crouch, age 26. G Disability, March 9, 1863.  (Roster says March 29, 1863.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability March 9, 1863.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged March 9, '63 for disability.)
Andrew J. Dow, age 33. G Disability, February 19, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, February 19, '63.  See Co. K 4th H.A.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says Discharged Feb. 7, '63 for disability.)
Henry Deadman, age 39. G December 23, 1863 ––wounded. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Dec. 23, 1863.  wounded at Gettysburg.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (wounded).  Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, Dec. 23, '63.)
William W. Davis, age 21. [picture] G August 22, 1863 ––wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, '63, and taken prisoner.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability August 22, 1863.  wounded at Gettysburg.  See 59th Regt. Co. A, and 2nd Lt.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, wounded).  Discharged for disability Aug. 22, '63.) Note: Davis would re-enlist in the 59th Regt. as 1st Lieutenant.  He was wounded and lost an arm at Petersburg.  His biography is on this website elsewhere.–B.F.
Orin C. Eastman, age 23. G Disability, January 10, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out as drum-major, Feb. 17, '63;  died April 27, '67;  promoted to drum-major, June 1, '62.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 10, '63 for disability.)
Edmund G. Eastman, age 18. (A.G. says Edward.) G Disability, January 13, 1863.[Regt. Descriptive List says, Dischargd Disability January 13, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles – Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam (wounded).  Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate of disability, January 13, 1863.)
Henry M. Foss, age 19. G   January 26, 1863 ––wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded, September 17, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, (wounded).  Discharged June 26, '63 for disability.)
Heselton Richmond, age 34. (A.G. says, Richmond Hazelton.) G Disability, November 22, 1863. (Roster says Heselton Richmond; Circular #8 says, Helelton Richmond.) [Regt. Descriptive List says Richmond Hazelton, Discharged Disability November 22, 1863.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Heselton Richmond. Discharged for disability Nov. 22, 1863.)
John W. King, age 18. G Disability, January 26, 1863.  (13th Reg't. Assoc. Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says, commissioned captain, 36th U.S. Cavalry.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Jan. 26, 1863 disability.)
Stephen Lufkin, age 48. G Disability, January 29, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, Jan. 27, '63.) See Notes.*
George Morton, age 30. G Disability, December 14, 1863.  (Roster says, George Morton; age, 30; born, Ireland; tailor; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 29, '63; mustered out, Dec. 14, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive List shows he was a drafted man.)
Joseph W. Noble, age 20.
G Disability, January 4, 1863. (Roster says, Joseph W. Noble, Jr.; age, 20; born, Stoneham, Mass.; shoemaker; mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61; mustered out, Jan. 4, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, Jan. 4, '63.)
George W. Osgood, age 36. G Disability, March 2, 1863. (Roster says, Mustered in, July 16, 1861.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability March 2, 1863.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, March 2, '63.)
Thomas A. Parker, age 30. G Disability, January 26, 1863. (Roster says, mustered in as priv., Co. G, July 16, '61; mustered out, Jan. 26, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, see E, 1st Batt. H.A.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Dishcarged Jan. 26, '63 for disability.)
Uriah H. Smith, age 23. G Disability, January 10, 1863.  (Roster says, wounded, July 3, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Waggoner. Teamster, Discharged Disability, Jan. 10, '63, wounded July 3, '63. (July 1 is correct.)] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, Jan. 10, '63.)
Edward Smith, age 24. G Disability, February 6, 1863 ––wounded. (Roster adds, wounded September 17, 1862.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability February 6, 1863, wounded Sept. 17, 1862.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam, (wounded) Discharged Feb. 6, '63.)
Albert B. Whiting, age 18. G Disability, January 5, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent from Dec. '62 to Jan. 5, '63.  Dishcarged for disability.)

        George E. Bates:  All records in the Regimental Books agree that George mustered out February 1863, except the Roster printed in the Regimental History which contains errors.  That record says George mustered in as a private, Co. G, Aug. 18, '62; transferred to 39th Mass.; re-enlistcd in the l3th, Jan. 4, '62.  The re-enlist date should be 1863 so error seems to be a typo.  But the transfer to the 39th is not recorded in any of the original books or the A.G. Report.  There are two other men in the roster named Bates; Henry of Company B, and John F., of Company K.  Neither re-enlisted.

The roster lists Stephen Lufkin, age 48, and Stephen W. Lufkin age 18, both in Company G.   On the original Descriptive List they are both from S. Reading, Massachusetts.  Both were assigned to Company G, which is printed in the roster, but on the descriptive list for the younger one, the letter G is crossed out and the letter B is written in its place. Stephen W. Lufkin (the younger)  was wounded at Gettysburg and mustered out in May, 1864.

Of Special Interest

Another mother writes to the Governor's Office in hopes of obtaining an officer's commission for her son.  In this case it is Frank Bigelow, who would be promoted into the 4th N.Y. Cavalry in January, 1863.

Mary Bigelow to Colonel Harrison Ritchie

Weston Mass, 15 August 1862        

Col. Harrison Ritchie
                Aid to the Gov.

                                Dear Sir,
                                                Allow me to say that my son Frank W. Bigelow of the 13th Mass. V. M. is still very solicitous to obtain promotion. We hoped to get a Lieutenancy in the U.S. Army, but appointments therein are made only as a reward for meritorious conduct in the field.  Frank has not had any opportunity to perform any feat, unless exhaustive marches back and forth under great privations may be considered such.

Col. Lee was so good as to send Frank’s application to some commanding officer who needed one or more Lieutenants, and if it be not asking too much, and you think my son deserves it, I shall be greatly obliged if you will write to that Field Officer and say what you think proper in F’s behalf.

We have hoped that Col. Batchelder of the 13th, who we learn is to command the 35th, could give Frank an appointment, but not knowing where he is, we cannot reach him.

Craving your lenient construction of my present appeal,

I am very respectfully
your obd. st,
                        Mary A. H. Bigelow

Return to Table of Contents

List of Discharged Men (1863), Company H;

Photo Gallery, Company H

Samuel A. Bean, Company H

Corporal Samuel Bean of Company  H, was discharged to receive an officer's commission (2d-Lieutenant) in the U.S. Cavalry.  He then transferred to the 59th Massachusetts Volunteers, commanded by Colonel J. P. Gould (formerly Major Gould of the 13th Mass.). He was promoted to 1st-Lieutenant and Captain, with the 59th. Captain Bean died of wounds received in action with the 59th at Petersburgh. “Crossing the James River, June 15, and advancing to the front on the 17th, on the afternoon of that day the regiment joined in the assault made by the 1st Division, losing 13 killed, 49 wounded, and eight missing.  Among the mortally wounded was Capt. Samuel A. Bean.”  He died June 25, 1864.  Source:  Acton Memorial Library.

Dishcharged Men, Company H

Osmand D. Richardson, age 26. (Osmand D. Richardson enlisted twice.  He first mustered out, Feb 6, 1862.  He re-enlisted in the 13th a 2nd time on July 24, 1862.) H May 6, 1863.  [Discharge date for his 2nd enlistment. Source: Regt. Descriptive List.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability February 6th '62.  Re-enlisted July 31, 1862 again discharged for disability May 5th 1863.)
Corporal Thomas McCutchins, age 33. H January 3, 1863, at Washington, D.C. (Roster says, mustered out as hospital steward, August 25, 1865;  discharged from 13th Jan. 15, '63, by special order, and appointed hospital steward at Carver Hospial, Washington, D.C.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Corporal, Discharged By order January 3, '63.  See Hospital Steward, U.S.A.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged by Order No. 4 War Department, January 3d 1863.)
Sergeant Josiah S. Bacon, age 27. H January 9, 1863, at Alexandria, Va.  (Roster says, mustered out as 1st Sergeant, January 8, '63;  wounded, Aug. 30, '62, at Manassas.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded at the battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th 1862.  Was engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62.  Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62.  Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62. Discharged for Disability January 7th 1863.)
 Sergeant Samuel Towne, age 25. H January 10, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged in the following battles, Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62. Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd 1862.  Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Bull Run August 30th '62.  Chantilly, Sept. 2nd '62.  Was discharged for disability January 10th 1863.)
Sergeant Samuel Gilman, age 27. H  January 12, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. ( Roster says July 12, '63.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62. Rappahannock Station Aug. 23d '62.  Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62. Wounded at the battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th '62, and discharged for disability, January 12th 1863.)
Corporal Ostenello F. Page, age 19.  (A.G. says Ostinitto.) [Regt. Descriptive Book says Ostinelli.] H April 11, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Nov. 1st 1862. Engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62.  Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62. Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Was wounded in the battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th '62 and discharged for disability April 11th 1863.)
Willard Morse, age 28. H   April 4, 1863, at Washington, D.C. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62.  Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23d, '62. Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62, Chantilly Sept. 2nd '62. South Mountain, Sept. 14th '62.  Wounded in battle of Antietam Sept. 17th, '62.  Discharged for disabilty April 4th 1863.)
Harlin H. Whitney, age 23. (A.G. says Haslin, which is in-correct.) H April 3, 1863, at Alexandria, Va.  (Roster says, mustered out, February 27, '63;  detailed as clerk at headquarters Camp Distribution, Alexandria, Va.)   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability April 3rd 1863.)
Charles E. Page, age 22. H April 7, 1863, at Alexandria, Va.  (Roster says, promoted to 2d-Lieutenant, 4th U.S. Colored Troops, March 5, '63; was captured at New Orleans, while on detached service, June 23, '63; wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62. Rappahannock Station, Aug. 25th 1862.  Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62.  Chantilly Sept. 2nd, 1862.  South Mountain, Sept. 14th '62.  Antietam, Sept. 17th 1862.  Was wounded in battle of Fredericksburg Nov. 15th '62.) [Dec. 13th probably correct date of wound. –B.F.]
Lyman W. Brown, age 19. H   April 15, 1863, at Fletcher's Chapel, Va. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, April 15, '63.  See Navy 71-524.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability April 15th 1863.)
W. A. Morse, age 29. (Roster says age 28.)  [Regt. Descriptive Book says William A. Morse.] H April 15, 1863, Fletcher's Chapel, Va. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability April 15th '63.)
Cyrus E. Barker, age 24. H June 13, 1863, ––order Col. Day.  (Roster says, Jan. 30, '63.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, January 30, 1863.  The month of June is over-written to read Jan'y.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in Action at battle of Antietam Sept. 17th '62 – promoted to Corporal Dec 6th 1862.  Discharged for Disability January 13th '63.  Was engaged in the following Battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62, Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62.  Chantilly, Sept 2d '62. South Mountain, Sept. 14th '62.)
Henry P. Adams, age 24. H June 30, 1863, ––order Col. Day.  (Roster says mustered out, Feb. 11, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List crossed out the date June 30, and changed it to February 11.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in Action at battle of Antietam, Sept. 17th 1862. promoted to Corporal Dec 6, 1862.  Discharged for Disability January 30th 1863.  Was engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62.   Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62. Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62. Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62.  Chantilly, Sept 2, '62.  South Mountain, Sept. 14th '62.)
Charles E. Duly, age 20.  (A.G. says, Dooley, which is in-correct.) H   June 30, 1863, ––order Col. Day. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged as "Dooly."] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged in the following battles,  Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62,  Rappahannock Station Aug. 23rd '62, and Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62.  Taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62.  Discharged from the Service of the United States March 3rd 1863.)
George W. Woodbury, age 20. H February 11, 1863, ––no official notice. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62.  Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd 1862.  Discharged for disability Feb. 11th 1863.  Was also engaged at Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28, and wounded in battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.)
Eugene L. Fairbanks, age 23. H February 11, 1863, ––no official notice. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged February 11, 1863.  See Company C 1st Battalion Heavy Artillery.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged at the following battles, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62, Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62.  Was Wounded in the battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Discharged for Disability February 11, 1863.)
H. F. Travis, age 26. (Roster says, Hosea F.) H March 2, 1863, ––no official notice.  (Roster says, Feb. 16, '63.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability February 16, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disabilty March 2nd 1863.)
Nicholas B. Drew, age 40. H March 19, 1863, –– no official notice.  (Roster says, March 23, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the battles of Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station Aug. 23, 1862, Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62.  Taken prisoner at Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Discharged for Disability March 19th 1863.)
Charles W. Keating, age 24. H March 22, 1863, ––order War Department.  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 13, '63.)  [13th Regiment Association Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says, Capt. & Brevet Lt-Col. U.S. Cavalry.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station Aug. 23, '62, Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62, Bull Run Aug. 30th '62, Chantilly Sept 2nd '62, South Mountain Sept. 14th '62, Antietam Sept. 17th '62, Fredericksburg Nov. 14th '62. [Dec. 13 is correct date–B.F.]  Discharged by order of War Department (No 26?) to enable him to accept a commission in Genl Ulman's Brigade (Captain.))
James M. Clough, age 27. H March 28, 1863, ––order War Department. (Roster says, discharged March 28, 1863.)[Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged March 28, '63. (Soldier Discharge paper states Disability March 9/63 Surgeons Certificate of Disability, Union Hotel Hospital.)] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability March 2nd 1863.)
William H. Pease, age 37. H January 12, 1863, ––order War Department.  (Roster adds, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, 1862.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Engaged in the following battles.  Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station Aug. 23rd 1862.  Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62, was wounded in battle of Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Discharged for disability January 12th 1863.)
Ephraim Hayes, age 46. H January 30, 1863, ––order War Department.  (Roster says, Jan. 20, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability, January 30th 1863.)
Andrew J. Severance, age 26. H January 17, 1863, ––order War Department. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability January 17th 1863.)
James B. Woodbury, age 29. H January 17, 1863, ––order War Department.  (Roster says, Jan. 27, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged in the battles of Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23rd '62.  Discharged for Disability February 11th 1863.)
Asa J. Warren, age 37. [Regt. Descriptive Book says age, 25.] H Disability, January 2, 1863. (Roster says 1862, which is in-correct.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, age 25.  Discharged Disability, January 2, 1863.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability, June 22nd 1863.)
George W. Smith, age 40. H Disability, Lost an arm, ––no date. (Roster says, mustered out, Oct. 21, '63; wounded July 1, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, October 17, 1863.  Lost arm at Gettysburg, Pa.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Was engaged in the following battles, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62, Rappahannock Station Aug. 23rd '62, Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62, Bull Run Aug. 30th '62, Chantilly Sept. 2nd '62, South Mountain Sept. 14th '62, Antietam Sept. 17th '62.  Taken prisoner at Fredericksburg Nov. 15th '62 [Probably Dec. 15th–B.F.]  returned to his company May 18th 1863.  Wounded in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. July 1st 1863, and sent to Hospital Harrisburg Pa.  Discharged October 16, 1863.)
Lloyd B. Wheeler, age 24. H Order War Department, August 9, 1863. (Roster says mustered out, July 17, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged by Order No. 221, War Department: August 9th 1863.)
Charles H. Drury, age 26. H Order War Department, August 9, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, July 18, '64, Washington; served in regimental hospital, field hospital, and then transferred to Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. ) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged by Order No 221 War Department Aug. 9th 1863.)
Leonard L. Perry, age 27. (A.G. says Leonard H., which is in-correct.) H Order War Department, August 9, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged by order No. 221 War Department, Aug. 4th 1863.)
Edward S. Fletcher, age 20. H December 11, 1863, Baltimore, Md. [Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged December 11, 1863, Order War Dept.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sent to Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Oct. 9th '62.)
John H. Smith, age 28. H Disability, December 9, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability Dec. 9, 1863 by order Gen. Martindale.)  Note:  Smith was a drafted man from July, 1863. –B.F.
Sergeant Joseph H. Stuart, age 20. H Promoted 2d-Lieutenant, April 11, 1863.  (Roster says, promoted 2d-Lieutenant, March 22, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, 2nd Lieut. March 22, '63.  1st Lieut. March 4, '64.  Died of wounds, May 10, 1864 as 2d Lieut.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Sergt. Sept. 1, 1862. Was  engaged in the following battles, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62. Rappahannock Station Aug. 23rd '62.  Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62. Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Chantilly Sept. 2nd '62.  South Mountain Sept. 14th.  Was wounded in the battle  of Antietam Sept. 17th '62.  Returned to duty Oct. 5th '62. engaged at Fredericksburg  Nov. 15th, 1862. [Dec. 13th–B.F.]  Promoted from Sergeant to Second Lieut. and assigned to Co. D. April 1st 1863.)
Sergeant Samuel A. Bean, age 27.  [picture] H Order War Department, July 1, 1863.  (13th Regt. Association Circular #8 says, KIA with 59th MA, June 17, '64.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Sergt. Sept. 1st '62.  Detached duty in Ambulance Corps Sept. 25th '62.  Dishcarged to accept promotion, by Order War Department July 1st '63.  Was engaged in the following battles Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th '62, Rappahanock Station Aug. 23rd '62, Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th, 1862, Bull Run Aug. 30th '62, Chantilly, Sept. 2nd '62 South Mountain, Sept. 14th '62, Antietam, Sept. 17th '62, Fredericksburg, Nov. 15th, '62, [Dec. 13th - B.F.] Chancellorsville, May 4th '63.)
Joseph D. Frost, age 31. H June 18, 1863, Washington, D.C.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged June 18, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sent to Hospital Washington, D.C. July 25th 1862.)
David F. Fiske, age 25. H Disability, June 2, 1863. (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 3, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Reduced to the ranks at his own request Aug. 19th '61.  Discharged for Disability, June 2nd '63.)
Newton Morse, age 29. H Disability, June 2, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability, June 2, 1863. See Co. D, 59th.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for Disability June 2nd 1863.  See Co. D, 59th.) 

Return to Table of Contents

List of Discharged Men (1863), Company I;

Photo Gallery, Company I

William Barnes, Company IJames A. Smith, Company I

1st Sergeant William Barnes lost a leg at 2nd Bull Run and was later discharged.  Sergeant James A. Smith suffered a severe back sprain while helping a wounded comrade from the battlefield and was eventually discharged.  It is possible, as they were both sergeants in the same company, that Smith hurt his back helping Barnes, (who had a bad leg wound) off the battle-field.  Smith re-enlisted in the 58th Mass. Vols, and was badly wounded at Peebles Farm, September 30th 1864.  He survived the war.  This websites Co-founder, Greg Dowden is a direct descendant of Sgt. James A. Smith.

Discharged Men, Company I

Sergeant William A. Alley, age 19. I Second Lieutenant, April 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged to receive promotion as 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1862 Special Order War Department.   Battles –Boliver.
1st Sergeant William Barnes, age 38. [picture] I Disability, April 23, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out as Orderly Sergeant, April 23, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged for disability, April 23, 1863.  Battles –Bolivar, Thoroughfare, Bull Run, (wounded.)
Sergeant Rufus Howe, age 20. I Disability, February 19, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 14, '63;  wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62;  deceased.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Feb. 19, 1863 on Surgeon's Certificate of disability.  Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mtn., Antietam. (Additional note added:  Died in Cleveland Ohio, Sept. 10, 1889.))
Cranston Howe, age 19.  (A.G. says, Clemmins Howe, which is in-correct.) I Disability, February 14, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 4, '63; wounded Aug. 30, 1862, Manassas.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Feb. 4, 1863 on Surgeon's Certificate of disability.  Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, (wounded.))
Henry Lorey, age 24. (A.G. says, Loney, which is in-correct.) I Disability, September 15, 1863. (Roster adds, wounded at Gettysburg.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in action at Gettysburg July 1st 1863.  Discharged in Boston Sept. 18th 1863 for disability.  Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Edward W. Mosher, age 21. [A.G. says, Mosier, which is in-correct.] I Disability, February 15, 1863.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Feb. 16, 1863 – for disability.  Battles ––Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, (wounded.))
Buglar L. H. Russell, age 34. [Lauriman H. Russell.] I Disability, December 15, 1863 ––Order General Martindale. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detailed as Bugler Aug. 16, 1861.  Discharged by Order Genl. Martindale.) (Russell was an engineer and laid out many maps early in the war.  He diagramed the layout of the new Camp Convalescent in 1863.  Two of his brothers served in the 13th MA with him.  Both died from wounds received in battle.–B.F.)
Samuel W. Sargent, age 25. I Disability, February 28, 1863.  (Roster adds, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says,  Discharged Feb. 28, 1863 for disability.  Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run. (wounded.)
Corporal James A. Smith, age 23.  [picture] I Disability, April 24, 1863.  [Smith re-enlisted in 58th MA, was wounded badly at Peebles Farm, 1864.  Source:  Smith descendant Greg Dowden; also a note in the Regt. Descriptive Book says see [Co.] H, 58th M.V.] (Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged April 24, 1863 on Surgeon's Certificate of disability.  Battle –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.)
William A. Shute, age 31. I Disability, June 4, 1863.  (Roster says, June 6, '63; wounded at Mansassas, Aug. 30, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged June 4, 1863 for disability.  Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Lost leg at Bull Run.)
John Turner, age 44. (A.G. says age 25 but Roster, and Regt. Descriptive Book say age 44.) I Disability, May 24, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged May 24, 1863 for disability.)

Return to Table of Contents

List of Discharged Men (1863), Company K;

Company K

Abner R. Greenwood, Company KHollis FairbanksWilliam Raynor Warner, Company K

Sergeant Abner R. Greenwood,  Private Hollis Fairbanks, (twin brother of Henry), & Lieutenant William Raynor Warner.  Greenwood was badly wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862.  The Fairbanks boys, enlisted into the Westborough Rifles (Company K) with their father.  Joseph Fairbanks was forced to muster out in May of 1862, because of his age.  Other men who were considered too unhealthy to withstand the difficult rigors of the coming Summer campaigns were released at the same time.   Hollis, who is pictured was killed August 30, 1862 during the battle of 2nd Bull Run.  Henry was wounded at Antietam.  William Warner rose from the rank of sergeant to 1st Lieutenant and was with the regiment all 3 years.

Alden Lovell, Company K

Private Alden Lovell of Westboro. In the early days of my research on the 13th MA I visited the Westboro Historical Society, in 2001.  The docent showed me notebooks full of carefully labelled and preserved images of men from the town who served in the Volunteer Service during the war.  I found the picture of my G. G. Grandfather included in the collection.  Westboro Historical Society was only willing to share a few images with me so I chose Alden Lovell thinking he had been mentioned in my G G Grandfather's diary of 1863.  But I was mistaken it was Lyman Haskell he mentioned.  But I have Alden Lovell now, so here he is.  Its a great image all in all.

Discharged Men, Company K

Sidney Barstow, age 19. K Disability, March 27, 1863, Washington, D.C. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Boliver, So. Mountain, Antietam, Detailed at Brigade Hd. Qrs. with Genl. Hartsuff.  Discharged March 27, 1863 in Washington.)
Althamer E. Chamberlain, age 24. [extra record] K Disability, March 7, 1863, Boston, Mass.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles– Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.  Wounded at Antietam.  Discharged for disability March 7, 1863.) *See Notes.
John Copeland, age 20. (A.G. says age 18, which seems to be in-correct.) K   January 7, 1863.  (Roster says, afterwards enlited in 57th Mass. and killed at Wilderness, May, '64.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles– Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Wounded at Bull Run. Discharged at Boston, Mass., per Order of Col. Day, Surg. Gen'l. Jan. 4, 1863. Note added:  Afterwards enlisted in 57th Mass. Vols, was killed at Battle of Wilderness, May, 1864.)
  Sergeant William Cordwell, age 31. (A.G. says age 20, which is in-correct.) K For promotion, February 14, 1863, in the field.  (Roster adds, killed opposite Fredericksburg, April 30, 1863.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant.  Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg.  Promoted 2d Lieut. Feb. 14, 1863. Killed in Battle of Deep Run before Chancellorsville, April 30, 1863.( [Also listed with Officer Casualties at top of page.––B.F.]
Corporal William W. Cushman, age 20. K Disability, March 23, 1863, Newark, N.J.  (Roster adds, wounded at Bull Run.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles – Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Appointed Corporal, July 1862.  Discharged for disability Feb. 17, 1863.  Wounded at Bull Run.)
Corporal Melvin A. Davenport, age 21. K Disability, February 17, 1863, Alexandria, Va. Wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Bolivar, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.  Wounded at Antietam.  Discharged Feb. 17, 1863 for disability.  Appointed Corporal July 28, 1862.)
George R. Douglas, age 20. K Order War Department, January 29, 1863, Washington, D.C.   (Roster adds, afterward served eleven months quartermaster sergeant, Co. E, 4th H. A., M.V.M.; died April 28, '72.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Boliver.  Detailed in the Commissary of Subsistence Dept. from July 12, 1862 to time of discharge Jan. 29, 1863.)
Corporal Charles Drayton, age 18. K A.G. says, Disability, November 30, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out March 30, '63; afterwards served as lieut. 37th U.S. Colored Regiment.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam.  Appointed Corporal Sept. 12, 1862.  Discharged March 30, 1863 for disability, in Washington.)
William H. Edmands, age 25. K Disability, June 11, 1863, P'ts'h Gr've, R.I.  [Portsmouth Grove, R.I.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862.  In battle of Antietam.  Discharged June 11, 1863, for disability.)
  Henry A. Fairbanks, age 18. [picture of twin brother Hollis]
K Disability, April 23, 1863, Boston, Mass. wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam; afterwards served ninety days in 6th Unattached Company Militia.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, and badly wounded at Antietam.  Dishcarged April 23, 1863 for disability.)
Henry L. Flagg, age 31. [extra record] K Disability, February 20, 1863, Boston, Mass. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Joined Company April 1, 1862.  With Company but little.  Discharged Feb 20, 1863 for disability.) *See Notes.
  William H. Gassett, age 18. K Disability, March 23, 1863, Boston, Mass., Wounded.  (Roster adds, wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles––Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain.  Badly wounded at Antietam.  Discharged March 23, 1863 for disability.)
Sergeant Abner R. Greenwood, age 20. [picture] K Disability, October 27, 1863, Germantown, Pa.. wounded.  (Roster adds, badly wounded at Antietam.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged for wounds October 27, '63. See also V.R.C.  Letter War Dept. June 24, '67.  Mustered Out, Nov. 30, '65 from K, 13 V.R.C.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, 2d Lieutenant.  Battles–Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam, So. Mountain.  Badly wounded at Antietam, and never rejoined his Company.)
George E. Hartwell, age 38. K Disability, January 9, 1863, Boston, Mass. wounded.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged for wounds January 9, '63.]  (Note:  There are two "George E. Hartwell" listed in the roster.  The first, age 18, is in Company F.  The 2nd, age 38, is in Company K.  There was no listing in the Descriptive Book for George of Co. K.  His complete roster entry states:   age, 38; born. West Boylston, Mass.; carpenter. mustered in as priv., Co. K, Aug. 14, '62; mustered out, Jan. 9, '63; badly wounded at Antietam; residence, Westboro', Mass.)
Corporal John Jones, age 25. K Disability, January  9, 1863, Boston, Mass. wounded.  (Roster adds, afterwards 1st lieut. 6th Unattached Company, Mass. Vols, and 1st lieut., 4th H.A.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal.  Battles– Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Discharged Jan. 9, 1863 for disability.)  (Additional notes say, Afterwards received commission of 1st-Lt. in 4th MA Heavy Artillery.  Address in 1886 Eldona, Hardin County, Iowa.)
William Jones, age 28. K Naval service, November 16, 1863, in the field.  (Roster says, mustered out, Nov. 16, '63, to enlist in the U.S. Navy.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, On detached service in Gun boat Flotilla since Feb. 16, 1862.  Dropped from Company Rolls per, order War Dept. Nov. 16, 1863.  In battles of Boliver.)
Alden Lovell, age 29. [picture] K Disability, February 14, 1863, Alexandria, Va., wounded. (Roster adds, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 30, '62.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged for wounds Feb. 14, 1863.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Wounded at Bull Run.  Discharged at Convalescent Camp, Va. Feb. 14th 1863 per order Lt. Col. McElvey.)
Corporal Charles F. Parker, age 37. K Disability, April 6, 1863, Washington, D. C.  (Roster adds, also veteran of Mexican war.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal. Battles–Boliver. Gave up warrant to accept detail in hospital.  Discharged April 6, 1863 in Washington D.C. per order Genl. Martindale for disability.)  (Note adds, Address 1886 Marlboro, MA.)
Gardner R. Parker, age 24. [extra record] K Disability, April 20, 1863, Boston, Mass.  (Roster adds, wounded, Dec. 13, '62.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg.  Discharged April 20, 1863, at Boston, Mass.) (Additional note says, Address in 1886 is 40 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Mass.) *See Notes.
  Edwin Smith, age 21. K Disability, April 1, 1863. Baltimore, Md., Wounded.  (Roster adds, badly wounded on Mayland Heights [opposite Harper's Ferry], August 24, '61.  [Smith actually died from his wounds at the time of muster out, after languishing in the hospital two years. –B.F.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Badly wounded on Maryland Heights near Harpers Ferry, while on Special Duty in August 1861.  Ordered there by Col. S. H. Leonard.  Discharged April 1, 1863 at Baltimore, Md. for disability.)
William E. Shedd, age 22. K Clerkship in Adj. Gen. office, December 1, 1863, Washington, D.C. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862.  Detached at Division Head Quarters April 12,  1863.  Detached in A.G. Office, Washington, D.C. Since Sept. 4, 1863.  In Battles –Antietam, Fredericksburg.) (Added note says, Address in 1886 Appraisers Dept., Custom House, Boston.)
Horace C. Sylvester, age 20. K Clerkship in Adj. Gen. office, December 3, 1863. (Roster adds, mustered out, April I, '63; wounded at Antietam.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged December 3, 1863. order See War Dept.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862.  Wounded at Antietam.  Discharged by Special Order War Dept. 536 to date April 1, 1863.) (Additional note says, Address in 1886 Silvester, Hilton & Co. Broadway & 10th St. N.Y.)
Smith Tucker, age 34. K Disability, March 30, 1863, Philadelphia, Pa. (Roster says, March 27, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862.  In battle of Antietam, Discharged March 30, for disability.)
Sergeant William R. Warner, age 19. [picture]
K For promotion, June 30, 1863, in the field.  (Roster says, promoted to 2d-Lieutenant, May 1, '63, but Sgt. Austin Stearns reports Warner's field promotion on June 30; the A.G.'s date.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Appointed Sergeant July 16, '61.  Appointed 1st Sergeant, March 1st 1862.  Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant July 1st, 1863.  Battles–Boliver, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.  Detailed in Commissary Dept. from July 11, to October 15, 1862.  Battles –Mine Run, Wilderness &c to Petersburg.  Promoted to 1st Lieutenant March 10, 1864.)  (Added notes say, Served three years.  Address in 1886 Fall River, Mass.)
Warren W. Williams, age 21. [extra record] K Disability, January 9, 1863, Washington, D.C.  [Westborough town history says discharged in Dec., '62.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Bolver.  Taken prisoner nera Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862.  Discharged for disability Dec. 24th 1862 at General Hospital Washington.) *See Notes.

*Notes ––Of Special Interest

I found the following records of Company K Men taken from a digital book, A Record of the Soldiers of Southboro, Massachusetts.

A. E. Chamberlain

Son of Alanson and Ann Chamberlain, was born in Westboro’, July 16th, 1839, enlisted, May 7th, 1861, and was mustered into the U.S. Service, July 16th, 1861, as private in Company K, 13th Regiment Mass. Volunteers, to serve three years.

He was in the skirmishes at Harper’s Ferry, Bolivar Heights, and Falling Waters, in 1861. He was under fire at Cedar Mountain, and Rappahannock Station, and in the battles of Thoroughfare Ga, second Bull Run, Chantilly, and Antietam in 1862; he was there wounded and taken prisoner.  He was discharged for disability, March 7th, 1863.

Henry L. Flagg

Son of Leland and Betsey Flagg, was born in Hopkinton December 3d 1828; enlisted march 5th, 1862, and was mustered into the U.S. Service the same day, as private in Company K, 13th Regiment Mass. Volunteers, to serve three years.

He was under fire at Rappahannock Station, August 22d, 1862; at the battles of Thoroughfare Gap the 28th, Bull Run the 29th and 30th, Chantilly September 1st, 1862; he was there slightly wounded in the wrist, taken prisoner and paroled.  He was discharged for disability at Boston, Mass., February 20th, 1863.  He again enlisted August 9th 1864, and was mustered into the U.S. Service August 12th, 1864, and was mustered into the U.S. Service August 12th, 1864, as private in the 21st Company Unattached Heavy Artillery, for one year; was attached to the 4th Regiment in Company E, Mass. Heavy Artillery.  He was mustered out at Fort Richardson Va., June 17th, 1865, by reason of the close of the war.

Gardner Parker

Son of Reuben and Clarissa G. Parker, was born in Chelmsford April 7th, 1837; enlisted may 25th, 1861, as private in Company K, 13th Regiment Mass. Volunteers for three years.

He was in the skirmishes at Harper’s Ferry, Bolivar Heights, and Falling Waters in 1861.  He was under fire at Cedar Mountain, and Rappahannock Station, and at the battles of Thoroughfare Gap, second Bull Run, Chantilly and Antietam. “He was wounded in the finger at the battle of Fredericksburg December 13th, 1862, by the discharge of his own gun,” and was discharged for disability April 20th, 1863.

Warren W. Williams.

Son of Guilford and Mary Williams, was born in Hopkinton November 11th, 1840; enlisted may 8th, 1861, and was mustered into the U.S. Service July 16th, 1861, as private in Company K, 13th Regiment Mass. Volunteers, to serve three years.

He was in the skirmishes at Harper’s Ferry, Bolivar Heights, and Falling Waters in 1861, and under fire at Cedar mountain August 9th, Rappahannock Station August 22d, 1862, and at the battle of Thoroughfare Gap on the 28th of August.  He was wounded at the second Bull Run August 30th, 1862, and taken prisoner. He was discharged for disability December 24th, 1862.

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Adjutant General's Report; Transferred Men;

Photo Gallery; Men Transferred to Other

William Henry ForbushFrank Whitney, Company H

Private William Henry Forbush, Company K, & Private Frank Whitney, Company H.  Forbush, [spelled Furbush in the records] transferred into the regular U.S. Army Artillery while he was recovering from a gunshot wound to the left hand received at the battle of 2nd Bull Run.  He was at Broad & Cherry Streets Hospital in Philadelphia at the time.  He served out the remainder of his 3 year term with 3rd Battery C, U.S. Artitllery.  Some of his diary entries for the year 1863 are posted on this website.  Frank Whitney, like most of the soldiers on this "transferred" list, went into the Veteran Reserve Corps, which was formed for men unfit to do strenuous duty in the regular ranks, but who could still serve the cause of the Federal Forces on less active duty.

Samuel F. McIntyre, Company BJohn Collins Company KGeorge S. LeMoyne, Company C

Private Samuel F. McIntyre, Company B, Private John Collins, Company  K, & Sergeant George S. LeMoyne, Company C.  McIntyre transferred to the Invalid Corps, later changed to Veteran Reserve Corps.  I found private John Collins biography in the history of Southboro.  He was the son of Temple P., and Sally Collins, and was born in Southboro November 6th, 1843, enlisted March 19th, 1862, and was mustered into the U. S. Service the same day as private in Company K, 13th Regiment Mass. Volunteers, for three years.  He was in the battle of Fredericksburg only, as he was in the hospital most of the time.  He was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1st, 1863, and was discharge for disability, September 25th, 1865, from the 18th Company, 2d Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps.  Sergeant George LeMoyne was wounded at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862, and transferred to the V.R.C. July 1, 1863.  He mustered out of the V.R.C. with the rank of Sergeant-Major in July, 1864.

Transferred  (Co G has several Dropped men with no date).

Sergeant Samuel S. Hinckley, age 19. A Sergeant to Sergeant-Major, July 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, transferred to V.R.C., as sergt.-major, July 1, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability July '64, as Sergt. Major.  [Disch. July 20 /64 from V.R.C.] Sergt. Major July  1, 1863.]  (Regt. Descriptive Books says, Appointed Sergt. Major July 1st, '63, from 1st Sergt. Co. A, Wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1st 1863.)  (Another entry in same book says,  Priv. Promoted to Corporal, July 28th '62. Promoted to 1st Sergt. January 1st, '63.  Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. July 1st 1863. Promoted to Sergt. Major of Regt. July 1st 1863.  Battles– Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Samuel F. McIntire, age 18. [picture]
B   Veteran Reserve Corps, September 17, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. (Co. B, 21st V.R.C.) Sept. 17, '63 and discharged June 2, 1864; Experation of Service, Letter War Dept. July 1, 1876.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Transferred to Invalid Corps, Sept. 17, 1863.)
Philon C. Whiddon, age 21. B Veteran Reserve Corps, November 13, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, Dec. 11, '63;  severely wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62, and transferred to V.R.C., Oct. 21, '63;  appointed asst. surgeon U.S. Navy, Dec. 16, '63;  mustered out, Oct. 9, '65.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. Nov. 13, '63. Wounded.  Discharge by Special Order 55 Adjt. Genl's Office December 11, 1863.  See Asst. Surg. Navy Officer's Book.  War Dept. May 3, 1869.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Wounded in action at Battle of Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.  In action Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, So. Mountain.)
Francis A. Bradbury, age 24. C Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached in Invalid Corps, May 8, 1863.  Special Order 69 War Dept.)
James Kane, age 19. C Dropped from rolls, November 16, 1863.  (Roster says, transferred Feb. 17, '62 to Western flotilla.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Dropped and attached to Western Flotilla July 17, '62.  See Letter Navy Dept. April 8, 1915.  Died August 3/63.]   (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached on Western Flotilla Feb. 17, 1862.  Dropped from Rolls by instructions from War Department Nov. 16, '63.  In action at Bolver Heights, Dam 5.)
George S. LeMoyne, age 23. [picture]
C Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1863, ––wounded.  (Roster says, July 1, '63; wounded, Aug. 28, '62.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap Va. Transferred to V.R.C. July 1,1863.  Discharged from 3rd V.R.C. (as Sergeant Major) July 15, '64 –  From order.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant. Transferred to Invalid Corps July 1, 1863 Special Order 221.)
George H. Smith, age 20. C Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out as corporal, July 15, '64;  transferred to 57th V.R.C., Nov. 15, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book Says, Sent to Hospital, Washington from Berlin, Oct. 31, 1862.  Battles Boliver Heights, Dam No. 5, Cedar Mountain.)
James E. Moore, age 23.  (A.G says, James L, which is in-correct.) D Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick Aug. 18, 1862.  Detached in Invalid Corps, May 2, 1863.  In action–Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock.)
Michael F. Kelley, age 18. E  Veteran Reserve Corps, December 13, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. Dec. 13, 1863.  Discharged July 25, '64.  Experation of Service.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Missing in action July 1, 1863.  Transferred to Invalid Corps, Dec. 13, 1863.  Battles –Cedar Mt., Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Corporal Cyrus H. Brown, age 22. F  Veteran Reserve Corps, December 2, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Corporal.  Transferred to V.R.C. December 3, 1863. 101st Co, 2nd Battalion. Discharged July 15, 1864 from Discharge paper –– Letter War Dept. Dec. 9, '68.]  (No Comments recorded in Regt. Descriptive Book.)
Henry Exley, age 23. F  Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863.   (Roster says, mustered out, July 16, '64; wounded Aug. 30, '62; transferred to V.R.C., Aug., '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30th '62 Wounded in Action, "Bull Run" June 2d '63 from Absent sick to detached duty in Invalid Corps.  June 25th '63 Reduced to private not on account of any misdemeanor, but in consequence of prolonged absence and detail in Invalid Corps.  July 21 '63 from detached service to transfer to Invalid Corps. Gen'l Order No 221 War Department.)
Ledra A. Coolidge, age 24. F (Roster says, mustered in as private, Co. F, July 16, '61 mustered out as principal musician Feb., '63)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, June 26, '62, transferred to principal regimental musician to date from June, 1862 special order No. 235 June 25th––)
Augustus G. Wolcott, age 37.  (Roster says Walcott.) F  Veteran Reserve Corps, September 12, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, July 16, '64;  at Washington; was detailed as carpenter at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D.C. ) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sept. 17th, '62.  Absent sick.  January 6, '63 Detached duty in Invalid Corps, Gen'l order No. 69, War Dept.  Transferred to Invalid Corps Oct. 3d 1863.)
Thomas Brophy, age 21. G Sent to Camp Chase Ohio, General Order, 1863.  (Roster says, General Order 86, First Army Corps, '63.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Brophy was an 1863 "recruit," a resident from NY whose enlistment was attributed to Groton, Mass.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Rebel deserter sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, in compliance with General Order No. 86, 1st Army Corps, Sept. 19, 1863.)
Robert King, age 18. (Roster says age 20.) G Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.  (Roster says, mustered out, Jan. 26, '63. {The Roster seems incorrect.  In the Co. Books, John W. King, of the same city,  occupation, age, & company,  is listed as having mustered out Jan. 26. I think the Roster confused John W. with Robert King, who was wounded at Gettysburg.} [Regt. Descriptive List says, 21 year old King was a rope-maker from Lynn, Mass. who Mustered in July 10, 1861.  Transferred to V.R.C. Order War Dept. 105.  Wounded July 3, 1863. [July 1 would be correct.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mt., Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.  (Wounded.)
Hiram H. Lufler, age 21.  (A.G. says, Lafler, which is in-correct.) G Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, July 15, '64;  wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. Nov. 15, 1863, 51? Company 2nd Battalion Discharged July 15, '64.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mt., Antietam, (wounded) transferred to Invalid Corps.)
James H. Broughton, age 24. G Veteran Reserve Corps, December 29, 1863. (Roster says, mustered out, Aug. 1, '64.) [No comments on the Descriptive List.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached in Q.M. Dept. from April '62.)
Frank H. Whitney, age 17. [picture]
H Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. (Roster says, transferred to Co. A, 16th Regt., V.R.C., Dec. 1, 1863.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to Co. A, 16th V.R.C. July 1, '63.  Mustered out July 16, '64 at Experation of Service.  War Dept. Sept. 17, '68.](Regt. Descriptive Book says, Transferred to Invalid Corps July 1st 1863.)
Henry F. Pope, age 18. H Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, Transferred to V.R.C. July 1, 1863. See Letter War Dept. April 18, '67.  Transferred to Co. E, 11th V.R.C. Discharged July 18, 1864, Discharge Paper.  Mustered Out July 8, '65 at Readville, Mass.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sent to Hospital, Frederick City, Md. June 26th 1863.)
Joseph E. Butman, age 18. I Veteran Reserve Corps, September 22, 1863. [Regt. Descriptive List says, See War Dept. April 30, '88.  Transferred to V.R.C. Discharged from V.R.C. Sept. 22, 1863.  Discharged November 14 /65 from V.R.C.]  November 14, 1865.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 22d, 1863.  Battle–Boliver.)
John Collins, age 18. [picture]
K Veteran Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered out, Sept. 25, '65, Albany; transferred to 18th Co., 2d Batt., V.R.C.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Joined Company April 1, 1862.  Been with company very little since enlistment.  Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept 1, 1863.)
William H. Furbush, age 18. (Forbush; my G. G. Gandfather ––B.F.) [picture]
K Regular Army, January 15, 1863.  (Roster adds, died Jan. 18, '81.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Discharged Disability January 15, 1863 to Enlist in USA.] (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, where he was wounded, reported deserter from hospital in Phila. Aug. 16, 1863.  Was really transferred to Capt. Gibson's Battery Reg. Army.) (Additional note says, Served three years.  Died.)

Of Special Interest

The Veteran Reserve Corps, which so many men transferred into, was called at first, The Invalid Corps.  Naturally its members disliked the name of their branch of the service, and it was changed to V.R.C.  This article from the Philadelphia Press explains its purpose, and organizational structure.

Philadelphia Press, July 6, 1863



BY GENERAL ORDERS No. 105, from the War Department, authority is given for creating a military organization, to be composed of such worthy officers and soldiers as may have become disabled from wounds received in service, or from disease contracted in the line of duty, and tone called the INVALID CORPS.

As it is to be opposed of VETERANS who have become more or less crippled in the service of their country, and have produced evidence of worthiness, ITAL this will be emphatically a CORPS OF HONOR, reckoning among its numbers many of the noblest and most gallant sons of America, brave relics from every battle-field of the war, gathered under the fostering protection of a grateful Government.

It is to be NATIONAL in its character, having no reference to States; hence an applicant, furnishing the necessary qualifications, may be received by any provost marshal appointed under the enrollment act, whether in his own or in another State.

Its officers and men will be designated, as a mark of distinction, by a uniform peculiar to themselves, and their duties will be such home service as they may be capable of performing, thus relieving many thousands of able-bodied troops whose services are needed in the field.

One office has been open for a few weeks, for the enlistment of invalid discharged soldiers, at No. 808 Lombard street, Philadelphia.  This is now closed, and another opened at 243 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, adjoining the office of Captain LEHMAN, Provost marshal of the First Congressional District.

A camp has been opened new Harrisburg for the reception of all recruits for this corps enlisted in this State, where comfortable quarters are furnished, and the recruits uniformed armed, and equipped. The following information concerning this corps is published by the War Department, viz:

“The term of enlistment in the Invalid Corps shall be three years, unless sooner discharged. It is further announced that no officer or enlisted man shall be entitled to or receive any pension, premium, or bounty, for enlistment of re-enlistment, or service in the Invalid Corps.  Claims for pensions or bounties, which may be due for previous service, will not be invalidated by enlistment in the Invalid Corps; but no pensions can be drawn, or accrue to the benefit of any man, during his service in said corps. The officers and men will be organized into companies of infantry, of the same strength as is now authorized by law for the United States Infantry.

“The officers and enlisted men will receive the same pay and allowances now authorized by law for the same United States Infantry, and will be paid in the same manner.

“Men enlisted in, or transferred to, the Invalid Corps will be subject to the Articles of War,  Army Regulations &c., the same as other soldiers, and will be required to perform all duties within the limit of their physical capacity, as laid down in the Rules and Regulation for that corps; but for the convenience of service they will be selected for three grades of duty.  Those who are most efficient and able bodied, and capable of using the musket and performing guard duty, light marches, &c., will be assigned to companies of the 1st Battalion.  Those of the next degree of physical efficiency, including all who have lost a hand or an arm, to the companies of the 2d Battalion.  Those who are the least effective, and including all who have lost a foot or a leg to the companies of the 3d Battalion.

“Companies of the 1st Battalion will be employed mainly as provost guards and garrisons for cities, but may be assigned to forts, field works, and railroads near the cities and other important points.  They will be armed with muskets, and will  not be liable to active campaigns with the field armies.

“Companies of the 2d Battalion will be armed with side-arms only, and will be employed as guards of buildings, hospitals, &c., and will have companies of the 1st Battalion on duty with them when the use of fire-arms may be necessary.

“The companies of the 3d Battalion will be armed with side-arms, like the 2d Battalion, and will be employed in hospitals as cooks, nurses, ward masters, clerks, orderlies, &c., &c.; the officers of these companies doing the duties military assistants at he hospitals.”

For further information, discharged soldiers are invited to call at 243 South THIRD Street, or at the office of any provost marshal acting under authority of the enrollment act.

        Major 1st Penn’a Artillery and
        Sup’t R.S. Invalid Corps for Phila.

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Adjutant General's Report: Men Who Died, 1863

Name spelling varies sometimes greatly between the Adjutant General's Report and the Regimental History.  There are also many discepancies between the two, for middle initials such as when an N is printed as an H or W; B is printed K; H is printed M; etc.  I have given preference to the names as they are listed in the regimental history, Three Years in the Army which closely followed the original Regimental Books. — B.F.

Picture Gallery;  Men who Died

Charles Leland, Company BCharles Clement, Company CJohn Fly at Williamsport 1861

Charles Leland, Company B, Charles Clement, Company C, John Fly, Company K.  Corporal Clement part of the Color Guard...died of a chest wound Sept. 30, 1863 at Letterman Hospital, Gettysburg.

Edwin Field, Company BRoland Morris Company CHerschel Sanborn

Edwin Field, Company B, Roland Morris, Company C, Herschel Sanborn, Company G.

Men Killed

Amos H. Bronsdon, age 38. A Died of wounds, January 19, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered in Aug. 6, '62;  died, Jan. 20, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Died January 19th 1863 at Pratts Landing, Va., disease.  Battles, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg.)
John Allen, age 28. A Died of wounds, October 15, 1863.  (Roster says mustered in July 27, '63, died Oct. 15, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Died of disease, October 15, 1863.) [Recruit of '63.–B.F.]
John F. Weldon, age 19. A Died of wounds, December 16, 1863.  (Roster adds, died of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 1, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Missing in Action at Bull Run Aug. 30th '62.  Returned for duty Dec. 8th '62.  Wounded in Action at Gettysburg Pa. July 1st, 1863.  Died of wounds December 16, '63. Battles: Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Edwin Field, age 20.  [picture] B Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Detached on Brigade Cattle Guard from June 1, 1862 to April 2d 1863.  Special Order No. 59.  Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.)
Charles E. Leland, age 18.  [picture] B Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. In action – Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Rappahannock, Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
William A. Bail, age 19.  (A.G. says Bait, which is in-correct.) B Died in Washington, D. C., January 11, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick at Hospital, Washington, Jan. 3, 1863.  Died Jan. 11, 1863 of Typhoid fever.)
George Burns, age 21. B Died in Richmond, Va., December, 1863.  (Roster adds, mustered in July 28, '63; died December, '63, Belle Isle, while prisoner of war.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Deserter, Died Richmond, Va., December, 1863.) [Recruit of '63– B.F.]
Corporal Charles A. Clement, age 21.  [picture] C Died of wounds, July 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, died of wounds, Sept. 30, '63;  wounded at Gettysburg.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1st, 1862.  Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.  died of wounds received, Sept. 30, 1863.)
John S. Fiske, age 23. C Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private. Wounded at Gettysburg July 1st, 1863. Died of wounds received July 1, 1863. In action –Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Corporal Roland B. Morris, age 22.  [picture] C Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.  (Roster adds, Color Sergeant when killed.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1st 1862.  Appointed Color Sergeant February, 1863.  Died frrom  wounds received while carrying the colors at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st, 1863.)
James H. Stetson, age 19. C Killed at Gettysburg, Pa.. July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Reported Missing in action July 1, 1863, since died July 3d from wounds rec'd in action at Gettysburg.  In action Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg.)
Corporal Gilbert H. Greenwood, age 23. D Died of wounds May 10, 1863.  *See note.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Nov. 27, 1861 Detached.  Dec. 9th 1861 for duty.  May 15, '63 wounded near Chancellorsville, died at Douglas Hospital, Washington May 16, 1863.  In action – Falling Waters, Cedar Moutain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare  Gap, Bull Run, Chantilly, So. Mountain Anteitam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.  Died from wounds May 10, 1863.) [Greenwood's medical case is posted on the next page of this website.]
Sergeant Joseph K. Kelly, age 21. D Died of disease, September 15, 1863.  (Roster adds, died Sept. 18, '63, of fever, at Armory Hospital, Washington, D.C.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal.  died in Armory Hospital Washington, Sept. 18, 1863.  In action ––Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Chantilly, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
George S. Wise, age 20. D Died of wounds July 12, 1863. (Roster adds, wounds received at Gettysburg.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Died of wounds, July 12, 1863, received at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1st 1863.  In action–Falling Waters, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Chantilly, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Sergeant Edgar A. Fiske, age 25. E Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 23, 1863. (Roster says, killed July, 1863.)  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Sergeant. Killed in Action July 3, 1863. (July 3 is frequently entered erroniously in the Descriptive books, as the date of the battle, when July 1 is correct.) Pension 20654.] [Pension filed by his Mother, Oct. 26, 1863. –B.F.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.  Died July 2d 1863 of wounds received at Battle of Gettysburg July 1, 1863.  Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant.) *See notes.
Edward Church, age 28. E Killed at Gettysburg, Pa.  (Roster says mustered in, July 16, '61; promoted to sergeant; killed July 3, '63. [July 1st is correct.]) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battles–Cedar Mt., Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville, So. Mountain, Gettysburg.  Killed at Gettysburg battle July 1, 1863.)
George A. Atkinson, age 25. F Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Killed in Action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st 1863. Battles, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Corporal Herschel A. Sanborn, age 22.  [picture] G Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.  Corporal.  Battles –Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg.)
John M. Brock, age 23. H Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, Aug. 30th '62, rejoined his company January 1st, 1863.  Was engaged in the following Battles, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62.  Rappahannock Station Aug. 23d '62. Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28th '62. Chancellorsville May 1st '63, Was Killed while engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1st 1863.)
Sylvester A. Hayes, age 35. H Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Killed in Action at Gettysburg Pa., July 1st 1863.)
Corporal Prince A. Dunton, age 22. H Died of wounds, July 1, 1863. (Roster says, Died of wounds received July 1, 1863.)  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal April 28th 1863.  Was engaged in the follwing battles, South Mountain Sept. 14th '62. Antietam Sept. 17th '62.  Fredericksburg Nov. 15th '62 [Dec. 13th is correct.] Chancellorsville,  May 1st 1863.  Was killed at the battle of Gettysburg July 1st 1863.
Sergeant William H. Gage, age 23. H Died of wounds, August 20, 1863, Baltimore, Md.  (Roster says, died at Baltimore of wounds received July 1, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Promoted to Corporal Dec. 6th '62.  Promoted to Sergeant April 1st 1863. Was at the following engagements, Cedar Mountain Aug. 9th '62,  Rappahannock Station Aug. 23d '62, Thoroughfare Gap Aug. 28th '62, Bull Run Aug. 30th '62,  Chantilly Sept. 2d '62, South Mountain Sept. 14th '62, Antietam Sept. 17th '62,  Fredericksburg Nov. 15th '62 [Dec. 13th is correct.] Chancellorsville May 1st '63, and was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg July 1st 1863.  died in Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Aug. 20, 1863.)
Corporal John M. Russell, age 20.   (A.G. says, John M. Burrell which is in-correct.) I Gettysburg, Pa. July 1, 1863. (Roster says, mustered in as priv., Co. I, July 16, '61;  killed, July 1, '63; promoted to corporal.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Corporal, Killed in action at Gettysburg July 1, 1863.  Battles– Boliver, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Charles W. Andrews, age 19. I Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Killed in action at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863.  Battles–Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Charles Stone, age 19. I Died of wounds, July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.  (Roster adds, wounded July 1, '63 at Gettysburg; died of wounds, Oct. 4, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Died of wounds received in action at Gettysburg Pa.,  Oct. 8, 1863.  Battles – Boliver, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.)
Sergeant Benjamin F. Russell, age 23.  (A.G. says, Benjamin H. Burrell, which is in-correct.) I Died October 25, 1863, at Washington, D.C.  (Roster adds, mustered in as Priv., Co. I, July 16, '62; promoted to sergt.; wounded Sept. 17, '62; died Oct. 25, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Died of disease at Lincoln Hospital Washington October 25, 1863. Sergeant. Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap,  South Mountain, Antietam, Bull-Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.  Wounded in thigh at Antietam.  (Additional note says, Died in Hospital.)) [After Russell's death, his surgeon did an autopsy which is recorded in the Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. Its mentioned on the next page with Gilbert Greenwood's case.]
Sergeant Willard Wheeler, age 25. K Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.  Roster adds, Appointed Sergeant, March 1, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sergeant.  Killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa. July 1, 1863.  Battles –Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Appointed Corporal Sept. 12, 1862. Appointed Sergeant March 1, 1863.) [Sgt. Austin Stearns gives a vivid account of Wheeler's death in his memoirs.––B.F.]
Horatio A. Cutting, age 44. K Died of wounds July 22, 1863, Fort Schuyler, N.Y.  (Roster adds, died of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 22, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Died July 22d, 1863 at Fort Schuyler N.Y. of wounds rec'd at Gettysburg.  Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862. Battles – Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, wounded at Gettysburg.)
  John Fly, age 29.  [picture] [Listed as Flye, but he signed his name, Fly.] K Died of wounds July 26, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  died July 26, 1863 at Gettysburg of wounds received at battle of Gettysburg. Battles ––Boliver, Gettysburg, Badly wounded at Gettysburg July 1, 1863.   Detached from Company for a long time as blacksmith at Brigade Head Quarters.)
  Frank A. Gould, age 20.
K Died of wounds July 14, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private.  Died July 14, 1863 of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa.  Battles–Boliver, Gettysburg.) [Frank's death is detailed on the next page of this site.]
  Michael O'Laughlin, age 18. K Died of wounds October 8, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Died of wounds received July 1, 1863, at Gettysburg, Oct. 8, 1863.  Battles ––Boliver, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run, So. Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Badly wounded at Gettysburg.  July 1, 1863, and died Oct. 18, 1863.)
George E. Sprague, age 27. K Died of wounds, July 15, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private. died July 15, 1863 of wounds rec'd at battle of Gettysburg.  Battles–Boliver, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.) [Sprague's death is detailed on the following page of this webiste.]

        Corporal Gilbert Greenwood, The record above is correct, whereas the Regimental History is incorrect in listing Greenwood killed in the Wilderness, suggesting he may have died at the Battle of the Wilderness a year later.  But Chancellorsville was also fought in the area of Virginia known as "the Wilderness" whereby the confusion comes into play.  Greenwood was also wounded at Antietam. His medical case is posted on the next page.)

Sergeant Edgar A. Fiske, Company E,  is listed killed at Gettysburg but dates vary.  Some entries in the Descriptive List consistently list the dates for the battles of Gettysburg in-correctly as July 3d 1863, which seems to be the fact in this case. The Regimental Roster does not list a specific date of death for Sergeant Fiske, just, "July, 1863."  The 1865 Adjutant General's Report says Fiske died July 23rd, 1863.  The Regiment Descriptive Book says he died July 2nd.

The Adjutant General's Report lists a man in Company G, named James H. Oyer age 18.  The record says: "Died. Dropped by order Regimental Commander."  I haven't found a reference to him anyplace else.

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Adjutant General's Report; Missing, Deserted & Dropped. 1863

Deserted & Dropped

Many times sloppy record keeping caused a soldier to be put on the deserted list.  If they did not take the time to correct their record the error remained on the books and was perpetuated in the regimental history.  In order to give a soldier on this list the benefit of the doubt, I checked all the field records and looked to see if they filed for a pension.  This does not clear them of the charge, but it  suggests that their service may have been honorable.  However, in one case not listed here, I know for a certainty the soldier in question, Walter S.C. Heath, Company K, who filed for a pension, was a deserter, and a scammer.

Deserted & Dropped

The drafted "Recruits" of 1863 are well represented on this chart.   Soldiers with an asterisk* filed for a pension.  I  did not consult the descriptive books for records of the "recruits of '63" as most of them deserted as soon as they got the chance. These would be the men who deserted between August and December, 1863.

William J. Kerrigan, age 22. A August 1, 1863, from Hospital. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Private, Missing in Action at Bull Run Aug. 30th 1862.  Rec'd notice of his leaving drawn clothing in April 1863.  Reported a deserter Aug. 1st 1863. Battles Thoroughfare Gap. (Although Kerrigan was an original member of the regtiment.  He did not file for a pension.)
George Edler, age 28. A Oct. 23, 1863, Centreville, Va.
Charles Earle, age 29. A Nov. 16, 1863,  Morrisville, Va.
Charles W. H. Senter, age 23. A Dropped, July 1,1864 said to be Asst. Engineer in Navy.  [Roster says Mustered out April 21, 1863 to accept appointment in the navy.  Appointed 3d Assistant Engineer. Drowned while at his post on duty on the U.S.S. "Oneida," January 24, 1870 in the China Sea.]
John Alcock, age 22. B August 20, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
William Buck, age 27. B August 20, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
John Casey, age 22. B August 20, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
John Hart, age 26. B August 20, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
George Larkin, age 34. (Roster says age 30.) B August 20, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Michael McKenzie, age 24. B September 21, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Walter Lawrence, age 22. B November 14, 1863, while on a march.
John C. Collins, age 25. B November 26, 1863 at Licking Creek, Va.
Thomas Hanson, age 27. B November 26, 1863 at Licking Creek, Va.
Charles Hawkins, age 29. (A.G. says age 39, which is in-correct.) B November 28, 1863 while on a march.
*William P. Gifford, age 39. B December 1, 1863 while on a march. [*William Gifford applied for a pension.]
James Cushman, age 21. B December 1, 1863 while on a march.
James O'Leary, age 40.  (Roster says, James O. Leary.) B December 1, 1863 while on a march.
John Brackett, age 24.  C August 21, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Thomas Barkley, age 21. C August 16, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Ebenezer Benson, age 24. C August 16, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
George B. Boyle, age 25.
C September 17, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
John Boyle, age 22. C August 16, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Francis Brown, age 24. C August 16, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
John Costin, age 22. C May 6, 1863, Falmouth, Va. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Deserted May 6th 1863 near Falmouth, Va. last heard from near Fletcher's Chapel, Va. In action, Boliver Heights, Dam 5, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.) [Costin was an original member of the regiment.  He did not file for a pension.]
John Haggerty, age 22. C August 16, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
William Henschel, age 32. C November 26, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Charles Hill, age 25. C September 17, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Charles Muller, age 29. C November 26, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Dennis Ryan, age 28. C August 27, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Marshall N. Smith, age 21. C February 16, 1863, Fletcher's Chapel, Va.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Discharged Special Order No. 340 War Dept. July 31, 1863.  In action Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.  Slightly wounded at Bull Run.)
Louis Belond, age 25. (A.G. says Beline which is in-correct.) D Deserted August 17, 1863.
John Brown, age 22. D Deserted November 26, 1863.
Charles Callioux, age 27. D Deserted August 21, 1863.
John Hardy, age 22. D Deserted August 17, 1863.
James Harris, age 21.  (A.G. says Hines, which is in-correct.) D Deserted August 17, 1863.
August Stein, age 33.  (A.G. says Steim, which is in-correct.) D Deserted Aug. 16, 1863.
James Currie, age 21.  (A.G. says, James Currier, which is in-correct.) E August 17, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Martin Higgins, age 21.  (A.G. says Higgans, which is in-correct.) E October 22, 1863, at Thoroughfare Gap, Va.
Charles Forrest, age 22. (A.G. says age 21. Roster says Co. C, which is in-correct.)  [Regt. Descriptive Book says age 22, Company E.] E  October 22, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Charles Riecke, age 33.  (A.G. says, Rieche, which is in-correct.) E September 17, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Edward Carbeau , age 30.  (A.G. says, Corbean, which is in-correct.) E December 20, 1863, on march to Mine Run.  [Regt. Descriptive Book says, Substitute for A. A. Cook, Deserted December 20, 1863.]
Charles Hayes, age 21. E November 28, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
William Johnson, age 23. E November 21, 1863, on the march.
Jacob Schwartz, age 28. E  August 30, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.  (Roster adds, arrested and transferred to 39th Mass.)
William Wilson, age 21. E November 21, 1863, on the march.
Charles Fischer, age 26. F November 5, 1863, Catlett's Station, Va.
Charles Moran, age 26. F August 8, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Henry O'Neil, age 24. F November 5, 1863, Catlett's Station, Va.
Moses E. Stone, age 20. F June 13, 1863, Falmouth, Va.  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30th, '62, Absent without leave. Sept. 6, '62 returned to duty,  January 24th '63 Deserted.  February 8, 1863,  Returned under guard. April 15th from Arrest to duty ––Not in action at Bull  Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, or Chancellorsville.  June 13th '63 "Deserted."
Thomas Sullivan, age 26. F November 28, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Jacob Schneider, age 26. F August 20, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Perry Seymore, age 22. F November 21, 1863, Warrenton Junction, Va.
George Waterman, age 23. F November 5, 1863, at Catlett's Station, Va.
*Sidney A. Brigham, age 20. F Dropped January, 1863.  (Roster says, mustered out, Feb. 14, '63; taken prisoner, Aug. 30, '62, but parolled in three days.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Aug. 30, '62 Missing in Action battle of Bull Run.  Sept. 1862 at Parole Camp, Columbus, Ohio.  Dropped from the Roll January 1863.  Battles, Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Bull Run.) [*Sidney Brigham applied for a pension.]
Joseph Brown, age 23. G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
George Forke, age 25. (A.G. says, Foske, which is in-correct.) G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Michael Lynch, age 21.  [There was a good soldier in Co. K, with the same name.––B.F.] G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Zephraim Mier, age 27. G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
William Ort, age 24. G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Louis Schultze, age 38.  (A.G. says Lewis Schufley, which is in-correct.) G September 17, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
George Smith, age 22. G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Henry Stoldt, age 27. G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
*Horace E. Stone, age 18. G Dropped by Order Regiment Commander, January 3, 1863. (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Absent sick since October 31, 1862.) [His widow applied for a pension.]
Frederick Velley, age 22.  (A.G. says, Henry Veley, which is in-correct.) G August 19, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
*Henry F. Moore, age 23. H Deserted Sept. 1, 1862;  returned, April 1864.  (Roster says, mustered out Aug. 1, '64.) [Alternate 1864 A.G. Entry says, deserted July 1, 1863.  Town of Sudbury Record of Soldiers says, Mustered out, August 1, 1864.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Reported a deserter Sept 1st '62, rejoined his company March 19th '63–again reported as deserter July 1st 1863.  1877 wants pension for a [illegible] )  [*Henry F. Moore applied for a pension.]
*Sergeant Dana F. Dutton, age 29. H Joined from Desertion, October 8, 1863.  Deserted Aug. 2, 1861; arrested Sept. 10, 1863.  Sent back to make up time.  [Regt. Descriptive List says, Deserted Aug. 2, 1861.  Returned October 8, 1863.  Sentenced by General Court Marshal to make good lost time.  Transferred to 39th MA, July 14, 1864.]  (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Deserted Aug. 2nd 1861.  Returned to Regiment by Provost Marshal of Massachusetts Oct. 6, 1863, returned to duty Oct. 22, 1863.  Placed under arrest Oct. 29, 1863.) [*Dana Dutton applied for an invalid pension.]
Lewis Ulrick, age 30. (A.G. says, Ulric which is in-correct.) H August 18, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Thomas Sullivan, age 21. H August 17, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va. [Regt. Descriptive Book says, Deserter, "Provost Marshal Roll" August 17, 1863.]  (There are 4 Thomas Sullivan's in the roster.)
Henry H. Steele, age 26. H August 17, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Michael Fitzpatrick, age 21. H August 17, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
George Schwartz, age 26. H August 17, 1863, at Rappahannock Station, Va.  Arrested and sent to Florida.  (Roster says deceased, April 21, '64.  This could be date of discharge rather than date of death.)  [Regt. Descriptive Book says, Sub.  Deserted. Sentenced by General Court-Martial to Tortugas, April 21, 1864 Dishonorable Discharge, War Dept. May 9, 1864.]
Napoleon B. Fellows, age 39. H July 23, 1863, from McDougal Hospital.  (Roster says, mustered out Feb. 13, '65.) [Regt. Descriptive List says, Dishonorable Discharge, February 13, '65. Has been a Deserter.]
*Simon Woods, age 23.  (A.G. says, Samuel Wood, which is in-correct.) H October 8, 1863, Bristoe Station, Va. [*Simon Woods applied for a pension, alias Adolph Cohn.]
John White, age 21. H November 25, 1863, from Rappahannock Station, Va.
Jacob Winters, age 27. H November 25, 1863, from Rappahannock Station, Va.
Thomas Smith, 1st, age 38. H December 17, 1863, Kelly's Ford, Va.
Thomas Smith, 2nd, age 20. H August 17, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Frank W. Hastings, age 21. I September 28, 1863. (Mustered in, July 16, '61.) [Regt. Descriptive List says Deserted September 28, '63.]
Henry J. Callahan, age 23. I April 23, 1863, at Frederick, Md.  (Mustered in, July 1, '61.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Deserted April 23, 1863 from Hospital at Frederick, Md.  Battles––Bolivar, Bull Run.)  Additional note says:  (Changed name killed in Maryland Regt.).
John Smith, age 29.  (Roster says, age 27.) [Regt. Decriptive Book says age 28.  There are 3 John Smith's listed in a row.] I August 18, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.  (Roster says, Aug. 16, '63.)
John Quinn, age 28.  (A.G. says Gwinn.) I August 18, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
John Thompson, age 21. I August 18, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.  (Roster says Aug. 16. '63.)  [In the Regt Descriptive Book, the original entry for John Thompson, age 21, Company I has been altered. The words "Deserter, August 16, 1863"  are crossed out and written in pencil: "Unofficial Died September 5, 1864, Andersonville, Ga., Grave No. 7872."]
John W. McFarland, age 20. I August 18, 1863 at Rappahannock Station, Va.
James Sweeney, age 22. I September 21, at Rappahannock Station Va.
James W. Thompson, age 27. I August 16, at Rappahannock Station, Va.
Frank Mauvris, age 27.  (A.G. says, Manvers, which is in-correct.) K In prison for desertion. (Roster adds, mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 28, '63; deserted, Aug. 22, '63; arrested and sent to Tortugas; dropped from rolls.)
John Williams, age 32. K In prison for desertion.  (Roster adds, mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 29, '63; deserted, Aug. 22, '63; arrested and sent to Tortugas; dropped from rolls.)
Josiah Gleason, age 37. K No record of muster.
James E.  Bradford, age  21. K March 2, 1863, did not return from furlough.  (Roster says, mustered in as priv., Co. K, July 16, '61; reported deserted, March 2, '63; not retruning from furlough; served as company musician.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says, Battle of Boliver.  Detailed as Company musician.  Deserted March 2, 1863, not reporting from Furlough.)
Charles Blucher, age 20. K September 19, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
*Warren W. Day, age 23. K August 16, 1863, Washington, D. C.  (Roster says, deserted, Aug. 16, '63, from hospital in Washington, D. C.  13th Regt. Assoc. Circular #8, Dec. 1895, says Charge of desertion removed. The circumstances bringing about this charge grew out of the fact that on the 30th of August, 1862, while with the Thirteenth, he was wounded and sent to the hospital.   Disastisfied with his treatment at the hospital, he made application to be sent to his regiment, but his request was refused; whereupon he left the hospital without leave and returned to his home in Massachusetts.  He subsequently enlisted in the First N.H. Heavy Artillery, from which regiment he was honorably discharged at the expiration of the war.  He now draws a pension on account of the wound he received while with the 13th.)  [*Private Day had a good record.  He filed for a pension.]
Otis Drayton, age 18. K November 19, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa.  (Roster says mustered in as priv. Co. K, Aug. 17, '62; never rejoined regiment after being ordered to it, from hospital;  deserted Nov. 19, '63.) (Regt. Descriptive Book says Joined Company Sept. 11, 1862.  Battles –Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg.  Deserted after being ordered to join his Regient by the Surgeon in charge of the hospital of which he was a member at Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 63.)
James Miller, age 24. K Deserted September 19, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Thomas Murray, age 22. K Deserted November 25, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Joseph Palmer, age 25. K Deserted October 28, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Robert Rapp, age 28. K Deserted October 24, 1863, Thoroughfare Gap, Va.
John Rodgers, age 20. K Deserted December 17, 1863, Kelly's Ford.
Thomas Rodgers, age 29. K Deserted August 22, 1863, Rappahannock Staton, Va.
Frank Smith, age 22. K Deserted November 25, 1863, Rappahannock Station, Va.
Edward Treatast, age 30.  (A.G. says, Teordast.)  [This is the most likely candidate for Austin Stearns' "Frenchy" the great singer, described in his memoirs.] K Deserted October 19, 1863, near Bull Run, Va.
Louis Van Dorne, age 26. (Roster says Louis Vandoine; A.G. says, Lewis Vandome.) [I have selected the name from the Original Descriptive Book, Louis Van Dorne. ––B.F.] K Deserted October 24, 1863, Thoroughfare Gap, Va.

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" Captain George Bush, and Lieutenant William Cordwell  were killed, and Sergeant J. S. Fay, of the same company, lost his right leg and arm."